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Shared Task in Evaluating Accuracy: Leveraging Pre-Annotations in the Validation Process

مهمة مشتركة في تقييم الدقة: الاستفادة من التوضيحات السابقة في عملية التحقق من الصحة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We hereby present our submission to the Shared Task in Evaluating Accuracy at the INLG 2021 Conference. Our evaluation protocol relies on three main components; rules and text classifiers that pre-annotate the dataset, a human annotator that validates the pre-annotations, and a web interface that facilitates this validation. Our submission consists in fact of two submissions; we first analyze solely the performance of the rules and classifiers (pre-annotations), and then the human evaluation aided by the former pre-annotations using the web interface (hybrid). The code for the web interface and the classifiers is publicly available.

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The Shared Task on Evaluating Accuracy focused on techniques (both manual and automatic) for evaluating the factual accuracy of texts produced by neural NLG systems, in a sports-reporting domain. Four teams submitted evaluation techniques for this ta sk, using very different approaches and techniques. The best-performing submissions did encouragingly well at this difficult task. However, all automatic submissions struggled to detect factual errors which are semantically or pragmatically complex (for example, based on incorrect computation or inference).
Research in NLP is often supported by experimental results, and improved reporting of such results can lead to better understanding and more reproducible science. In this paper we analyze three statistical estimators for expected validation performan ce, a tool used for reporting performance (e.g., accuracy) as a function of computational budget (e.g., number of hyperparameter tuning experiments). Where previous work analyzing such estimators focused on the bias, we also examine the variance and mean squared error (MSE). In both synthetic and realistic scenarios, we evaluate three estimators and find the unbiased estimator has the highest variance, and the estimator with the smallest variance has the largest bias; the estimator with the smallest MSE strikes a balance between bias and variance, displaying a classic bias-variance tradeoff. We use expected validation performance to compare between different models, and analyze how frequently each estimator leads to drawing incorrect conclusions about which of two models performs best. We find that the two biased estimators lead to the fewest incorrect conclusions, which hints at the importance of minimizing variance and MSE.
This paper presents the submission of Huawei Translation Service Center (HW-TSC) to WMT 2021 Triangular MT Shared Task. We participate in the Russian-to-Chinese task under the constrained condition. We use Transformer architecture and obtain the best performance via a variant with larger parameter sizes. We perform detailed data pre-processing and filtering on the provided large-scale bilingual data. Several strategies are used to train our models, such as Multilingual Translation, Back Translation, Forward Translation, Data Denoising, Average Checkpoint, Ensemble, Fine-tuning, etc. Our system obtains 32.5 BLEU on the dev set and 27.7 BLEU on the test set, the highest score among all submissions.
This paper presents the Bering Lab's submission to the shared tasks of the 8th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2021) on JPC2 and NICT-SAP. We participated in all tasks on JPC2 and IT domain tasks on NICT-SAP. Our approach for all tasks mainly focu sed on building NMT systems in domain-specific corpora. We crawled patent document pairs for English-Japanese, Chinese-Japanese, and Korean-Japanese. After cleaning noisy data, we built parallel corpus by aligning those sentences with the sentence-level similarity scores. Also, for SAP test data, we collected the OPUS dataset including three IT domain corpora. We then trained transformer on the collected dataset. Our submission ranked 1st in eight out of fourteen tasks, achieving up to an improvement of 2.87 for JPC2 and 8.79 for NICT-SAP in BLEU score .
We describe our submitted system to the 2021 Shared Task on Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection in Arabic (Abu Farha et al., 2021). We tackled both subtasks, namely Sarcasm Detection (Subtask 1) and Sentiment Analysis (Subtask 2). We used state-of-the-ar t pretrained contextualized text representation models and fine-tuned them according to the downstream task in hand. As a first approach, we used Google's multilingual BERT and then other Arabic variants: AraBERT, ARBERT and MARBERT. The results found show that MARBERT outperforms all of the previously mentioned models overall, either on Subtask 1 or Subtask 2.

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