Since several years the DAFNE Team has been discussing ideas and performing experimental activities aimed at the collider luminosity increase. In this paper we briefly describe the proposed ideas and discuss results of the most relevant beam dynamics experimental studies that have been carried at DAFNE. We also introduce the concept of crab waist collisions that is the base of the undergoing DAFNE upgrade.
DAFNE is the electron-positron collider operating at the energy of Phi-resonance, 1 GeV in the center of mass. The presently achieved luminosity is by about two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at other colliders ever operated at this energy. Careful beam dynamic studies such as the vacuum chamber design with low beam coupling impedance, suppression of different kinds of beam instabilities, investigation of beam-beam interaction, optimization of the beam nonlinear motion have been the key ingredients that have helped to reach this impressive result. Many novel ideas in accelerator physics have been proposed and/or tested experimentally at DAFNE for the first time. In this paper we discuss the advanced accelerator physics studies performed at DAFNE.
Bunch-by-bunch longitudinal diagnostics is a key issue of modern accelerators. To face up this challenging demand, tests of mid-IR compact uncooled photoconductive HgCdTe detectors have been recently performed at DAFNE. Different devices were used to monitor the emission of e- bunches. The first experiments allowed recording of 2.7 ns long e- bunches with a FWHM of a single pulse of about 600 ps. These results address the possibility to improve diagnostics at DAFNE and to this purpose an exit port on a bending magnet of the positron ring has been set-up. An HV chamber, hosting a gold-coated plane mirror that collects and deflects the radiation through a ZnSe window, is the front-end of this port. After the window, a simple optical layout in air allows focusing IR radiation on different detectors. The instrumentation will allow comparison in the sub-ns time domain between the two rings and to identify and characterize bunch instabilities. Moreover, to improve performances tests of new photovoltaic detectors with sub-ns response times are in progress. We will briefly summarize the actual status of the 3+L experiment and will discuss future applications of fast IR photovoltaic detectors and the development of fast IR array detectors.
Machine learning entails a broad range of techniques that have been widely used in Science and Engineering since decades. High-energy physics has also profited from the power of these tools for advanced analysis of colliders data. It is only up until recently that Machine Learning has started to be applied successfully in the domain of Accelerator Physics, which is testified by intense efforts deployed in this domain by several laboratories worldwide. This is also the case of CERN, where recently focused efforts have been devoted to the application of Machine Learning techniques to beam dynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This implies a wide spectrum of applications from beam measurements and machine performance optimisation to analysis of numerical data from tracking simulations of non-linear beam dynamics. In this paper, the LHC-related applications that are currently pursued are presented and discussed in detail, paying also attention to future developments.
The results of 2002 DAFNE operation for the two experiments KLOE and DEAR are described. During 2003 a long shutdown has been dedicated to the installation of new Interaction Regions (IR) and to hardware modifications and upgrades. In the last section optics studies and performances expectations for the new machine configuration are reported.
In the framework of the Eupraxia Design Study an advanced accelerator facility EUPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB has been proposed to be realized at Frascati (Italy) Laboratories of INFN. Two advanced acceleration schemes will be applied, namely an ultimate high gradient 1 GeV X-band linac together with a plasma acceleration stage to provide accelerating gradients of the GeV/m order. A FEL scheme is foreseen to produce X-ray beams within 3-10 nm range. A 500-TW Laser system is also foreseen for electron and ion production experiments and a Compton backscattering Interaction is planned together with extraction beamlines at intermediate electron beam energy for neutron beams and THz radiation production. The electron beam dynamics studies in the linac are here presented together with the preliminary machine layout.