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Probing Intergalactic Magnetic Fields in the GLAST Era through Pair Echo Emission from TeV Blazars

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 Added by Kohta Murase
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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More than a dozen blazars are known to be emitters of multi-TeV gamma rays, often with strong and rapid flaring activity. By interacting with photons of the cosmic microwave and infrared backgrounds, these gamma rays inevitably produce electron-positron pairs, which in turn radiate secondary inverse Compton gamma rays in the GeV-TeV range with a characteristic time delay that depends on the properties of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF). For sufficiently weak IGMF, such pair echo emission may be detectable by the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), providing valuable information on the IGMF. We perform detailed calculations of the time-dependent spectra of pair echos from flaring TeV blazars such as Mrk 501 and PKS 2155-304, taking proper account of the echo geometry and other crucial effects. In some cases, the presence of a weak but non-zero IGMF may enhance the detectability of echos. We discuss the quantitative constraints that can be imposed on the IGMF from GLAST observations, including the case of non-detections.

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75 - Z.G. Dai , B. Zhang , L.J. Gou 2002
Several high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects such as Mrk 501 are strong TeV emitters. However, a significant fraction of the TeV gamma rays emitted are likely to be absorbed in interactions with the diffuse IR background, yielding electron-positron pairs. Hence, the observed TeV spectrum must be steeper than the intrinsic one. Using the recently derived intrinsic $gamma$-ray spectrum of Mrk 501 during its 1997 high state, we study the inverse-Compton scattering of cosmic microwave photons by the resulting electron-positron pairs, which implies the existence of a hitherto undiscovered GeV emission. The typical duration of the GeV emission is determined by the flaring activity time and the energy-dependent magnetic deflection time. We numerically calculate the scattered photon spectrum for different intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) strengths, and find a spectral turnover and flare duration at GeV energies which are dependent on the field strength. We also estimate the scattered photon flux in the quiescent state of Mrk 501. The GeV flux levels predicted are consistent with existing EGRET upper limits, and should be detectable above the synchrotron -- self Compton (SSC) component with the {em Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope} ({em GLAST}) for IGMFs $lesssim 10^{-16}$ G, as expected in voids. Such detections would provide constraints on the strength of weak IGMFs.
The synergy of GLAST and the proposed EXIST mission as the Black Hole Finder Probe in the Beyond Einstein Program is remarkable. With its full-sky per orbit hard X-ray imaging (3-600 keV) and nuFnu sensitivity comparable to GLAST, EXIST could measure variability and spectra of Blazars in the hard X-ray synchrotron component simultaneous with GLAST (~10-100GeV) measures of the inverse Compton component, thereby uniquely constraining intrinsic source spectra and allowing measured high energy spectral breaks to measure the cosmic diffuse extra-galactic background light (EBL) by determining the intervening diffuse IR photon field required to yield the observed break from photon-photon absorption. Such studies also constrain the physics of jets (and parameters and indeed the validity of SSC models) and the origin of the >100 MeV gamma-ray diffuse background likely arising from Blazars and jet-dominated sources. An overview of the EXIST mission, which could fly in the GLAST era, is given together with a synopsis of other key synergies of GLAST-EXIST science.
The double humped SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) of blazars, and their flaring phenomena can be explained by various leptonic and hadronic models. However, accurate modeling of the high frequency component and clear identification of the correct emission mechanism would require simultaneous measurements in both the MeV-GeV band and the TeV band. Due to the differences in the sensitivity and the field of view of the instruments required to do these measurements, it is essential to identify active states of blazars likely to be detected with TeV instruments. Using a reasonable intergalactic attenuation model, various extrapolations of the EGRET spectra, as a proxy for GLAST (Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope) measurements, are made into TeV energies for selecting EGRET blazars expected to be VHE-bright. Furthermore, estimates of the threshold fluxes at GLAST energies are provided, at which sources are expected to be detectable at TeV energies, with Cherenkov telescopes like HESS, MAGIC or VERITAS.
High-energy emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can give rise to pair echos, i.e. delayed inverse Compton emission from secondary $e^{pm}$ pairs produced in $gamma-gamma$ interactions with intergalactic background radiation. We investigate the detectability of such emission with modern-day gamma-ray telescopes. The spectra and light curves are calculated for a wide range of parameters, applying the formalism recently developed by Ichiki et al. The flux depends strongly on the unknown magnitude and coherence length of intergalactic magnetic fields, and we delineate the range of field strength and redshift that allow detectable echos. Relevant uncertainties such as the high-energy cutoff of the primary gamma-ray spectrum and the intensity of the cosmic infrared background are addressed. GLAST and MAGIC may be able to detect pair echo emission from GRBs with redshift $lesssim 1$ if the primary spectra extend to $sim 10 ~ {rm TeV}$.
We investigate the delayed, secondary GeV-TeV emission of gamma-ray bursts and its potential to probe the nature of intergalactic magnetic fields. Geometrical effects are properly taken into account for the time delay between primary high energy photons and secondary inverse Compton photons from electron-positron pairs, which are produced in $gamma$-$gamma$ interactions with background radiation fields and deflected by intervening magnetic fields. The time-dependent spectra of the delayed emission are evaluated for a wide range of magnetic field strengths and redshifts. The typical flux and delay time of secondary photons from bursts at $z sim 1$ are respectively $sim 10^{-8}$ GeV cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and $sim 10^4$ s if the field strengths are $sim 10^{-18}$ G, as might be the case in intergalactic void regions. We find crucial differences between the cases of coherent and tangled magnetic fields, as well as dependences on the field coherence length.
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