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Homology Theory for the Set-Theoretic Yang-Baxter Equation and Knot Invariants from Generalizations of Quandles

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 Added by J. Scott Carter
 Publication date 2002
and research's language is English

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A homology theory is developed for set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equations, and knot invariants are constructed by generalized colorings by biquandles and Yang-Baxter cocycles.

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236 - Seung-moon Hong 2012
Enhanced Yang-Baxter operators give rise to invariants of oriented links. We expand the enhancing method to generalized Yang-Baxter operators. At present two examples of generalized Yang-Baxter operators are known and recently three types of variations for one of these were discovered. We present the definition of enhanced generalized YB-operators and show that all known examples of generalized YB-operators can be enhanced to give corresponding invariants of oriented links. Most of these invariants are specializations of the polynomial invariant $P$. Invariants from generalized YB-operators are multiplicative after a normalization.
175 - J. Scott Carter 2005
We construct solutions to the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation using braid group representations in free group automorphisms and their Fox differentials. The method resembles the extensions of groups and quandles.
We introduce skein theoretic techniques to compute the Yang-Baxter (YB) homology and cohomology groups of the R-matrix corresponding to the Jones polynomial. More specifically, we show that the YB operator $R$ for Jones, normalized for homology, admits a skein decomposition $R = I + betaalpha$, where $alpha: V^{otimes 2} rightarrow k$ is a cup pairing map and $beta: k rightarrow V^{otimes 2}$ is a cap copairing map, and differentials in the chain complex associated to $R$ can be decomposed into horizontal tensor concatenations of cups and caps. We apply our skein theoretic approach to determine the second and third YB homology groups, confirming a conjecture of Przytycki and Wang. Further, we compute the cohomology groups of $R$, and provide computations in higher dimensions that yield some annihilations of submodules.
144 - Seung-moon Hong 2012
We consider two approaches to isotopy invariants of oriented links: one from ribbon categories and the other from generalized Yang-Baxter operators with appropriate enhancements. The generalized Yang-Baxter operators we consider are obtained from so-called gYBE objects following a procedure of Kitaev and Wang. We show that the enhancement of these generalized Yang-Baxter operators is canonically related to the twist structure in ribbon categories from which the operators are produced. If a generalized Yang-Baxter operator is obtained from a ribbon category, it is reasonable to expect that two approaches would result in the same invariant. We prove that indeed the two link invariants are the same after normalizations. As examples, we study a new family of generalized Yang-Baxter operators which is obtained from the ribbon fusion categories $SO(N)_2$, where $N$ is an odd integer. These operators are given by $8times 8$ matrices with the parameter $N$ and the link invariants are specializations of the two-variable Kauffman polynomial invariant $F$.
103 - F. Cedo , E. Jespers , J. Okninski 2020
To every involutive non-degenerate set-theoretic solution $(X,r)$ of the Yang-Baxter equation on a finite set $X$ there is a naturally associated finite solvable permutation group ${mathcal G}(X,r)$ acting on $X$. We prove that every primitive permutation group of this type is of prime order $p$. Moreover, $(X,r)$ is then a so called permutation solution determined by a cycle of length $p$. This solves a problem recently asked by A. Ballester-Bolinches. The result opens a new perspective on a possible approach to the classification problem of all involutive non-degenerate set-theoretic solutions.
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