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Multi-accent Speech Separation with One Shot Learning

فصل الكلام متعدد اللكنات مع التعلم بالرصاص واحد

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Speech separation is a problem in the field of speech processing that has been studied in full swing recently. However, there has not been much work studying a multi-accent speech separation scenario. Unseen speakers with new accents and noise aroused the domain mismatch problem which cannot be easily solved by conventional joint training methods. Thus, we applied MAML and FOMAML to tackle this problem and obtained higher average Si-SNRi values than joint training on almost all the unseen accents. This proved that these two methods do have the ability to generate well-trained parameters for adapting to speech mixtures of new speakers and accents. Furthermore, we found out that FOMAML obtains similar performance compared to MAML while saving a lot of time.

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The rapid rise of online social networks like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter allows people to express their views more widely online. However, at the same time, it can lead to an increase in conflict and hatred among consumers in the form of freedom of s peech. Therefore, it is essential to take a positive strengthening method to research on encouraging, positive, helping, and supportive social media content. In this paper, we describe a Transformer-based BERT model for Hope speech detection for equality, diversity, and inclusion, submitted for LT-EDI-2021 Task 2. Our model achieves a weighted averaged f1-score of 0.93 on the test set.
We present CoTexT, a pre-trained, transformer-based encoder-decoder model that learns the representative context between natural language (NL) and programming language (PL). Using self-supervision, CoTexT is pre-trained on large programming language corpora to learn a general understanding of language and code. CoTexT supports downstream NL-PL tasks such as code summarizing/documentation, code generation, defect detection, and code debugging. We train CoTexT on different combinations of available PL corpus including both bimodal'' and unimodal'' data. Here, bimodal data is the combination of text and corresponding code snippets, whereas unimodal data is merely code snippets. We first evaluate CoTexT with multi-task learning: we perform Code Summarization on 6 different programming languages and Code Refinement on both small and medium size featured in the CodeXGLUE dataset. We further conduct extensive experiments to investigate CoTexT on other tasks within the CodeXGlue dataset, including Code Generation and Defect Detection. We consistently achieve SOTA results in these tasks, demonstrating the versatility of our models.
Stance detection determines whether the author of a text is in favor of, against or neutral to a specific target and provides valuable insights into important events such as legalization of abortion. Despite significant progress on this task, one of the remaining challenges is the scarcity of annotations. Besides, most previous works focused on a hard-label training in which meaningful similarities among categories are discarded during training. To address these challenges, first, we evaluate a multi-target and a multi-dataset training settings by training one model on each dataset and datasets of different domains, respectively. We show that models can learn more universal representations with respect to targets in these settings. Second, we investigate the knowledge distillation in stance detection and observe that transferring knowledge from a teacher model to a student model can be beneficial in our proposed training settings. Moreover, we propose an Adaptive Knowledge Distillation (AKD) method that applies instance-specific temperature scaling to the teacher and student predictions. Results show that the multi-dataset model performs best on all datasets and it can be further improved by the proposed AKD, outperforming the state-of-the-art by a large margin. We publicly release our code.
Non-Autoregressive machine Translation (NAT) models have demonstrated significant inference speedup but suffer from inferior translation accuracy. The common practice to tackle the problem is transferring the Autoregressive machine Translation (AT) k nowledge to NAT models, e.g., with knowledge distillation. In this work, we hypothesize and empirically verify that AT and NAT encoders capture different linguistic properties of source sentences. Therefore, we propose to adopt multi-task learning to transfer the AT knowledge to NAT models through encoder sharing. Specifically, we take the AT model as an auxiliary task to enhance NAT model performance. Experimental results on WMT14 En-De and WMT16 En-Ro datasets show that the proposed Multi-Task NAT achieves significant improvements over the baseline NAT models. Furthermore, the performance on large-scale WMT19 and WMT20 En-De datasets confirm the consistency of our proposed method. In addition, experimental results demonstrate that our Multi-Task NAT is complementary to knowledge distillation, the standard knowledge transfer method for NAT.
In this paper, we describe our approach towards utilizing pre-trained models for the task of hope speech detection. We participated in Task 2: Hope Speech Detection for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at LT-EDI-2021 @ EACL2021. The goal of this tas k is to predict the presence of hope speech, along with the presence of samples that do not belong to the same language in the dataset. We describe our approach to fine-tuning RoBERTa for Hope Speech detection in English and our approach to fine-tuning XLM-RoBERTa for Hope Speech detection in Tamil and Malayalam, two low resource Indic languages. We demonstrate the performance of our approach on classifying text into hope-speech, non-hope and not-language. Our approach ranked 1st in English (F1 = 0.93), 1st in Tamil (F1 = 0.61) and 3rd in Malayalam (F1 = 0.83).

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