One of the key-issues to increase the luminosity in the next generation particle factories is to reduce the bunch length at the interaction point (IP) as much as possible. This will allow reducing proportionally the transverse beta functions at the IP and increasing the luminosity by the same factor. The strong RF focusing consists in obtaining short bunches by substantially increasing the lattice momentum compaction and the RF gradient. In this regime the bunch length is modulated along the ring and could be minimized at the IP. If the principal impedance generating elements of the ring are located where the bunch is long (in the RF cavities region) it is possible to avoid microwave instability and excessive bunch lengthening due to the potential well distortion.
In previous work [1] general expressions, valid for arbitrary bunch lengths, were derived for the wakefields of corrugated structures with flat geometry, such as is used in the RadiaBeam/LCLS dechirper. However, the bunch at the end of linac-based X-ray FELs--like the LCLS--is extremely short, and for short bunches the wakes can be considerably simplified. In this work, we first derive analytical approximations to the short-range wakes. These are generalized wakes, in the sense that their validity is not limited to a small neighborhood of the symmetry axis, but rather extends to arbitrary transverse offsets of driving and test particles. The validity of these short-bunch wakes holds not only for the corrugated structure, but rather for any flat structure whose beam-cavity interaction can be described by a surface impedance. We use these wakes to obtain, for a short bunch passing through a dechirper: estimates of the energy loss as function of gap, the transverse kick as function of beam offset, the slice energy spread increase, and the emittance growth. In the Appendix, a more accurate derivation--than is found in [1]--of the arbitrary bunch length wakes is performed; we find full agreement with the earlier results, provided the bunches are short compared to the dechirper gap, which is normally the regime of interest. [1] K. Bane and G. Stupakov, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 034401(2015).
Plasma wake lens in which all short relativistic electron bunches of sequence are focused identically and uniformly is studied analytically and by numerical simulation. For two types of lenses necessary parameters of focused sequence of relativistic electron bunches are formulated. Verification of these parameters is performed by numerical simulation.
We discuss several analytical models for impedances of very short bunches. The approximate analytical models are compared with direct solution of Maxwells equations.
Beam diagnostics is important to guarantee good quality of beam in particle accelerator. Both the electron and positron run in the tunnel in some modern electron positron colliders such as Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) to be built and Beijing Electron Positron Collider II (BEPC II). To measure the electron and positron beams, picking up of these two different bunches in real time is of notable concern. Because the time interval between adjacent electron and positron bunches is quite small, for example, 6 ns in CEPC, high-speed switch electronics is required. This paper presents the prototype design of a high-speed radio frequency (RF) electronics that can pick up nanosecond positron-electron beam bunches with a switching time of less than 6 ns. Fast separation of electron and positron is achieved based on RF switches and precise delay adjustment of the controlling signals (~10 ps). Initial tests have been conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the performance of electronics, the results indicate that this circuit can successfully pick up the bunch signal within a time interval of 6 ns, which makes it possible to further measure the electron and position beams simultaneously.
Earlier, the authors found a mechanism for the sequence of short relativistic electron bunches, which leads to resonant excitation of the wakefield, even if the repetition frequency of bunches differs from the plasma frequency. In this case, the synchronization of frequencies is restored due to defocusing of the bunches which get into the bad phases with respect to the plasma wave. However, in this case, the bunches are lost, which as a result of this do not participate in the excitation of the wakefield. In this paper, numerical simulation was used to study the dynamics of electron bunches and the excitation of the wakefield in a magnetized plasma by a long sequence of short bunches of relativistic electrons. When a magnetic field is used, the defocussed bunches return to the region of interaction with the field after a certain time. In this case, the electrons of the bunches, returning to the necessary phases of the field, participate in the excitation of the wakefield. Also, the use of a magnetic field leads to an increase of the frequency of the excited wave relative to the repetition frequency of bunches. The latter increases the time for maintaining the resonance and, consequently, leads to an increase of the amplitude of the excited wakefield.