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On topological F-theory

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 Added by Annamaria Sinkovics
 Publication date 2004
and research's language is English

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We consider the construction of a topological version of F-theory on a particular $Spin(7)$ 8-manifold which is a Calabi-Yau 3-fold times a 2-torus. We write an action for this theory in eight dimensions and reduce it to lower dimensions using Hitchins gradient flow method. A symmetry of the eight-dimensional theory which follows from modular transformations of the torus induces duality transformations of the variables of the topological A- and B-models. We also consider target space form actions in the presence of background fluxes in six dimensions.

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We construct a general class of new time dependent solutions of non-linear sigma models coupled to gravity. These solutions describe configurations of expanding or contracting codimension two solitons which are not subject to a constraint on the total tension. The two dimensional metric on the space transverse to the defects is determined by the Liouville equation. This space can be compact or non-compact, and of any topology. We show that this construction can be applied naturally in type IIB string theory to find backgrounds describing a number of 7-branes larger than 24.
We propose 4-point S-matrices for three-dimensional F-theory. We will use the twistor formalism to facilitate constructing the amplitude. We write the amplitude in a way such that the F-symmetry (U-duality symmetry) is manifest. The amplitude can be schematically written as $A_{4} = w^{4}/stu$, where $w$ is an analog of the linearized Weyl tensor in F-theory, and $w^{4}$ is a shorthand for the sum of various contractions that can happen between the Weyl tensors. The gauge invariance is actually non-trivial since $w$ is in general not gauge invariant. With the help of the twistor formalism, one can verify that this formula is indeed gauge invariant. The amplitude also reduces to the ordinary 4-graviton amplitude under the reduction to M-theory (which is just 4D supergravity).
We argue that the following three statements cannot all be true: (i) our vacuum is a type IIB / F-theory vacuum at moderate-to-large $h^{1,1}$, (ii) the $alpha$-expansion is controlled via the supergravity approximation, `a la the KKLT and LVS scenarios, and (iii) there are no additional gauged sectors from seven-branes. Since nearly all known globally consistent F-theory models with the exact chiral spectrum of the Standard Model and gauge coupling unification occur at moderate $h^{1,1}$, this finding calls for new moduli stabilization scenarios or/and a rich seven-brane dark sector.
We analyze exotic matter representations that arise on singular seven-brane configurations in F-theory. We develop a general framework for analyzing such representations, and work out explicit descriptions for models with matter in the 2-index and 3-index symmetric representations of SU($N$) and SU(2) respectively, associated with double and triple point singularities in the seven-brane locus. These matter representations are associated with Weierstrass models whose discriminants vanish to high order thanks to nontrivial cancellations possible only in the presence of a non-UFD algebraic structure. This structure can be described using the normalization of the ring of intrinsic local functions on a singular divisor. We consider the connection between geometric constraints on singular curves and corresponding constraints on the low-energy spectrum of 6D theories, identifying some new examples of apparent swampland theories that cannot be realized in F-theory but have no apparent low-energy inconsistency.
151 - Hisham Sati , Urs Schreiber 2021
In the quest for mathematical foundations of M-theory, the Hypothesis H that fluxes are quantized in Cohomotopy theory, implies, on flat but possibly singular spacetimes, that M-brane charges locally organize into equivariant homotopy groups of spheres. Here we show how this leads to a correspondence between phenomena conjectured in M-theory and fundamental mathematical concepts/results in stable homotopy, generalized cohomology and Cobordism theory Mf: Stems of homotopy groups correspond to charges of probe p-branes near black b-branes; stabilization within a stem is the boundary-bulk transition; the Adams d-invariant measures G4-flux; trivialization of the d-invariant corresponds to H3-flux; refined Toda brackets measure H3-flux; the refined Adams e-invariant sees the H3-charge lattice; vanishing Adams e-invariant implies consistent global C3-fields; Conner-Floyds e-invariant is H3-flux seen in the Green-Schwarz mechanism; the Hopf invariant is the M2-brane Page charge (G7-flux); the Pontrjagin-Thom theorem associates the polarized brane worldvolumes sourcing all these charges. Cobordism in the third stable stem witnesses spontaneous KK-compactification on K3-surfaces; the order of the third stable stem implies 24 NS5/D7-branes in M/F-theory on K3. Quaternionic orientations correspond to unit H3-fluxes near M2-branes; complex orientations lift these unit H3-fluxes to heterotic M-theory with heterotic line bundles. In fact, we find quaternionic/complex Ravenel-orientations bounded in dimension; and we find the bound to be 10, as befits spacetime dimension 10+1.
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