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Systematic Cu-63 NQR studies of the stripe phase in La(1.6-x)Nd(0.4)Sr(x)CuO(4) for 0.07 <= x <= 0.25

نظرات NQR المنظمة للمرحلة الشريطية في La(1.6-x)Nd(0.4)Sr(x)CuO(4) ل 0.07 <= x <= 0.25

1415   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Added by Allen W. Hunt
 Publication date 1999
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We demonstrate that the integrated intensity of Cu-63 nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) in La(1.6-x)Nd(0.4)Sr(x)CuO(4) decreases dramatically below the charge-stripe ordering temperature T(charge). Comparison with neutron and X-ray scattering indicates that the wipeout fraction F(T) (i.e. the missing fraction of the integrated intensity of the NQR signal) represents the charge-stripe order parameter. The systematic study reveals bulk charge-stripe order throughout the superconducting region 0.07 <= x <= 0.25. As a function of the reduced temperature t = T/T(charge), the temperature dependence of F(t) is sharpest for the hole concentration x=1/8, indicating that x=1/8 is the optimum concentration for stripe formation.

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We demonstrate that one can measure the charge-stripe order parameter in the hole-doped CuO(2) planes of La(1.875)Ba(0.125)CuO(4), La(1.48)Nd(0.4)Sr(0.12)CuO(4) and La(1.68)Eu(0.2)Sr(0.12)CuO(4) utilizing the wipeout effects of Cu-63 NQR. Application of the same approach to La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) reveals the presence of similar stripe order for the entire underdoped superconducting regime 1/16 < x < 1/8.
154 - P.M. Singer , A.W. Hunt , T. Imai 2001
We report experimental evidence for the spatial variation of hole concentration x_(hole) in the high Tc superconductor La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) (0.04 <= x <= 0.16) by using (63)Cu NQR for (63)Cu isotope enriched samples. We demonstrate that the extent of the spatial variation of the local hole concentration D(x)_(hole) is reflected on (63)1/T1 and deduce the temperature dependence. D(x)_(hole) increases below 500 - 600K, and reaches values as large as D(x)_(hole)/x ~ 0.5 below ~ 150K. We estimate the length scale of the spatial variation in x_(hole) to be R_(hole) >~ 3nm from analysis of the NQR spectrum.
We report detailed systematic measurements of the spatial variation in electronic states in the high T{c} superconductor La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} (0.04<= x <= 0.16) using {63}Cu NQR for {63}Cu isotope enriched poly-crystalline samples. We demonstrate that the spatial variation in local hole concentration {63}x{local} given by {63}x{local} = x +/- {63}Dx{local}, where x is the nominal hole concentration and {63}Dx{local} is defined as the amplitude (or extent) of the spatial variation, is reflected in the frequency dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate {63}1/T{1} across the inhomogeneous linebroadening of the {63}Cu NQR spectrum. By using high precision measurements of the temperature dependence of {63}1/T_{1} at various positions across the {63}Cu NQR lineshape, we demonstrate that {63}Dx{local} increases below 500 - 600 K and reaches values as large as {63}Dx{local} / x ~ 0.5 in the temperature region > 150 K. By incorporating the random positioning of {+2}Sr donor ions in the lattice in a novel approach, a lower bound to the length scale of the spatial variation {63}R{patch} is deduced by fitting the entire {63}Cu NQR spectrum (including the ``B -line) using a patch-by-patch distribution of the spatial variation {63}x{local} with the patch radius {63}R_{patch} > 3.0 nm as the only free parameter. A corresponding upper bound to the amplitude of the spatial variation {63}Dx{patch} (~ 1/{63}R_{patch}) is deduced within the model, and consistent results are found with {63}Dx{local} . We also deduce the onset temperature T{Q} (> 400 K) for local orthorhombic lattice distortions which, in the region x > 0.04, is found to be larger than the onset temperature of long range structural order.
Previously we have presented evidence for stripe order of holes and spins in La(1.6-x)Nd(0.4)Sr(x)CuO(4) with x=0.12. Here we show, via neutron diffraction measurements of magnetic scattering, that similar order occurs in crystals with x=0.15 and 0.20. Zero-field-cooled magnetization measurements show that all 3 compositions are also superconducting, with the superconducting transition temperature increasing as the low-temperature staggered magnetization decreases.
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