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We have investigated the magnetic properties of a piezoelectric actuator/ferromagnetic semiconductor hybrid structure. Using a GaMnAs epilayer as the ferromagnetic semiconductor and applying the piezo-stress along its [110] direction, we quantify the magnetic anisotropy as a function of the voltage V_p applied to the piezoelectric actuator using anisotropic magnetoresistance techniques. We find that the easy axis of the strain-induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropy contribution can be inverted from the [110] to the [1-10] direction via the application of appropriate voltages V_p. At T=5K the magnetoelastic term is a minor contribution to the magnetic anisotropy. Nevertheless, we show that the switching fields of rho(H) loops are shifted as a function of V_p at this temperature. At 50K - where the magnetoelastic term dominates the magnetic anisotropy - we are able to tune the magnetization orientation by about 70 degree solely by means of the electrical voltage V_p applied. Furthermore, we derive the magnetostrictive constant lambda_111 as a function of temperature and find values consistent with earlier results. We argue that the piezo-voltage control of magnetization orientation is directly transferable to other ferromagnetic/piezoelectric hybrid structures, paving the way to innovative multifunctional device concepts. As an example, we demonstrate piezo-voltage induced irreversible magnetization switching at T=40K, which constitutes the basic principle of a nonvolatile memory element.
We report on the photo-induced precession of the ferromagnetically coupled Mn spins in (Ga,Mn)As, which is observed even with no external magnetic field applied. We concentrate on various experimental aspects of the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) technique that can be used to clarify the origin of the detected signals. We show that the measured data typically consist of several different contributions, among which only the oscillatory signal is directly connected with the ferromagnetic order in the sample.
We report dynamics of the transient polar Kerr rotation (KR) and of the transient reflectivity induced by femtosecond laser pulses in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As with no external magnetic field applied. It is shown that the measured KR signal consist of several different contributions, among which only the oscillatory signal is directly connected with the ferromagnetic order in (Ga,Mn)As. The origin of the light-induced magnetization precession is discussed and the magnetization precession damping (Gilbert damping) is found to be strongly influenced by annealing of the sample.
Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) and bismuth (Bi) substituted YIG (Bi0.1Y2.9Fe5O12, BYG) films are grown in-situ on single crystalline Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) substrates [with (100) and (111) orientations] using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. As the orientation of the Bi-YIG film changes from (100) to (111), the lattice constant is enhanced from 12.384 {AA} to 12.401 {AA} due to orientation dependent distribution of Bi3+ ions at dodecahedral sites in the lattice cell. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images show smooth film surfaces with roughness 0.308 nm in Bi-YIG (111). The change in substrate orientation leads to the modification of Gilbert damping which, in turn, gives rise to the enhancement of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) line width. The best values of Gilbert damping are found to be (0.54)*10-4, for YIG (100) and (6.27)*10-4, for Bi-YIG (111) oriented films. Angle variation measurements of the Hr are also performed, that shows a four-fold symmetry for the resonance field in the (100) grown film. In addition, the value of effective magnetization (4{pi}Meff) and extrinsic linewidth ({Delta}H0) are observed to be dependent on substrate orientation. Hence PLD growth can assist single-crystalline YIG and BYG films with a perfect interface that can be used for spintronics and related device applications.
Conventional computer electronics creates a dichotomy between how information is processed and how it is stored. Silicon chips process information by controlling the flow of charge through a network of logic gates. This information is then stored, most commonly, by encoding it in the orientation of magnetic domains of a computer hard disk. The key obstacle to a more intimate integration of magnetic materials into devices and circuit processing information is a lack of efficient means to control their magnetization. This is usually achieved with an external magnetic field or by the injection of spin-polarized currents. The latter can be significantly enhanced in materials whose ferromagnetic properties are mediated by charge carriers. Among these materials, conductors lacking spatial inversion symmetry couple charge currents to spin by intrinsic spin-orbit (SO) interactions, inducing nonequilibrium spin polarization tunable by local electric fields. Here we show that magnetization of a ferromagnet can be reversibly manipulated by the SO-induced polarization of carrier spins generated by unpolarized currents. Specifically, we demonstrate domain rotation and hysteretic switching of magnetization between two orthogonal easy axes in a model ferromagnetic semiconductor.
Identifying an efficient pathway to change the order parameter via a subtle excitation of the coupled high-frequency mode is the ultimate goal of the field of ultrafast phase transitions. This is an especially interesting research direction in magnetism, where the coupling between spin and lattice excitations is required for magnetization reversal. Despite several attempts however, the switching between magnetic states via resonant pumping of phonon modes has not yet been demonstrated. Here we show how an ultrafast resonant excitation of the longitudinal optical phonon modes in magnetic garnet films switches magnetization into a peculiar quadrupolar magnetic domain pattern, unambiguously revealing the magneto-elastic mechanism of the switching. In contrast, the excitation of strongly absorbing transverse phonon modes results in thermal demagnetization effect only.