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Sensitivity analysis of the solar rotation to helioseismic data from GONG, GOLF and MDI observations

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 Added by Rafael A. Garcia
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Accurate determination of the rotation rate in the radiative zone of the sun from helioseismic observations requires rotational frequency splittings of exceptional quality as well as reliable inversion techniques. We present here inferences based on mode parameters calculated from 2088-days long MDI, GONG and GOLF time series that were fitted to estimate very low frequency rotational splittings (nu < 1.7 mHz). These low frequency modes provide data of exceptional quality, since the width of the mode peaks is much smaller than the rotational splitting and hence it is much easier to separate the rotational splittings from the effects caused by the finite lifetime and the stochastic excitation of the modes. We also have implemented a new inversion methodology that allows us to infer the rotation rate of the radiative interior from mode sets that span l=1 to 25. Our results are compatible with the sun rotating like a rigid solid in most of the radiative zone and slowing down in the core (R_sun < 0.2). A resolution analysis of the inversion was carried out for the solar rotation inverse problem. This analysis effectively establishes a direct relationship between the mode set included in the inversion and the sensitivity and information content of the resulting inferences. We show that such an approach allows us to determine the effect of adding low frequency and low degree p-modes, high frequency and low degree p-modes, as well as some g-modes on the derived rotation rate in the solar radiative zone, and in particular the solar core. We conclude that the level of uncertainties that is needed to infer the dynamical conditions in the core when only p-modes are included is unlikely to be reached in the near future, and hence sustained efforts are needed towards the detection and characterization of g-modes.

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The south-north travel-time differences are measured by applying time-distance helioseismology to the MDI and HMI medium-degree Dopplergrams covering May 1996-April 2017. Our data analysis corrects for several sources of systematic effects: P-angle error, surface magnetic field effects, and center-to-limb variations. An interpretation of the travel-time measurements is obtained using a forward-modeling approach in the ray approximation. The travel-time differences are similar in the southern hemisphere for cycles 23 and 24. However, they differ in the northern hemisphere between cycles 23 and 24. Except for cycle 24s northern hemisphere, the measurements favor a single-cell meridional circulation model where the poleward flows persist down to $sim$0.8 $R_odot$, accompanied by local inflows toward the activity belts in the near-surface layers. Cycle 24s northern hemisphere is anomalous: travel-time differences are significantly smaller when travel distances are greater than 20$^circ$. This asymmetry between northern and southern hemispheres during cycle 24 was not present in previous measurements (e.g., Rajaguru & Antia 2015), which assumed a different P-angle error correction where south-north travel-time differences are shifted to zero at the equator for all travel distances. In our measurements, the travel-time differences at the equator are zero for travel distances less than $sim$30$^circ$, but they do not vanish for larger travel distances. This equatorial offset for large travel distances need not be interpreted as a deep cross-equator flow; it could be due to the presence of asymmetrical local flows at the surface near the end points of the acoustic ray paths.
We perform a quantitative analysis of the solar composition problem by using a statistical approach that allows us to combine the information provided by helioseimic and solar neutrino data in an effective way. We include in our analysis the helioseismic determinations of the surface helium abundance and of the depth of the convective envelope, the measurements of the $^7{rm Be}$ and $^8{rm B}$ neutrino fluxes, the sound speed profile inferred from helioseismic frequencies. We provide all the ingredients to describe how these quantities depend on the solar surface composition and to evaluate the (correlated) uncertainties in solar model predictions. We include errors sources that are not traditionally considered such as those from inversion of helioseismic data. We, then, apply the proposed approach to infer the chemical composition of the Sun. We show that the opacity profile of the Sun is well constrained by the solar observational properties. In the context of a two parameter analysis in which elements are grouped as volatiles (i.e. C, N, O and Ne) and refractories (i.e Mg, Si, S, Fe), the optimal composition is found by increasing the the abundance of volatiles by $left( 45pm 4right)%$ and that of refractories by $left( 19pm 3right)%$ with respect to the values provided by AGSS09. This corresponds to the abundances $varepsilon_{rm O}=8.85pm 0.01$ and $varepsilon_{rm Fe}=7.52pm0.01$. As an additional result of our analysis, we show that the observational data prefer values for the input parameters of the standard solar models (radiative opacities, gravitational settling rate, the astrophysical factors $S_{34}$ and $S_{17}$) that differ at the $sim 1sigma$ level from those presently adopted.
396 - A.C. Birch , L. Gizon 2010
Time-distance helioseismology is a technique for measuring the time for waves to travel from one point on the solar surface to another. These wave travel times are affected by advection by subsurface flows. Inferences of plasma flows based on observed travel times depend critically on the ability to accurately model the effects of subsurface flows on time-distance measurements. We present a Born approximation based computation of the sensitivity of time distance travel times to weak, steady, inhomogeneous subsurface flows. Three sensitivity functions are obtained, one for each component of the 3D vector flow. We show that the depth sensitivity of travel times to horizontally uniform flows is given approximately by the kinetic energy density of the oscillation modes which contribute to the travel times. For flows with strong depth dependence, the Born approximation can give substantially different results than the ray approximation.
We report observations of white-light ejecta in the low corona, for two X-class flares on the 2013 May 13, using data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory. At least two distinct kinds of sources appeared (chromospheric and coronal), in the early and later phases of flare development, in addition to the white-light footpoint sources commonly observed in the lower atmosphere. The gradual emissions have a clear identification with the classical loop-prominence system, but are brighter than expected and possibly seen here in the continuum rather than line emission. We find the HMI flux exceeds the radio/X-ray interpolation of the bremsstrahlung produced in the flare soft X-ray sources by at least one order of magnitude. This implies the participation of cooler sources that can produce free-bound continua and possibly line emission detectable by HMI. One of the early sources dynamically resembles coronal rain, appearing at a maximum apparent height and moving toward the photosphere at an apparent constant projected speed of 134 $pm$ 8 $mathrm{km s^{-1}}$. Not much literature exists on the detection of optical continuum sources above the limb of the Sun by non-coronagraphic instruments, and these observations have potential implications for our basic understanding of flare development, since visible observations can in principle provide high spatial and temporal resolution.
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