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The field theory dual to the Freedman-Townsend model of a non-Abelian anti-symmetric tensor field is a nonlinear sigma model on the group manifold G. This can be extended to the duality between the Freedman-Townsend model coupled to Yang-Mills fields and a nonlinear sigma model on a coset space G/H. We present the supersymmetric extension of this duality, and find that the target space of this nonlinear sigma model is a complex coset space, GC/HC.
The dynamics of abelian vector and antisymmetric tensor gauge fields can be described in terms of twisted self-duality equations. These first-order equations relate the p-form fields to their dual forms by demanding that their respective field strengths are dual to each other. It is well known that such equations can be integrated to a local action that carries on equal footing the p-forms together with their duals and is manifestly duality invariant. Space-time covariance is no longer manifest but still present with a non-standard realization of space-time diffeomorphisms on the gauge fields. In this paper, we give a non-abelian generalization of this first-order action by gauging part of its global symmetries. The resulting field equations are non-abeli
Basis tensor gauge theory is a vierbein analog reformulation of ordinary gauge theories in which the difference of local field degrees of freedom has the interpretation of an object similar to a Wilson line. Here we present a non-Abelian basis tensor gauge theory formalism. Unlike in the Abelian case, the map between the ordinary gauge field and the basis tensor gauge field is nonlinear. To test the formalism, we compute the beta function and the two-point function at the one-loop level in non-Abelian basis tensor gauge theory and show that it reproduces the well-known results from the usual formulation of non-Abelian gauge theory.
In this paper, we treat the proper path integral quantization of the Yang-Mills-aether (YM-aether) system by dealing with the extra gauge copies in the Landau gauge. Within Gribovs prescription to get rid of such remaining gauge copies, we explicitly derive the Gribov parameter dependence of the coupling constant and of the Lorentz violation aether term. The ultraviolet limit is investigated under the light of recent bounds on the magnitude of the non-Abelian aether parameter, and we show that the Gribov parameter can be disregarded in that limit.
We study the cobordism conjecture of McNamara and Vafa which asserts that the bordism group of quantum gravity is trivial. In the context of type IIB string theory compactified on a circle, this predicts the presence of D7-branes. On the other hand, the non-Abelian structure of the IIB duality group $SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ implies the existence of additional $[p,q]$ 7-branes. We find that this additional information is instead captured by the space of closed paths on the moduli space of elliptic curves parameterizing distinct values of the type IIB axio-dilaton. This description allows to recover the full structure of non-Abelian braid statistics for 7-branes. Combining the cobordism conjecture with an earlier Swampland conjecture by Ooguri and Vafa, we argue that only certain congruence subgroups $Gamma subset SL(2,mathbb{Z})$ specifying genus zero modular curves can appear in 8D F-theory vacua. This leads to a successful prediction for the allowed Mordell-Weil torsion groups for 8D F-theory vacua.
We construct six-dimensional superconformal models with non-abelian tensor and hypermultiplets. They describe the field content of (2,0) theories, coupled to (1,0) vector multiplets. The latter are part of the non-abelian gauge structure that also includes non-dynamical three- and four-forms. The hypermultiplets are described by gauged nonlinear sigma models with a hyper-Kaehler cone target space. We also address the question of constraints in these models and show that their resolution requires the inclusion of abelian factors. These provide couplings that were previously considered for anomaly cancellations with abelian tensor multiplets and resulted in the selection of ADE gauge groups.