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Solar Neutrino Data and Its Implications

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 Publication date 1992
and research's language is English

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The complete and concurrent Homestake and Kamiokande solar neutrino data sets (including backgrounds), when compared to detailed model predictions, provide no unambiguous indication of the solution to the solar neutrino problem. All neutrino-based solutions, including time-varying models, provide reasonable fits to both the 3 year concurrent data and the full 20 year data set. A simple constant B neutrino flux reduction is ruled out at greater than the 4$sigma$ level for both data sets. While such a flux reduction provides a marginal fit to the unweighted averages of the concurrent data, it does not provide a good fit to the average of the full 20 year sample. Gallium experiments may not be able to distinguish between the currently allowed neutrino-based possibilities.

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We present an analysis of the solar neutrino data in the context of a quasi-Dirac neutrino model in which the lepton mixing matrix is given at tree level by the tribimaximal matrix. When radiative corrections are taken into account, new effects in neutrino oscillations, as $ u_e to u_s$, appear. This oscillation is constrained by the solar neutrino data. In our analysis, we have found an allowed region for our two free parameters $epsilon$ and $m_1$. The radiative correction, $epsilon$, can vary approximately from $5times 10^{-9}$ to $10^{-6}$ and the calculated fourth mass eigenstate, $m_4$, 0.01 eV to 0.2 eV at 2$sigma$ level. These results are very similar to the ones presented in the literature.
357 - V. Berezinsky , M.Lissia 2001
With SNO data on electron-neutrino flux from the sun, it is possible to derive the $ u_e$ survival probability $P_{ee}(E)$ from existing experimental data of Super-Kamiokande, gallium experiments and Homestake. The combined data of SNO and Super-Kamiokande provide boron $ u_e$ flux and the total flux of all active boron neutrinos, giving thus $P_{ee}(E)$ for boron neutrinos. The Homestake detector, after subtraction of the signal from boron neutrinos, gives the flux of Be+CNO neutrinos, and $P_{ee}$ for the corresponding energy interval, if the produced flux is taken from the Standard Solar Model (SSM). Gallium detectors, GALLEX, SAGE and GNO, detect additionally pp-neutrinos. The pp-flux can be calculated subtracting from the gallium signal the rate due to boron, beryllium and CNO neutrinos. The ratio of the measured $pp$-neutrino flux to that predicted by the SSM gives the survival probability for $pp$-neutrinos. Comparison with theoretical survival probabilities shows that the best (among known models) fit is given by LMA and LOW solutions.
We present a quantitative study of the $ u N$ cross section in the neutrino energy range $10^4<E_{ u}<10^{14}$ GeV within two transversal QCD approaches: NLO DGLAP evolution using different sets of PDFs and BK small-$x$ evolution with running coupling and kinematical corrections. We show that the non-linear effects embodied in the BK equation yield a slower raise in the cross section for $E_{ u}gtrsim 10^{8}$ GeV than the usual DGLAP based calculation. Finally, we translate this theoretical uncertainty into upper bounds for the ultra-high-energy neutrino flux for different experiments.
We show that spin flavor precession solutions to the solar neutrino problem, although preferred by the latest solar data, are ruled out by the first results from the KamLAND reactor experiment, at more than 3_sigma. An illustrative chi2 plot comparing these descriptions with oscillations is given.
90 - P.A. Sturrock 2019
Analyses of neutrino measurements acquired by the Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Observatory (SK, for the time interval 1996 - 2001) and of radon decay measurements acquired by the Geological Survey of Israel (GSI, for the time interval 2007 - 2017) yield remarkably consistent detections of the same oscillation: frequency 9.43 +/- 0.04 year-1 (SK), 9.44 +/- 0.04 year-1 (GSI); amplitude 6.8 +/- 1.7 % (SK), 7.0 +/- 1.0 % (GSI); phase 124 +/- 15 deg. (SK), 124 +/- 9 deg. (GSI). We briefly discuss possible hypotheses that may be relevant to this experimental result.
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