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The BV-algebra structure of W_3 cohomology

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 Added by Krzysztof Pilch
 Publication date 1995
and research's language is English

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We summarize some recent results obtained in collaboration with J. McCarthy on the spectrum of physical states in $W_3$ gravity coupled to $c=2$ matter. We show that the space of physical states, defined as a semi-infinite (or BRST) cohomology of the $W_3$ algebra, carries the structure of a BV-algebra. This BV-algebra has a quotient which is isomorphic to the BV-algebra of polyvector fields on the base affine space of $SL(3,C)$. Details have appeared elsewhere. [Published in the proceedings of Gursey Memorial Conference I: Strings and Symmetries, Istanbul, June 1994, eds. G. Aktas et al., Lect. Notes in Phys. 447, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1995)]

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61 - Thomas Tradler 2002
We define a BV-structure on the Hochschild-cohomology of a unital, associative algebra A with a symmetric, invariant and non-degenerate inner product. The induced Gerstenhaber algebra is the one described in Gerstenhabers original paper on Hochschild-cohomology. We also prove the corresponding theorem in the homotopy case, namely we define the BV-structure on the Hochschild-cohomology of a unital A-infinity-algebra with a symmetric and non-degenerate infinity-inner product.
184 - A. M. Semikhatov 2013
We describe a Nichols-algebra-motivated construction of an octuplet chiral algebra that is a W_3-counterpart of the triplet algebra of (p,1) logarithmic models of two-dimensional conformal field theory.
We show that the restricted Lie algebra structure on Hochschild cohomology is invariant under stable equivalences of Morita type between self-injective algebras. Thereby we obtain a number of positive characteristic stable invariants, such as the $p$-toral rank of $mathrm{HH}^1(A,A)$. We also prove a more general result concerning Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras, using a more general notion of stable equivalences of Morita type. Several applications are given to commutative algebra and modular representation theory. These results are proven by first establishing the stable invariance of the $B_infty$-structure of the Hochschild cochain complex. In the appendix we explain how the $p$-power operation on Hochschild cohomology can be seen as an artifact of this $B_infty$-structure. In particular, we establish well-definedness of the $p$-power operation, following some -- originally topological -- methods due to May, Cohen and Turchin, using the language of operads.
We describe the Gerstenhaber algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology HH*$(A)$ when $A$ is a quadratic string algebra. First we compute the Hochschild cohomology groups using Barzdells resolution and we describe generators of these groups. Then we construct comparison morphisms between the bar resolution and Bardzells resolution in order to get formulae for the cup product and the Lie bracket. We find conditions on the bound quiver associated to string algebras in order to get non-trivial structures.
We define and calculate the fusion algebra of WZW model at a rational level by cohomological methods. As a byproduct we obtain a cohomological characterization of admissible representations of $widehat{gtsl}_{2}$.
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