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Long-term IR Photometry of Seyferts

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 Added by I. S. Glass
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors I.S. Glass

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Long-term (up to 10000d) monitoring has been undertaken for 41 Seyferts in the near-IR (JHKL). All but 2 showed variability, with K ampl in the range <0.1 to > 1.1 mags. The timescale for detectable change is from about one week to a few years. A simple cross-correlation study shows evidence for delays of up to several hundred days between the variations seen at the shortest wavelengths and the longest in many galaxies. In particular, the data for F9 now extend to twice the interval covered earlier and the delay between its UV and IR outputs persists. An analysis of the fluxes shows that, for any given galaxy, the colours of the variable component are usually independent of the level of activity. The state of activity can be parameterized. Taken over the whole sample, the colours of the variable components fall within moderately narrowly defined ranges. In particular, the H-K colour is appropriate to a black body of temperature 1600K. The H-K excess for a heavily reddened nucleus can be determined and used to find E_{B-V}, which can be compared to the values found from the visible region broad line fluxes. Using flux-flux diagrams, the flux within the aperture from the underlying galaxy can often be determined without the need for model surface brightness profiles. In many galaxies it is apparent that here must be an additional constant contribution from warm dust.

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We present long-term photometric observations of the young open cluster IC 348 with a baseline time-scale of 2.4 yr. Our study was conducted with several telescopes from the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI) network in the Bessel $R$ band to find periodic variability of young stars. We identified 87 stars in IC 348 to be periodically variable; 33 of them were unreported before. Additionally, we detected 61 periodic non-members of which 41 are new discoveries. Our wide field of view was the key to those numerous newly found variable stars. The distribution of rotation periods in IC 348 has always been of special interest. We investigate it further with our newly detected periods but we cannot find a statistically significant bimodality. We also report the detection of a close eclipsing binary in IC 348 composed of a low-mass stellar component ($M gtrsim 0.09,mathrm{M}_{odot}$) and a K0 pre-main sequence star ($M approx 2.7,mathrm{M}_{odot}$). Furthermore, we discovered three detached binaries among the background stars in our field of view and confirmed the period of a fourth one.
224 - P. Rodriguez-Gil 1999
We present R-band photometry of the SW Sex-type cataclysmic variable WX Arietis made in October 1995 and August 1998-February 1999. Contrary to previous results, we find that WX Ari is an eclipsing system with an orbital inclination of ~72 deg. The R-band light curves display highly variable, shallow eclipses ~0.15-mag deep and ~40 min long. The observed eclipse depth suggests a partial eclipse of the accretion disc. The light curves also show a wide dip in brightness centred at orbital phase ~0.75 and a hump close to the opposite phase at ~0.2. The observed dip may be explained by the probable vertical thickening of the outer rim of the accretion disc downstream from the bright spot. We also demonstrate that the disc brightness in all SW Sex systems is nearly the same. This implies that the orbital inclination of these systems is only a function of eclipse depth.
110 - Takafumi Kamizuka 2020
Non-variable OH/IR stars are thought to have just left the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. In this conventional picture, they must still show strong circumstellar extinction caused by the dust ejected during the AGB phase, and the extinction is expected to decrease over time because of the dispersal of the circumstellar dust after the cessation of the stellar mass loss. The reduction of the extinction makes the stars become apparently brighter and bluer with time especially in the near-infrared (NIR) range. We look for such long-term brightening of non-variable OH/IR stars by using 2MASS, UKIDSS, and OAOWFC survey data. As a result, we get multi-epoch NIR data taken over a 20-year period (1997-2017) for 6 of 16 non-variable OH/IR stars, and all six objects are found to be brightening. The K-band brightening rate of five objects ranges from 0.010 to 0.130 mag yr$^{-1}$, which is reasonably explained with the conventional picture. However, one OH/IR star, OH31.0-0.2, shows a rapid brightening, which cannot be explained only by the dispersal of the dust shell. Multi-color (J-, H-, and K-band) data are obtained for three objects, OH25.1-0.3, OH53.6-0.2, and OH77.9+0.2. Surprisingly, none of them appears to have become bluer, and OH53.6-0.2 is found to have been reddened with a rate of 0.013 mag yr$^{-1}$ in (J-K). Our findings suggest other mechanisms such as rapid changes in stellar properties (temperature or luminosity) or a generation of a new batch of dust grains.
294 - V. Charmandaris 2009
We performed an analysis of the mid-infared properties of the 12micron Seyfert sample, a complete unbiased 12micron flux limited sample of local Seyfert galaxies selected from the IRAS Faint Source Catalog, based on low resolution spectra obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on-board Spitzer Space Telescope. A detailed presentation of this analysis is dicussed in Wu et al. (2009). We find that on average, the 15-30micron slope of the continuum is -0.85+/-0.61 for Seyfert 1s and -1.53+/-0.84 for Seyfert 2s, and there is substantial scatter in each type. Moreover, nearly 32% of Seyfert 1s, and 9% of Seyfert 2s, display a peak in the mid-infrared spectrum at 20micron, which is attributed to an additional hot dust component. The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) equivalent width decreases with increasing dust temperature, as indicated by the global infrared color of the host galaxies. However, no statistical difference in PAH equivalent width is detected between the two Seyfert types, 1 and 2, of the same bolometric luminosity. Finally, we propose a new method to estimate the AGN contribution to the integrated 12micron galaxy emission, by subtracting the star formation component in the Seyfert galaxies, making use of the tight correlation between PAH 11.2micron luminosity and 12micron luminosity for star forming galaxies.
The study of young Sun-like stars is of fundamental importance to understand the magnetic activity and rotational evolution of the Sun. Space-borne photometry by the Kepler telescope provides unprecedented datasets to investigate these phenomena in Sun-like stars. We present a new analysis of the entire Kepler photometric time series of the moderately young Sun-like star Kepler-17 that is accompanied by a transiting hot Jupiter. We applied a maximum-entropy spot model to the long-cadence out-of-transit photometry of the target to derive maps of the starspot filling factor versus the longitude and the time. These maps are compared to the spots occulted during transits to validate our reconstruction and derive information on the latitudes of the starspots. We find two main active longitudes on the photosphere of Kepler-17, one of which has a lifetime of at least $sim 1400$ days, although with a varying level of activity. The latitudinal differential rotation is of solar type, that is, with the equator rotating faster than the poles. We estimate a minimum relative amplitude $Delta Omega/ Omega$ between $sim 0.08 pm 0.05$ and $0.14 pm 0.05$, our determination being affected by the finite lifetime of individual starspots and depending on the adopted spot model parameters. We find marginal evidence of a short-term intermittent activity cycle of $sim 48$ days and an indication of a longer cycle of $400-600$ days characterized by an equatorward migration of the mean latitude of the spots as in the Sun. The rotation of Kepler-17 is likely to be significantly affected by the tides raised by its massive close-by planet. We confirm the reliability of maximum-entropy spot models to map starspots in young active stars and characterize the activity and differential rotation of this young Sun-like planetary host.
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