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The history of star formation and mass assembly in early-type galaxies

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 Added by Marcel Clemens
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We define a volume limited sample of over 14,000 early-type galaxies (ETGs) selected from data release six of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The density of environment of each galaxy is robustly measured. By comparing narrow band spectral line indices with recent models of simple stellar populations (SSPs) we investigate trends in the star formation history as a function of galaxy mass (velocity dispersion), density of environment and galactic radius. We find that age, metallicity and alpha-enhancement all increase with galaxy mass and that field ETGs are younger than their cluster counterparts by ~2 Gyr. We find negative radial metallicity gradients for all masses and environments, and positive radial age gradients for ETGs with velocity dispersion over 180 km/s. Our results are qualitatively consistent with a relatively simple picture for ETG evolution in which the low-mass halos accreted by a proto-ETG contained not only gas but also a stellar population. This fossil population is preferentially found at large radii in massive ETGs because the stellar accretions were dissipationless. We estimate that the typical, massive ETG should have been assembled at z < 3.5. The process is similar in the cluster and the field but occurred earlier in dense environments.

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Using the third data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) we have rigorously defined a volume limited sample of early-type galaxies in the redshift range z < 0.1. We have defined the density of the local environment for each galaxy using a method which takes account of the redshift bias introduced by survey boundaries if traditional methods are used. At luminosities greater than our absolute r-band magnitude cutoff of -20.45 the mean density of environment shows no trend with redshift. We calculate the Lick indices for the entire sample and correct for aperture effects and velocity dispersion in a model independent way. Although we find no dependence of redshift or luminosity with environment we do find that the mean velocity dispersion, sigma, of early-type galaxies in dense environments tends to be higher than in low density environments. Taking account of this effect we find that several indices show small but very significant trends with environment that are not the result of the correlation between indices and velocity dispersion. The statistical significance of the data is sufficiently high to reveal that models accounting only for alpha-enhancement struggle to produce a consistent picture of age and metallicity of the sample galaxies, whereas a model that also includes carbon enhancement fares much better. We find that early-type galaxies in the field are younger than those in environments typical of clusters but that neither metallicity, alpha-enhancement nor carbon enhancement are influenced by the environment. The youngest early-type galaxies in both field and cluster environments are those with the lowest sigma. However, there is some evidence that the objects with the largest sigma are slightly younger, especially in denser environments.
We investigate the influence of the initial proto-galaxies over-densities and masses on their evolution, to understand whether the internal properties of the proto-galactic haloes are sufficient to account for the varied properties of the galactic populations. By means of fully hydrodynamical N-body simulations performed with the code EvoL we produce twelve self-similar models of early-type galaxies of different initial masses and over-densities, following their evolution from z geq 20 down to z leq 1. The simulations include radiative cooling, star formation, stellar energy feedback, a reionizing photoheating background, and chemical enrichment of the ISM. We find a strong correlation between the initial properties of the proto-haloes and their star formation histories. Massive (10^13Modot) haloes experience a single, intense burst of star formation (with rates geq 10^3Modot/yr) at early epochs, consistently with observations, with a less pronounced dependence on the initial over-density; intermediate mass (10^11Modot) haloes histories strongly depend on their initial over-density, whereas small (10^9Modot) haloes always have fragmented histories, resulting in multiple stellar populations, due to the galactic breathing phenomenon. The galaxy models have morphological, structural and photometric properties comparable to real galaxies, often closely matching the observed data; even though some disagreement is still there, likely a consequence of some numerical choices. We conclude that internal properties are essentially sufficient to explain many of the observed features of early type galaxies, particularly the complicated and different star formation histories shown by haloes of very different mass. In this picture, nature seems to play the dominant role, whereas nurture has a secondary importance.
We present a two-pronged approach to the formation of early-type galaxies, using a sample of 18 galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1 from the HST/ACS Ultra Deep Field and GRAPES surveys: 1) We combine slitless low resolution spectroscopy from the GRAPES dataset with simple models of galaxy formation to explore their star formation histories. 2) We also perform an analysis of their surface brightness distribution with the unprecedented details provided by the ACS superb angular resolution and photometric depth. Our spectroscopic analysis reveals that their stellar populations are rather homogeneous in age and metallicity and formed at redshifts z ~ 2-5. Evolving them passively, they become practically indistinguishable from ellipticals at z = 0. Also, their isophotal shapes appear very similar to those observed for nearby ellipticals, in that the percentages of disky and boxy galaxies at z ~ 1 are close to the values measured at z = 0. Moreover,we find that the isophotal structure of z ~ 1 early-type galaxies obeys the correlations already observed among nearby ellipticals, i.e. disky ellipticals have generally higher characteristic ellipticities, and boxy ellipticals have larger half-light radii and are brighter in the restframe B band. In this respect then, no significant structural differences are seen for ellipticals between z = 0 and 1.
The combination of huge databases of galaxy spectra and advances in evolutionary synthesis models in the past few years has renewed interest in an old question: How to estimate the star formation history of a galaxy out of its integrated spectrum? Fresh approaches to this classical problem are making it possible to extract the best of both worlds, producing exquisite pixel-by-pixel fits to galaxy spectra with state-of-the-art stellar population models while at the same time exploring the fabulous statistics of mega-surveys to derive the star-formation and chemical enrichment histories of different types of galaxies with an unprecedented level of detail. This review covers some of these recent advances, focusing on results for late-type, star-forming galaxies, and outlines some of the issues which will keep us busy in the coming years.
371 - P. Santini 2009
We study the star formation and the mass assembly process of 0.3<=z<2.5 galaxies using their IR emission from MIPS 24um band. We used an updated version of the GOODS-MUSIC catalog, extended by the addition of mid-IR fluxes. We compared two different estimators of the Star Formation Rate: the total infrared emission derived from 24um, estimated using both synthetic and empirical IR templates, and the multiwavelength fit to the full galaxy SED. For both estimates, we computed the SFR Density and the Specific SFR. The two SFR tracers are roughly consistent, given the uncertainties involved. However, they show a systematic trend, IR-based estimates exceeding the fit-based ones as the SFR increases. We show that: a) at z>0.3, the SFR is well correlated with stellar mass, and this relationship seems to steepen with redshift (using IR-based SFRs); b) the contribution to the global SFRD by massive galaxies increases with redshift up to ~2.5, more rapidly than for galaxies of lower mass, but appears to flatten at higher z; c) despite this increase, the most important contributors to the SFRD at any z are galaxies of about, or immediately lower than, the characteristic stellar mass; d) at z~2, massive galaxies are actively star-forming, with a median SFR 300 Msun/yr. During this epoch, they assemble a substantial part of their final stellar mass; e) the SSFR shows a clear bimodal distribution. The analysis of the SFRD and the SSFR seems to support the downsizing scenario, according to which high mass galaxies have formed their stars earlier and faster than their low mass counterparts. A comparison with theoretical models indicates that they follow the global increase in the SSFR with redshift and predict the existence of quiescent galaxies even at z>1.5, but they systematically underpredict the average SSFR.
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