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Characterizing Video Responses in Social Networks

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 Added by Fabricio Benevenuto
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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Video sharing sites, such as YouTube, use video responses to enhance the social interactions among their users. The video response feature allows users to interact and converse through video, by creating a video sequence that begins with an opening video and followed by video responses from other users. Our characterization is over 3.4 million videos and 400,000 video responses collected from YouTube during a 7-day period. We first analyze the characteristics of the video responses, such as popularity, duration, and geography. We then examine the social networks that emerge from the video response interactions.

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Autonomous cars can perform poorly for many reasons. They may have perception issues, incorrect dynamics models, be unaware of obscure rules of human traffic systems, or follow certain rules too conservatively. Regardless of the exact failure mode of the car, often human drivers around the car are behaving correctly. For example, even if the car does not know that it should pull over when an ambulance races by, other humans on the road will know and will pull over. We propose to make socially cohesive cars that leverage the behavior of nearby human drivers to act in ways that are safer and more socially acceptable. The simple intuition behind our algorithm is that if all the humans are consistently behaving in a particular way, then the autonomous car probably should too. We analyze the performance of our algorithm in a variety of scenarios and conduct a user study to assess peoples attitudes towards socially cohesive cars. We find that people are surprisingly tolerant of mistakes that cohesive cars might make in order to get the benefits of driving in a car with a safer, or even just more socially acceptable behavior.
A distributed classification paradigm known as collaborative tagging has been widely adopted in new Web applications designed to manage and share online resources. Users of these applications organize resources (Web pages, digital photographs, academic papers) by associating with them freely chosen text labels, or tags. Here we leverage the social aspects of collaborative tagging and introduce a notion of resource distance based on the collective tagging activity of users. We collect data from a popular system and perform experiments showing that our definition of distance can be used to build a weighted network of resources with a detectable community structure. We show that this community structure clearly exposes the semantic relations among resources. The communities of resources that we observe are a genuinely emergent feature, resulting from the uncoordinated activity of a large number of users, and their detection paves the way for mapping emergent semantics in social tagging systems.
415 - Daniel M. Romero , Brian Uzzi , 2016
Social network research has begun to take advantage of fine-grained communications regarding coordination, decision-making, and knowledge sharing. These studies, however, have not generally analyzed how external events are associated with a social networks structure and communicative properties. Here, we study how external events are associated with a networks change in structure and communications. Analyzing a complete dataset of millions of instant messages among the decision-makers in a large hedge fund and their network of outside contacts, we investigate the link between price shocks, network structure, and change in the affect and cognition of decision-makers embedded in the network. When price shocks occur the communication network tends not to display structural changes associated with adaptiveness. Rather, the network turtles up. It displays a propensity for higher clustering, strong tie interaction, and an intensification of insider vs. outsider communication. Further, we find changes in network structure predict shifts in cognitive and affective processes, execution of new transactions, and local optimality of transactions better than prices, revealing the important predictive relationship between network structure and collective behavior within a social network.
237 - Amir Razmjou 2014
In previous studies, much attention from multidisciplinary fields has been devoted to understand the mechanism of underlying scholarly networks including bibliographic networks, citation networks and co-citation networks. Particularly focusing on networks constructed by means of either authors affinities or the mutual content. Missing a valuable dimension of network, which is an audience scholarly paper. We aim at this paper to assess the impact that social networks and media can have on scholarly papers. We also examine the process of information flow in such networks. We also mention some observa- tions of attractive incidents that our proposed network model revealed.
The operation of adding edges has been frequently used to the study of opinion dynamics in social networks for various purposes. In this paper, we consider the edge addition problem for the DeGroot model of opinion dynamics in a social network with $n$ nodes and $m$ edges, in the presence of a small number $s ll n$ of competing leaders with binary opposing opinions 0 or 1. Concretely, we pose and investigate the problem of maximizing the equilibrium overall opinion by creating $k$ new edges in a candidate edge set, where each edge is incident to a 1-valued leader and a follower node. We show that the objective function is monotone and submodular. We then propose a simple greedy algorithm with an approximation factor $(1-frac{1}{e})$ that approximately solves the problem in $O(n^3)$ time. Moreover, we provide a fast algorithm with a $(1-frac{1}{e}-epsilon)$ approximation ratio and $tilde{O}(mkepsilon^{-2})$ time complexity for any $epsilon>0$, where $tilde{O}(cdot)$ notation suppresses the ${rm poly} (log n)$ factors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our second approximate algorithm is efficient and effective, which scales to large networks with more than a million nodes.

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