المفارقة والكشف عن المعنويات مهمة لفهم سلوك الناس وأفكار الناس.وبالتالي أصبحت مهمة شعبية في معالجة اللغة الطبيعية (NLP).هذه الورقة تقدم النتائج والنتائج الرئيسية في المهام المشتركة WANLP 2021 واحدة واثنين.استندت المهمة إلى DataSet Arsarcasm-V2 (أبو فرحة وآخرون، 2021).في هذه الورقة، نحن نصف نظامنا متعدد الرؤوس LSTM-CNN-GRU وكذلك ماربرت (عبد المجيد وآخرون، 2021) مقدم لهذه المهمة المشتركة، المرتبة 10 من أصل 27 في مهمة مشتركة تحقيق واحد 0.5662 F1-Sarcasmوتحتل المرتبة 3 من 22 في المهمة المشتركة اثنين من تحقيق 0.7321 F1-PN تحت اسم مستخدم Codalab Rematchka ''.لقد جربنا نماذج مختلفة، وهناك نماذج أفضل أداء هي مجموعة من cnn-lstm متعددة برأسنا، حيث استخدمنا نص prepossessed و emoji المقدمة من تغريدات وماربرت.
Irony and Sentiment detection is important to understand people's behavior and thoughts. Thus it has become a popular task in natural language processing (NLP). This paper presents results and main findings in WANLP 2021 shared tasks one and two. The task was based on the ArSarcasm-v2 dataset (Abu Farha et al., 2021). In this paper, we describe our system Multi-headed-LSTM-CNN-GRU and also MARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2021) submitted for the shared task, ranked 10 out of 27 in shared task one achieving 0.5662 F1-Sarcasm and ranked 3 out of 22 in shared task two achieving 0.7321 F1-PN under CodaLab username rematchka''. We experimented with various models and the two best performing models are a Multi-headed CNN-LSTM-GRU in which we used prepossessed text and emoji presented from tweets and MARBERT.
References used
This paper provides an overview of the WANLP 2021 shared task on sarcasm and sentiment detection in Arabic. The shared task has two subtasks: sarcasm detection (subtask 1) and sentiment analysis (subtask 2). This shared task aims to promote and bring
In this shared task, this paper proposes a method to combine the BERT-based word vector model and the LSTM prediction model to predict the Valence and Arousal values in the text. Among them, the BERT-based word vector is 768-dimensional, and each wor
This paper presents our strategy to tackle the EACL WANLP-2021 Shared Task 2: Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection. One of the subtasks aims at developing a system that identifies whether a given Arabic tweet is sarcastic in nature or not, while the other
We use the MacBERT transformers and fine-tune them to ROCLING-2021 shared tasks using the CVAT and CVAS data. We compare the performance of MacBERT with the other two transformers BERT and RoBERTa in the valence and arousal dimensions, respectively.
Sarcasm is one of the main challenges for sentiment analysis systems due to using implicit indirect phrasing for expressing opinions, especially in Arabic. This paper presents the system we submitted to the Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection task of WAN