We determine the semiclassical energy levels for the phi^4 field theory in the broken symmetry phase on a 2D cylindrical geometry with antiperiodic boundary conditions by quantizing the appropriate finite--volume kink solutions. The analytic form of the kink scaling functions for arbitrary size of the system allows us to describe the flow between the twisted sector of c=1 CFT in the UV region and the massive particles in the IR limit. Kink-creating operators are shown to correspond in the UV limit to disorder fields of the c=1 CFT. The problem of the finite--volume spectrum for generic 2D Landau--Ginzburg models is also discussed.
We calculate the multipoint Green functions in 1+1 dimensional integrable quantum field theories. We use the crossing formula for general models and calculate the 3 and 4 point functions taking in to account only the lower nontrivial intermediate states contributions. Then we apply the general results to the examples of the scaling $Z_{2}$ Ising model, sinh-Gordon model and $Z_{3}$ scaling Ising model. We demonstrate this calculations explicitly. The results can be applied to physical phenomena as for example to the Raman scattering.
This work concerns the quantum Lorentzian and Euclidean black hole non-linear sigma models. For the Euclidean black hole sigma model an equilibrium density matrix is proposed, which reproduces the modular invariant partition function from the 2001 paper of Maldacena, Ooguri and Son. For the Lorentzian black hole sigma model, using its formulation as a gauged ${rm SL}(2,mathbb{R})$ WZW model, we describe the linear and Hermitian structure of its space of states and also propose an expression for the equilibrium density matrix. Our analysis is guided by the results of the study of a certain critical, integrable spin chain. In the scaling limit, the latter exhibits the key features of the Lorentzian black hole sigma model including the same global symmetries, the same algebra of extended conformal symmetry and a continuous spectrum of conformal dimensions.
We investigate a class of exactly solvable quantum quench protocols with a finite quench rate in systems of one dimensional non-relativistic fermions in external harmonic oscillator or inverted harmonic oscillator potentials, with time dependent masses and frequencies. These hamiltonians arise, respectively, in harmonic traps, and the $c=1$ Matrix Model description of two dimensional string theory with time dependent string coupling. We show how the dynamics is determined by a single function of time which satisfies a generalized Ermakov-Pinney equation. The quench protocols we consider asymptote to constant masses and frequencies at early times, and cross or approach a gapless potential. In a right side up harmonic oscillator potential we determine the scaling behavior of the one point function and the entanglement entropy of a subregion by obtaining analytic approximations to the exact answers. The results are consistent with Kibble-Zurek scaling for slow quenches and with perturbation calculations for fast quenches. For cis-critical quench protocols the entanglement entropy oscillates at late times around its initial value. For end-critical protocols the entanglement entropy monotonically goes to zero inversely with time, reflecting the spread of fermions over the entire line. For the inverted harmonic oscillator potential, the dual collective field description is a scalar field in a time dependent metric and dilaton background.
The structure of a new family of factorised $S$-matrix theories with resonance poles is reviewed. They are conjectured to correspond to the Homogeneous sine-Gordon theories associated with simply laced compact Lie groups. Two of their more remarkable properties are, first, that some of the resonance poles can be traced to the presence of unstable particles in the spectrum, and, second, that they involve several independent mass scales. The conjectured relationship with the simply laced HSG theories has been checked by means of the Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) and, more recently, through the explicit calculation of the Form Factors. The main results of the TBA analysis are summarized.
We point out that the arguments of Zamolodchikov and others on the $Toverline T$ and similar deformations of two-dimensional field theories may be extended to the more general non-Lorentz invariant case, for example non-relativistic and Lifshitz-type theories. We derive results for the finite-size spectrum and $S$-matrix of the deformed theories.