ركزت الأبحاث السائدة على خطاب الكراهية في الغالب في الوقت الحالي في مهمة تصنيف وظائف وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بشكل رئيسي فيما يتعلق بطبقات نطاقات الكراهية المحددة مسبقا إلى حد ما.قد يكون هذا كافيا إذا كان الهدف هو اكتشاف وحذف الوظائف اللغوية المسيئة.ومع ذلك، لا يمكن إزالة الإزالة دائما بسبب تشريع بلد ما.أيضا، هناك أدلة على أن خطاب الكراهية لا يمكن مكافحته بنجاح بمجرد إزالة مشاركات الكلام الكراهية؛يجب أن تواجهها التعليم والعديد من الروايات.لهذا الغرض، نحتاج إلى تحديد (I) من هو الهدف في وظيفة خطاب كراهية معينة، و (2) ما هي الجوانب (أو الخصائص) التي تعزى الهدف إلى الهدف في المنصب.كأول تقريب، نقترح تكييف نموذج استخراج مفهوم حقيقي للأحدث إلى مجال خطاب الكراهية.نتيجة التجارب واعدة ويمكن أن تكون مصدر إلهام لمزيد من العمل في المهمة
Mainstream research on hate speech focused so far predominantly on the task of classifying mainly social media posts with respect to predefined typologies of rather coarse-grained hate speech categories. This may be sufficient if the goal is to detect and delete abusive language posts. However, removal is not always possible due to the legislation of a country. Also, there is evidence that hate speech cannot be successfully combated by merely removing hate speech posts; they should be countered by education and counter-narratives. For this purpose, we need to identify (i) who is the target in a given hate speech post, and (ii) what aspects (or characteristics) of the target are attributed to the target in the post. As the first approximation, we propose to adapt a generic state-of-the-art concept extraction model to the hate speech domain. The outcome of the experiments is promising and can serve as inspiration for further work on the task
References used
Hate speech and profanity detection suffer from data sparsity, especially for languages other than English, due to the subjective nature of the tasks and the resulting annotation incompatibility of existing corpora. In this study, we identify profane
Existing work on automated hate speech classification assumes that the dataset is fixed and the classes are pre-defined. However, the amount of data in social media increases every day, and the hot topics changes rapidly, requiring the classifiers to
The framing of political issues can influence policy and public opinion. Even though the public plays a key role in creating and spreading frames, little is known about how ordinary people on social media frame political issues. By creating a new dat
In this work, we provide an extensive part-of-speech analysis of the discourse of social media users with depression. Research in psychology revealed that depressed users tend to be self-focused, more preoccupied with themselves and ruminate more abo
The speech act of complaining is used by humans to communicate a negative mismatch between reality and expectations as a reaction to an unfavorable situation. Linguistic theory of pragmatics categorizes complaints into various severity levels based o