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We consider scale invariant theories of continuous mass fields, and show how interactions of these fields with the standard model can reproduce unparticle interactions. There is no fixed point or dimensional transmutation involved in this approach. We generalize interactions of the standard model to multiple unparticles in this formalism and explicitly work out some examples, in particular we show that the product of two scalar unparticles behaves as a normalized scalar unparticle with dimension equal to the sum of the two composite unparticle dimensions. Extending the formalism to scale invariant interactions of continuous mass fields, we calculate three point function of unparticles.
Hidden valleys, hidden sectors with multi-particle dynamics and a mass gap, can produce striking and unusual final states at the LHC. Unparticle models, hidden-sectors with conformal dynamics and no (or a very small) mass gap, can result in unusual kinematic features that indirectly reflect the conformal dynamics. When sufficiently large mass gaps are added to unparticle models, they become hidden valley models. Predictions using unparticle propagators alone overlook the most striking signals, which are typically of hidden-valley type. Inclusive signatures often cannot be predicted from unparticle dimensions, and exclusive signatures are often visible and can be spectacular. Among possible signatures are: Higgs decays to pairs of particles that in turn decay to two quarks, leptons or gauge bosons, possibly with displaced vertices; Higgs, top, and neutralino decays to more than six particles; resonances below an ``unparticle continuum which produce multi-body final states; etc. The Stephanov model is deconstructed, reconstructed, and shown to be a hidden valley model. Some effects of strong dynamics on hidden valley observables, not predictable using unparticle methods, are discussed, including resonances, reduced flavor symmetry breaking, reduced supersymmetry breaking, and a strongly enhanced hidden parton shower.
We investigate the effects of unparticles on Compton scattering, e gamma -> e gamma based on a future e^+e^- linear collider such as the CLIC. For different polarization configurations, we calculate the lower limits of the unparticle energy scale Lambda_U for a discovery reach at the center of mass energies sqrt(s)=0.5 TeV- 3 TeV. It is shown that, especially, for smaller values of the mass dimension d, (1 <d <1.3), and for high energies and luminosities of the collider these bounds are very significant. As a stringent limit, we find Lambda_U>80 TeV for d<1.3 at sqrt(s)=3 TeV, and 1 ab^(-1) integrated luminosity per year, which is comparable with the limits calculated from other low and high energy physics implications.
A recently developed variational resummation technique, incorporating renormalization group properties consistently, has been shown to solve the scale dependence problem that plagues the evaluation of thermodynamical quantities, e.g., within the framework of approximations such as in the hard-thermal-loop resummed perturbation theory. This method is used in the present work to evaluate thermodynamical quantities within the two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model, which, apart from providing a technically simpler testing ground, shares some common features with Yang-Mills theories, like asymptotic freedom, trace anomaly and the nonperturbative generation of a mass gap. The present application confirms that nonperturbative results can be readily generated solely by considering the lowest-order (quasi-particle) contribution to the thermodynamic effective potential, when this quantity is required to be renormalization group invariant. We also show that when the next-to-leading correction from the method is accounted for, the results indicate convergence, apart from optimally preserving, within the approximations here considered, the sought-after scale invariance.
We study the universal scaling behavior of the entanglement entropy of critical theories in $2+1$ dimensions. We specially consider two fermionic scale-invariant models, free massless Dirac fermions and a model of fermions with quadratic band touching, and numerically study the two-cylinder entanglement entropy of the models on the torus. We find that in both cases the entanglement entropy satisfies the area law and has the subleading term which is a scaling function of the aspect ratios of the cylindrical regions. We test the scaling of entanglement in both the free fermion models using three possible scaling functions for the subleading term derived from a) the quasi-one-dimensional conformal field theory, b) the bosonic quantum Lifshitz model, and c) the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence. For the later case we construct an analytic scaling function using holography, appropriate for critical theories with a gravitational dual description. We find that the subleading term in the fermionic models is well described, for a range of aspect ratios, by the scaling form derived from the quantum Lifshitz model as well as that derived using the AdS/CFT correspondence (in this case only for the Dirac model). For the case where the fermionic models are placed on a square torus we find the fit to the different scaling forms is in agreement to surprisingly high precision.
Fermionic unparticles are introduced and their basic properties are discussed. Some phenomenologies related are exploited, such as their effects on charged Higgs boson decays and anomalous magnetic moments of leptons. Also, it has been found that measurements of $B^0-bar B^0$ mixing could yield interesting constraints on couplings between unparticle operators and standard model fields.