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An Empirical Analysis of Topic Models: Uncovering the Relationships between Hyperparameters, Document Length and Performance Measures

تحليل تجريبي لنماذج الموضوع: يكشف عن العلاقات بين فرط الدم، وطول المستندات وتدابير الأداء

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Neural Topic Models are recent neural models that aim at extracting the main themes from a collection of documents. The comparison of these models is usually limited because the hyperparameters are held fixed. In this paper, we present an empirical analysis and comparison of Neural Topic Models by finding the optimal hyperparameters of each model for four different performance measures adopting a single-objective Bayesian optimization. This allows us to determine the robustness of a topic model for several evaluation metrics. We also empirically show the effect of the length of the documents on different optimized metrics and discover which evaluation metrics are in conflict or agreement with each other.

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Incremental processing allows interactive systems to respond based on partial inputs, which is a desirable property e.g. in dialogue agents. The currently popular Transformer architecture inherently processes sequences as a whole, abstracting away th e notion of time. Recent work attempts to apply Transformers incrementally via restart-incrementality by repeatedly feeding, to an unchanged model, increasingly longer input prefixes to produce partial outputs. However, this approach is computationally costly and does not scale efficiently for long sequences. In parallel, we witness efforts to make Transformers more efficient, e.g. the Linear Transformer (LT) with a recurrence mechanism. In this work, we examine the feasibility of LT for incremental NLU in English. Our results show that the recurrent LT model has better incremental performance and faster inference speed compared to the standard Transformer and LT with restart-incrementality, at the cost of part of the non-incremental (full sequence) quality. We show that the performance drop can be mitigated by training the model to wait for right context before committing to an output and that training with input prefixes is beneficial for delivering correct partial outputs.
Rapidly changing social media content calls for robust and generalisable abuse detection models. However, the state-of-the-art supervised models display degraded performance when they are evaluated on abusive comments that differ from the training co rpus. We investigate if the performance of supervised models for cross-corpora abuse detection can be improved by incorporating additional information from topic models, as the latter can infer the latent topic mixtures from unseen samples. In particular, we combine topical information with representations from a model tuned for classifying abusive comments. Our performance analysis reveals that topic models are able to capture abuse-related topics that can transfer across corpora, and result in improved generalisability.
From statistical to neural models, a wide variety of topic modelling algorithms have been proposed in the literature. However, because of the diversity of datasets and metrics, there have not been many efforts to systematically compare their performa nce on the same benchmarks and under the same conditions. In this paper, we present a selection of 9 topic modelling techniques from the state of the art reflecting a diversity of approaches to the task, an overview of the different metrics used to compare their performance, and the challenges of conducting such a comparison. We empirically evaluate the performance of these models on different settings reflecting a variety of real-life conditions in terms of dataset size, number of topics, and distribution of topics, following identical preprocessing and evaluation processes. Using both metrics that rely on the intrinsic characteristics of the dataset (different coherence metrics), as well as external knowledge (word embeddings and ground-truth topic labels), our experiments reveal several shortcomings regarding the common practices in topic models evaluation.
Contextualized representations based on neural language models have furthered the state of the art in various NLP tasks. Despite its great success, the nature of such representations remains a mystery. In this paper, we present an empirical property of these representations---''average'' approximates first principal component''. Specifically, experiments show that the average of these representations shares almost the same direction as the first principal component of the matrix whose columns are these representations. We believe this explains why the average representation is always a simple yet strong baseline. Our further examinations show that this property also holds in more challenging scenarios, for example, when the representations are from a model right after its random initialization. Therefore, we conjecture that this property is intrinsic to the distribution of representations and not necessarily related to the input structure. We realize that these representations empirically follow a normal distribution for each dimension, and by assuming this is true, we demonstrate that the empirical property can be in fact derived mathematically.
The current recipe for better model performance within NLP is to increase model size and training data. While it gives us models with increasingly impressive results, it also makes it more difficult to train and deploy state-of-the-art models for NLP due to increasing computational costs. Model compression is a field of research that aims to alleviate this problem. The field encompasses different methods that aim to preserve the performance of a model while decreasing the size of it. One such method is knowledge distillation. In this article, we investigate the effect of knowledge distillation for named entity recognition models in Swedish. We show that while some sequence tagging models benefit from knowledge distillation, not all models do. This prompts us to ask questions about in which situations and for which models knowledge distillation is beneficial. We also reason about the effect of knowledge distillation on computational costs.

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