A lattice calculation of the pi-N sigma term is described using dynamical staggered fermions. Preliminary results give a sea term comparable in magnitude to the valence term.
A lattice calculation of the pi-N sigma term is described using dynamical staggered fermions. Preliminary results give a sea term comparable in magnitude to the valence term.
Using new as well as known results on dimerized quantum spin chains with frustration, we are able to infer some properties on the low-energy spectrum of the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model with a topological theta-term. In particular, for sufficiently strong coupling, we find a range of values of theta where a singlet bound state is stable under the triplet continuum. On the basis of these results, we propose a new renormalization group flow diagram for the Nonlinear Sigma Model with theta-term.
The pion-nucleon $sigma$-term can be stringently constrained by the combination of analyticity, unitarity, and crossing symmetry with phenomenological information on the pion-nucleon scattering lengths. Recently, lattice calculations at the physical point have been reported that find lower values by about $3sigma$ with respect to the phenomenological determination. We point out that a lattice measurement of the pion-nucleon scattering lengths could help resolve the situation by testing the values extracted from spectroscopy measurements in pionic atoms.
We analyze Nf=2 nucleon mass data with respect to their dependence on the pion mass down to mpi = 157 MeV and compare it with predictions from covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory (BChPT). A novel feature of our approach is that we fit the nucleon mass data simultaneously with the directly obtained pion-nucleon sigma-term. Our lattice data below mpi = 435 MeV is well described by O(p^4) BChPT and we find sigma=37(8)(6) MeV for the sigma-term at the physical point. Using the nucleon mass to set the scale we obtain a Sommer parameter of r_0=0.501(10)(11) fm.
We present new N_f=2 data for the nucleon generalized form factors, varying volume, lattice spacing and pion mass, down to 150 MeV. We also give an update of our direct calculation of the nucleon sigma term for a range of pion mass values including the lightest one.