في الدراسات السريرية، تستخدم Chatbots MiMicking تفاعلات الطبيب المريض في جمع معلومات حول الحالة الصحية للمريض.في وقت لاحق، يجب معالجتها هذه المعلومات وهيكلية للطبيب.طريقة واحدة لتنظيمها هي تلقائيا ملء الاستبيانات من محادثة الإنسان بوت.من شأنه أن يساعد الطبيب في اكتشاف القضايا المحتملة.نظرا لعدم وجود مجموعة بيانات من هذا القبيل المتاحة لهذه المهمة، فإن مجموعتها مكلفة وحساسة، ونحن نستكشف قدرات نماذج طلقة صفرية للحديث عن الإجابة على السؤال والاستدلال النصي والتصنيف النصي.نحن نقدم تحليلا مفصلا للنتائج واقتراح المزيد من الاتجاهات لملء الاستبيان السريري.
In clinical studies, chatbots mimicking doctor-patient interactions are used for collecting information about the patient's health state. Later, this information needs to be processed and structured for the doctor. One way to organize it is by automatically filling the questionnaires from the human-bot conversation. It would help the doctor to spot the possible issues. Since there is no such dataset available for this task and its collection is costly and sensitive, we explore the capacities of state-of-the-art zero-shot models for question answering, textual inference, and text classification. We provide a detailed analysis of the results and propose further directions for clinical questionnaire filling.
References used
The recent success of neural language models (NLMs) on the Winograd Schema Challenge has called for further investigation of the commonsense reasoning ability of these models. Previous diagnostic datasets rely on crowd-sourcing which fails to provide
Stance detection on social media can help to identify and understand slanted news or commentary in everyday life. In this work, we propose a new model for zero-shot stance detection on Twitter that uses adversarial learning to generalize across topic
In this paper, we study the problem of recognizing compositional attribute-object concepts within the zero-shot learning (ZSL) framework. We propose an episode-based cross-attention (EpiCA) network which combines merits of cross-attention mechanism a
Sub-tasks of intent classification, such as robustness to distribution shift, adaptation to specific user groups and personalization, out-of-domain detection, require extensive and flexible datasets for experiments and evaluation. As collecting such
Coupled with the availability of large scale datasets, deep learning architectures have enabled rapid progress on the Question Answering task. However, most of those datasets are in English, and the performances of state-of-the-art multilingual model