في الوقت الحاضر، هناك الكثير من الإعلانات التي تختبئ كوظائف طبيعية أو مشاريع خبرة في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.هناك القليل من البحوث في الكشف عن الإعلانات على النصوص الصينية الماندرين.وهكذا تهدف هذه الورقة إلى التركيز على الكشف الإعلامي المخفي عن المشاركات عبر الإنترنت في تايوان ماندرين الصينية.لقد فحصنا سبعة ميزات سياقية بناء على نظريات لغوية في مستوى الخطاب.يمكن تجميع هذه الميزات إلى ثلاثة مخططات تحت بنية الكتابة العامة العامة.نفذت هذه الميزات هذه لتدريب نموذج برت متعدد المهام للكشف عن إعلانات.اقترحت النتائج أن ميزات لغوية محددة سيساعد في استخراج إعلانات.
Nowadays, there are a lot of advertisements hiding as normal posts or experience sharing in social media. There is little research of advertorial detection on Mandarin Chinese texts. This paper thus aimed to focus on hidden advertorial detection of online posts in Taiwan Mandarin Chinese. We inspected seven contextual features based on linguistic theories in discourse level. These features can be further grouped into three schemas under the general advertorial writing structure. We further implemented these features to train a multi-task BERT model to detect advertorials. The results suggested that specific linguistic features would help extract advertorials.
References used
Online social media platforms increasingly rely on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to detect abusive content at scale in order to mitigate the harms it causes to their users. However, these techniques suffer from various sampling and ass
Social media texts such as blog posts, comments, and tweets often contain offensive languages including racial hate speech comments, personal attacks, and sexual harassment. Detecting inappropriate use of language is, therefore, of utmost importance
Sarcasm is a linguistic expression often used to communicate the opposite of what is said, usually something that is very unpleasant with an intention to insult or ridicule. Inherent ambiguity in sarcastic expressions makes sarcasm detection very dif
Mental health is getting more and more attention recently, depression being a very common illness nowadays, but also other disorders like anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, feeding disorders, autism, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders
Stance detection on social media can help to identify and understand slanted news or commentary in everyday life. In this work, we propose a new model for zero-shot stance detection on Twitter that uses adversarial learning to generalize across topic