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Discovery of Quantum Hidden Variable

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 Added by Huai Yang Cui
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Huai-yang Cui

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The first clue, in the theory of relativity, the 4-vector force acting on a particle is orthogonal to the 4-vector velocity of the particle, this orthogonality means that there is some difference between the orthogonality and the usual statement: the Coulombs force (or gravitational force) acts along the line joining a couple of particles (in usual 3D space), so the direction of 4-vector Coulombs force is carefully investigated, it is found that Maxwells equations can be derived from classical Coulombs force and the orthogonality. The second clue, a 4-vector force has 4 components, because of the orthogonality of 4-vector force and 4-vector velocity, the number of independent components of the 4-vector force reduces to 3, however we prove that 4-vector Coulombs force can merely provide 2 independent components, this situation means that there is an undefined component accompanying the 4-vector Coulombs force, hinting that this missing undefined component is a hidden variable. The third clue, the best way to study the hidden variable is to establish a new concept: Z-space, in which the undefined component of 4-vector Coulombs force can be clearly defined as the hidden variable for the quantum mechanics. At the last, the undefined component is regarded as a fluctuating source that contributes to Lorentz force, so that the quantum wave equation can be derived out in the ensemble space of particle motion from the relativistic Newtons second law.

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255 - Roman Sverdlov 2013
The goal of this paper is to re-express QFT in terms of two classical fields living in ordinary space with single extra dimension. The role of the first classical field is to set up an injection from the set of values of extra dimension into the set of functions, and then said injection will be used in order to convert the second field into a coarse grained functional, thereby approximating QFT state. It turns out that this work also has a side-benefit of modeling ensemble of states in terms of one single state which, in turn, is interpretted in the above way. It is important to clarify that by classical we mean functions over ordinary space rather than configuration, Fock or function space. The classical theory that we propose is still non-local.
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