يتم تعريف معالجة اللغة الطبيعية (NLP) بواسطة مهام محددة منفصلة، مع كل الأدبيات الخاصة بها، ومشاركات البيانات القياسية، والتعاريف.في ورقة الموضع هذه، نجادل بأننا لمشكلة معقدة مثل تهديد الديمقراطية من قبل أنظمة الموافقة على الأخبار غير المتنوعة، من المهم مراعاة هدف أعلى، هدف معياري وآثاره.اقترح الخبراء في الأخلاقيات والعلوم السياسية والدراسات الإعلامية أن أنظمة التوصية الإخبارية يمكن استخدامها لدعم الديمقراطية التداولية.نحن نفكر في دور NLP في أنظمة التوصية مع مراعاة هذا الهدف المحدد وإظهار أن هذه النظرية للديمقراطية تساعد على تحديد المهام والتقنيات NLP التي يمكن أن تدعم هذا الهدف، وما الذي لا يزال العمل يجب القيام به.يؤدي ذلك إلى توصيات لباحثي NLP العاملين في هذه المشكلة المحددة وكذلك الباحثين الذين يعملون على مشاكل متعددة التخصصات المعقدة الأخرى.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is defined by specific, separate tasks, with each their own literature, benchmark datasets, and definitions. In this position paper, we argue that for a complex problem such as the threat to democracy by non-diverse news recommender systems, it is important to take into account a higher-order, normative goal and its implications. Experts in ethics, political science and media studies have suggested that news recommendation systems could be used to support a deliberative democracy. We reflect on the role of NLP in recommendation systems with this specific goal in mind and show that this theory of democracy helps to identify which NLP tasks and techniques can support this goal, and what work still needs to be done. This leads to recommendations for NLP researchers working on this specific problem as well as researchers working on other complex multidisciplinary problems.
References used
Vector representations have become a central element in semantic language modelling, leading to mathematical overlaps with many fields including quantum theory. Compositionality is a core goal for such representations: given representations for wet'
This paper describes the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) machine translation sys- tems and the improvements that were developed during the WMT21 evaluation campaign. This year, we explore various methods of adapting our baseline models from WMT20 and again measure improvements in performance on the Russian--English language pair.
HCI and NLP traditionally focus on different evaluation methods. While HCI involves a small number of people directly and deeply, NLP traditionally relies on standardized benchmark evaluations that involve a larger number of people indirectly. We pre
Much of the world's population experiences some form of disability during their lifetime. Caution must be exercised while designing natural language processing (NLP) systems to prevent systems from inadvertently perpetuating ableist bias against peop
The SemEval 2021 task 5: Toxic Spans Detection is a task of identifying considered-toxic spans in text, which provides a valuable, automatic tool for moderating online contents. This paper represents the second-place method for the task, an ensemble