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Coronagraphic near-IR photometry of AB Dor C

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 Added by Anthony Boccaletti
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Observations of low-mass companions for which the dynamical masses are well constrained help to improve the calibration of evolutionary models. Such observations thereby provide more confidence in the estimation of the mass of a companion using the photometric methods expected for the next generation of planet finder instruments. The commissioning of a new coronagraph at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) was the occasion to test the performance of this technique on the well-known object AB Dor A and its 0.09$M_odot$ companion AB Dor C. The purpose of this paper is to refine the photometric analysis on this object and to provide an accurate photometric error budget. In addition to coronagraphy, we calibrated the residual stellar halo with a reference star. We used standard techniques for photometric extraction. The companion AB Dor C is easily detected at 0.185 from the primary star, and its magnitudes in H and Ks are in agreement with an M5.5 object, as already known from spectroscopic observations. However, these new measurements make the earlier J-band photometry less reliable. Finally, the comparison with evolutionary models supports an age of (75pm 25) Myr, contrary to previous analyses. These observations demonstrate that coronagraphic observations can be more efficient than direct imaging, not only to improve contrast, but also to provide a better photometric estimation as long as a good calibration of the stellar halo is achieved.

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Studies of fundamental parameters of very low-mass objects are indispensable to provide tests of stellar evolution models that are used to derive theoretical masses of brown dwarfs and planets. However, only objects with dynamically determined masses and precise photometry can effectively evaluate the predictions of stellar models. AB Dor C (0.090 solar masses) has become a prime benchmark for calibration of theoretical evolutionary models of low-mass young stars. One of the ambiguities remaining in AB Dor C is the possible binary nature of this star. We observed AB Dor C with the VLTI/AMBER instrument in low-resolution mode at the J, H and K bands. The interferometric observables at the K-band are compatible with a binary brown dwarf system with tentative components AB Dor Ca/Cb with a K-band flux ratio of 5$pm$1% and a separation of 38$pm$1 mas. This implies theoretical masses of 0.072$pm$0.013 M$_{rm odot}$ and 0.013$pm$0.001 M$_{rm odot}$ for each component, near the hydrogen-burning limit for AB Dor Ca, and near the deuterium-burning limit, straddling the boundary between brown dwarfs and giant planets, for AB Dor Cb. The possible binarity of AB Dor C alleviates the disagreement between observed magnitudes and theoretical mass-luminosity relationships.
Context: The fast rotator, pre-main sequence star AB Dor A is a strong and persistent radio emitter. The extraordinary coronal flaring activity is thought to be the origin of compact radio emission and other associated phenomena as large slingshot prominences. Aim: We aim to investigate the radio emission mechanism and the milliarcsecond radio structure around AB Dor A. Methods: We performed phase-referenced VLBI observations at 22.3 GHz, 8.4 GHz, and 1.4 GHz over more than one decade using the Australian VLBI array. Results: Our 8.4 GHz images show a double core-halo morphology, similar at all epochs, with emission extending at heights between 5 and 18 stellar radii. Furthermore, the sequence of the 8.4 GHz maps shows a clear variation of the source structure within the observing time. However, images at 1.4 GHz and 22.3 GHz are compatible with a compact source. The phase-reference position at 8.4 GHz and 1.4 GHz are coincident with those expected from the well-known milliarcsecond-precise astrometry of this star, meanwhile the 22.3 GHz position is 4$sigma$ off the prediction in the north-west direction. The origin of this offset is still unclear. Conclusions: We have considered several models to explain the morphology and evolution of the inner radio structure detected in AB Dor A which include emission from the stellar polar caps, a flaring, magnetically-driven loop structure, and the presence of helmet streamers. A possible close companion to AB Dor A has been also investigated. Our results confirm the extraordinary coronal magnetic activity of this star, able to produce compact radio structures at very large heights, so far only seen in binary interacting systems.
The benchmark exoplanet GJ 1214b is one of the best studied transiting planets in the transition zone between rocky Earth-sized planets and gas or ice giants. This class of super-Earth/mini-Neptune planets is unknown in our Solar System, yet is one of the most frequently detected classes of exoplanets. Understanding the transition from rocky to gaseous planets is a crucial step in the exploration of extrasolar planetary systems, in particular with regard to the potential habitability of this class of planets. GJ 1214b has already been studied in detail from various platforms at many different wavelengths. Our airborne observations with SOFIA add information in the Paschen-alpha cont. 1.9 micron infrared wavelength band, which is not accessible by any other current ground- or space-based instrument due to telluric absorption or limited spectral coverage. We used FLIPO and FPI+ on SOFIA to comprehensively analyse the transmission signal of the possible water-world GJ 1214b through photometric observations during transit in three optical and one infrared channels. We present four simultaneous light curves and corresponding transit depths in three optical and one infrared channel, which we compare to previous observations and state-of-the-art synthetic atmospheric models of GJ 1214b. The final precision in transit depth is between 1.5 and 2.5 times the theoretical photon noise limit, not sensitive enough to constrain the theoretical models any better than previous observations. This is the first exoplanet observation with SOFIA that uses its full set of instruments available to exoplanet spectrophotometry. Therefore we use these results to evaluate SOFIAs potential in this field and suggest future improvements.
Despite promising astrometric signals, to date there has been no success in direct imaging of a hypothesized third member of the Sirius system. Using the Clio instrument and MagAO adaptive optics system on the Magellan Clay 6.5 m telescope, we have obtained extensive imagery of Sirius through a vector apodizing phase plate (vAPP) coronagraph in a narrowband filter at 3.9 microns. The vAPP coronagraph and MagAO allow us to be sensitive to planets much less massive than the limits set by previous non-detections. However, analysis of these data presents challenges due to the targets brightness and unique characteristics of the instrument. We present a comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques to construct background illumination maps for the whole detector using the areas of the detector that are not dominated by starlight. Additionally, we describe a procedure for sub-pixel alignment of vAPP data using a physical-optics-based model of the coronagraphic PSF.
104 - I.S. Glass 2004
Long-term (up to 10000d) monitoring has been undertaken for 41 Seyferts in the near-IR (JHKL). All but 2 showed variability, with K ampl in the range <0.1 to > 1.1 mags. The timescale for detectable change is from about one week to a few years. A simple cross-correlation study shows evidence for delays of up to several hundred days between the variations seen at the shortest wavelengths and the longest in many galaxies. In particular, the data for F9 now extend to twice the interval covered earlier and the delay between its UV and IR outputs persists. An analysis of the fluxes shows that, for any given galaxy, the colours of the variable component are usually independent of the level of activity. The state of activity can be parameterized. Taken over the whole sample, the colours of the variable components fall within moderately narrowly defined ranges. In particular, the H-K colour is appropriate to a black body of temperature 1600K. The H-K excess for a heavily reddened nucleus can be determined and used to find E_{B-V}, which can be compared to the values found from the visible region broad line fluxes. Using flux-flux diagrams, the flux within the aperture from the underlying galaxy can often be determined without the need for model surface brightness profiles. In many galaxies it is apparent that here must be an additional constant contribution from warm dust.
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