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Geometric measures of entanglement and the Schmidt decomposition

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 Added by Randy Kobes
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In the standard geometric approach to a measure of entanglement of a pure state, $sin^2theta$ is used, where $theta$ is the angle between the state to the closest separable state of products of normalized qubit states. We consider here a generalization of this notion to separable states consisting of products of unnormalized states of different dimension. In so doing, the entanglement measure $sin^2theta$ is found to have an interpretation as the distance between the state to the closest separable state. We also find the components of the closest separable state and its norm have an interpretation in terms of, respectively, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the reduced density matrices arising in the Schmidt decomposition of the state vector.

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In the standard geometric approach, the entanglement of a pure state is $sin^2theta$, where $theta$ is the angle between the entangled state and the closest separable state of products of normalised qubit states. We consider here a generalisation of this notion by considering separable states that consist of products of unnormalised states of different dimension. The distance between the target entangled state and the closest unnormalised product state can be interpreted as a measure of the entanglement of the target state. The components of the closest product state and its norm have an interpretation in terms of, respectively, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the reduced density matrices arising in the Schmidt decomposition of the state vector. For several cases where the target state has a large degree of symmetry, we solve the system of equations analytically, and look specifically at the limit where the number of qubits is large.
In a previous paper we examined a geometric measure of entanglement based on the minimum distance between the entangled target state of interest and the space of unnormalized product states. Here we present a detailed study of this entanglement measure for target states with a large degree of symmetry. We obtain analytic solutions for the extrema of the distance function and solve for the Hessian to show that, up to the action of trivial symmetries, the solutions correspond to local minima of the distance function. In addition, we show that the conditions that determine the extremal solutions for general target states can be obtained directly by parametrizing the product states via their Schmidt decomposition.
253 - Chien-Hao Lin , Yew Kam Ho 2014
In this work, we present an investigation on the spatial entanglement entropies in the helium atom by using highly correlated Hylleraas functions to represent the S-wave states. Singlet-spin 1sns 1Se states (with n = 1 to 6) and triplet-spin 1sns 3Se states (with n = 2 to 6) are investigated. As a measure on the spatial entanglement, von Neumann entropy and linear entropy are calculated. Furthermore, we apply the Schmidt-Slater decomposition method on the two-electron wave functions, and obtain eigenvalues of the one-particle reduced density matrix, from which the linear entropy and von Neumann entropy can be determined.
The new method of multivariate data analysis based on the complements of classical probability distribution to quantum state and Schmidt decomposition is presented. We considered Schmidt formalism application to problems of statistical correlation analysis. Correlation of photons in the beam splitter output channels, when input photons statistics is given by compound Poisson distribution is examined. The developed formalism allows us to analyze multidimensional systems and we have obtained analytical formulas for Schmidt decomposition of multivariate Gaussian states. It is shown that mathematical tools of quantum mechanics can significantly improve the classical statistical analysis. The presented formalism is the natural approach for the analysis of both classical and quantum multivariate systems and can be applied in various tasks associated with research of dependences.
331 - Paolo Aniello , Cosmo Lupo 2008
We consider the Schmidt decomposition of a bipartite density operator induced by the Hilbert-Schmidt scalar product, and we study the relation between the Schmidt coefficients and entanglement. First, we define the Schmidt equivalence classes of bipartite states. Each class consists of all the density operators (in a given bipartite Hilbert space) sharing the same set of Schmidt coefficients. Next, we review the role played by the Schmidt coefficients with respect to the separability criterion known as the `realignment or `computable cross norm criterion; in particular, we highlight the fact that this criterion relies only on the Schmidt equivalence class of a state. Then, the relevance -- with regard to the characterization of entanglement -- of the `symmetric polynomials in the Schmidt coefficients and a new family of separability criteria that generalize the realignment criterion are discussed. Various interesting open problems are proposed.
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