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MS, S and C Stars in the Infrared. Luminosities and Mass Loss Rates

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 Added by Roald Guandalini
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors R. Guandalini

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In this note I present an outline of infrared (IR) photometric AGB properties, based on two samples of Galactic Long Period Variables (C- and S-type respectively). I show the various selection criteria used during the choice of the sources and describe the motivations of observing them at near- and mid-IR wavelengths. I discuss the problems encountered in estimating their luminosity and distance and motivate the methods I choose for this purpose. Properties of the luminosity functions and of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagrams obtained from the analysis are discussed. Finally, the choices made for estimating of the mass loss rates are described and preliminary results concerning them are shown.

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259 - R. Guandalini 2010
Context. The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase marks the end of the evolution for low- and intermediate-mass stars, which are fundamental contributors to the mass return to the interstellar medium and to the chemical evolution of galaxies. The detailed understanding of mass loss processes is hampered by the poor knowledge of the luminosities and distances of AGB stars. Aims. In a series of papers we are trying to establish criteria permitting a more quantitative determination of luminosities for the various types of AGB stars, using the infrared (IR) fluxes as a basis. An updated compilation of the mass loss rates is also required, as it is crucial in our studies of the evolutionary properties of these stars. In this paper we concentrate our analysis on the study of the mass loss rates for a sample of galactic S stars. Methods. We reanalyze the properties of the stellar winds for a sample of galactic MS, S, SC stars with reliable estimates of the distance on the basis of criteria previously determined. We then compare the resulting mass loss rates with those previously obtained for a sample of C-rich AGB stars. Results. Stellar winds in S stars are on average less efficient than those of C-rich AGB stars of the same luminosity. Near-to-mid infrared colors appear to be crucial in our analysis. They show a good correlation with mass loss rates in particular for the Mira stars. We suggest that the relations between the rates of the stellar winds and both the near-to-mid infrared colors and the periods of variability improve the understanding of the late evolutionary stages of low mass stars and could be the origin of the relation between the rates of the stellar winds and the bolometric magnitudes.
We aim to investigate mass loss and luminosity in a large sample of evolved stars in several Local Group galaxies with a variety of metalliticies and star-formation histories: the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud, and the Fornax, Carina, and Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Dust radiative transfer models are presented for 225 carbon stars and 171 oxygen-rich evolved stars for which spectra from the Infrared Spectrograph on Spitzer are available. The spectra are complemented with available optical and infrared photometry to construct spectral energy distributions. A minimization procedure was used to determine luminosity and mass-loss rate (MLR). Pulsation periods were derived for a large fraction of the sample based on a re-analysis of existing data. New deep K-band photometry from the VMC survey and multi-epoch data from IRAC and AllWISE/NEOWISE have allowed us to derive pulsation periods longer than 1000 days for some of the most heavily obscured and reddened objects. We derive (dust) MLRs and luminosities for the entire sample. The estimated MLRs can differ significantly from estimates for the same objects in the literature due to differences in adopted optical constants (up to factors of several) and details in the radiative transfer modelling. Updated parameters for the super-AGB candidate MSX SMC 055 (IRAS 00483-7347) are presented. Its current mass is estimated to be 8.5 +- 1.6 msol, suggesting an initial mass well above 8~msol. Using synthetic photometry, we present and discuss colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams which can be expected from the James Webb Space Telescope.
It is the purpose of this paper to rediscuss the circumstellar properties of S stars and to put these properties in perspective with our current understanding of the evolutionary status of S stars, in particular the intrinsic/extrinsic dichotomy. Accordingly, an extensive data set probing the circumstellar environment of S stars (IRAS flux densities, maser emission, CO rotational lines) has been collected and critically evaluated. This data set combines new observations (9 stars have been observed in the CO J=2-1 line and 3 in the CO J=3-2 line, with four new detections) with existing material (all CO and maser observations of S stars published in the literature). The IRAS flux densities of S stars have been re-evaluated by co-adding the individual scans, in order to better handle the intrinsic variability of these stars in the IRAS bands, and possible contamination by Galactic cirrus. Mass loss rates or upper limits have been derived for all S stars observed in the CO rotational lines, and range from < 2 10^{-8} Msun y^{-1} for extrinsic S stars to 10^{-5} Msun y^{-1}. These mass-loss rates correlate well with the K - [12] color index, which probes the dust loss rate, provided that the mass loss rate be larger than 10^{-8} Msun~y^{-1}. Small mass-loss rates are found for extrinsic S stars, consistent with their not being so evolved (RGB or Early-AGB) as the Tc-rich S stars. This result does not support the claim often made in relation with symbiotic stars that binarity strongly enhances the mass-loss rate.
168 - R. Guandalini , M. Busso 2008
AGB phases mark the end of the evolution for Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stars. Our understanding of the mechanisms through which they eject the envelope and our assessment of their contribution to the chemical evolution of Galaxies are hampered by poor knowledge of their Luminosities and mass loss rates,both for C-rich and for O-rich sources.We plan to establish criteria permitting a more quantitative determination of luminosities for the various types of AGB stars on the basis of IR fluxes.In this paper we concentrate on O-rich and s-element-rich MS, S stars and include a small sample of SC stars.We reanalyze the absolute bolometric magnitudes and colors of MS, S, SC stars on the basis of a sample of intrinsic and extrinsic long period variables.We derive bolometric corrections as a function of near- and mid-IR colors,adopting as references a group of stars for which the SED could be reconstructed in detail over a large wavelength range.We determine the absolute HR diagrams and compare luminosities and colors of S-type giants with those of C-rich AGB stars. Luminosity estimates are also verified on the basis of existing Period-Luminosity relations valid for O-rich Miras.S star bolometric luminosities are almost indistinguishable from those of C-rich AGB stars.Their circumstellar envelopes are thinner and less opaque.Despite this last property the IR wavelengths remain dominant, with the bluest stars having their maximum emission in the H or K bands.Based on Period-Luminosity relations for O-rich Miras and on Magnitude-color relations for the same variables we show how approximate distances for sources of so far unknown parallax can be inferred. We argue that most of the sources have a rather small mass(<2Msun);dredge-up might then be not effective enough to let the C/O ratio exceed unity.
250 - Jorick S. Vink 2014
We discuss the basic physics of hot-star winds and we provide mass-loss rates for (very) massive stars. Whilst the emphasis is on theoretical concepts and line-force modelling, we also discuss the current state of observations and empirical modelling, and address the issue of wind clumping.
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