A lattice calculation of the pi-N sigma term is described using dynamical staggered fermions. Preliminary results give a sea term comparable in magnitude to the valence term.
A lattice calculation of the pi-N sigma term is described using dynamical staggered fermions. Preliminary results give a sea term comparable in magnitude to the valence term.
The variational method is used widely for determining eigenstates of the QCD hamiltonian for actions with a conventional transfer matrix, e.g., actions with improved Wilson fermions. An alternative lattice fermion formalism, staggered fermions, does not have a conventional single-time-step transfer matrix. Nonetheless, with a simple modification, the variational method can also be applied to that formalism. In some cases the method also provides a mechanism for separating the commonly paired parity-partner states. We discuss the extension to staggered fermions and illustrate it by applying it to the calculation of the spectrum of charmed-antistrange mesons consisting of a clover charm quark and a staggered strange antiquark.
We investigate the neighbourhood of the chiral phase transition in a lattice Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, using both Monte Carlo methods and lattice Schwinger-Dyson equations.
With sufficiently light up and down quarks the isovector ($a_0$) and isosinglet ($f_0$) scalar meson propagators are dominated at large distance by two-meson states. In the staggered fermion formulation of lattice quantum chromodynamics, taste-symmetry breaking causes a proliferation of two-meson states that further complicates the analysis of these channels. Many of them are unphysical artifacts of the lattice approximation. They are expected to disappear in the continuum limit. The staggered-fermion fourth-root procedure has its purported counterpart in rooted staggered chiral perturbation theory (rSXPT). Fortunately, the rooted theory provides a strict framework that permits the analysis of scalar meson correlators in terms of only a small number of low energy couplings. Thus the analysis of the point-to-point scalar meson correlators in this context gives a useful consistency check of the fourth-root procedure and its proposed chiral realization. Through numerical simulation we have measured correlators for both the $a_0$ and $f_0$ channels in the ``Asqtad improved staggered fermion formulation in a lattice ensemble with lattice spacing $a = 0.12$ fm. We analyze those correlators in the context of rSXPT and obtain values of the low energy chiral couplings that are reasonably consistent with previous determinations.
We report on our result for the equation of state (EOS) with a Symanzik improved gauge action and the asqtad improved staggered fermion action at $N_t=4$ and 6. In our dynamical simulations with 2+1 flavors we use the inexact R algorithm and here we estimate the finite step-size systematic error on the EOS. Finally we discuss the non-zero chemical potential extension of the EOS and give some preliminary results.