الوصف التحليلي للمخططات هو منطقة بحثية ومهمة ذات العديد من التطبيقات في الأوساط الأكاديمية والصناعة.ومع ذلك، فقد تلقت هذه المهمة الصعبة اهتماما محدودا من مجتمع أبحاث اللغويات الحاسوبية.تقترح هذه الورقة Autochart، مجموعة بيانات كبيرة للوصف التحليلي للمخططات، التي تهدف إلى تشجيع المزيد من البحث في هذا المجال الهام.على وجه التحديد، نقدم إطارا جديدا ينشئ المخططات ووصفها التحليلي تلقائيا.أجرينا تقييما واسع النطاق للإنسان والآلات على الرسوم البيانية والأوصاف التي تم إنشاؤها وإظهار أن النصوص التي تم إنشاؤها مفيدة ومتماسكة وذات صلة بالمخططات المقابلة.
The analytical description of charts is an exciting and important research area with many applications in academia and industry. Yet, this challenging task has received limited attention from the computational linguistics research community. This paper proposes AutoChart, a large dataset for the analytical description of charts, which aims to encourage more research into this important area. Specifically, we offer a novel framework that generates the charts and their analytical description automatically. We conducted extensive human and machine evaluation on the generated charts and descriptions and demonstrate that the generated texts are informative, coherent, and relevant to the corresponding charts.
References used
Precisely defining the terminology is the first step in scientific communication. Developing neural text generation models for definition generation can circumvent the labor-intensity curation, further accelerating scientific discovery. Unfortunately
Text generation is a highly active area of research in the computational linguistic community. The evaluation of the generated text is a challenging task and multiple theories and metrics have been proposed over the years. Unfortunately, text generat
Generating texts in scientific papers requires not only capturing the content contained within the given input but also frequently acquiring the external information called context. We push forward the scientific text generation by proposing a new ta
A mind-map is a diagram that represents the central concept and key ideas in a hierarchical way. Converting plain text into a mind-map will reveal its key semantic structure and be easier to understand. Given a document, the existing automatic mind-m
We present DART, an open domain structured DAta Record to Text generation dataset with over 82k instances (DARTs). Data-to-text annotations can be a costly process, especially when dealing with tables which are the major source of structured data and