There is a long standing problem about how close a connection exists between superfluidity and Bose condensation. Employing recent technology, for the case of confined finite Bose condensed systems in TOP traps, these questions concerning superfluidity and Bose condensation can be partially resolved if the velocity profile of the trapped atoms can be directly measured.
We observed the expansion of vortex-free Bose-condensates after their sudden release from a slowly rotating anisotropic trap. Our results show clear experimental evidence of the irrotational flow expected for a superfluid. The expansion from a rotating trap has strong features associated with the superfluid nature of a Bose-condensate, namely that the condensate cannot at any point be cylindrically symmetric with respect to the axis of rotation since such a wavefunction cannot possess angular momentum. Consequently, an initially rotating condensate expands in a distinctively different way to one released from a static trap. We report measurements of this phenomenon in absorption images of the condensate taken along the direction of the rotation axis.
We introduce an irreversible discrete multiplicative process that undergoes Bose-Einstein condensation as a generic model of competition. New players with different abilities successively join the game and compete for limited resources. A players future gain is proportional to its ability and its current gain. The theory provides three principles for this type of competition: competitive exclusion, punctuated equilibria, and a critical condition for the distribution of the players abilities necessary for the dominance and the evolution. We apply this theory to genetics, ecology and economy.
Bose-Einstein condensation, the macroscopic occupation of a single quantum state, appears in equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics and persists also in the hydrodynamic regime close to equilibrium. Here we show that even when a degenerate Bose gas is driven into a steady state far from equilibrium, where the notion of a single-particle ground state becomes meaningless, Bose-Einstein condensation survives in a generalized form: the unambiguous selection of an odd number of states acquiring large occupations. Within mean-field theory we derive a criterion for when a single and when multiple states are Bose selected in a non-interacting gas. We study the effect in several driven-dissipative model systems, and propose a quantum switch for heat conductivity based on shifting between one and three selected states.
The asymptotic (non)equivalence of canonical and microcanonical ensembles, describing systems with soft and hard constraints respectively, is a central concept in statistical physics. Traditionally, the breakdown of ensemble equivalence (EE) has been associated with nonvanishing relative canonical fluctuations of the constraints in the thermodynamic limit. Recently, it has been reformulated in terms of a nonvanishing relative entropy density between microcanonical and canonical probabilities. The earliest observations of EE violation required phase transitions or long-range interactions. More recent research on binary networks found that an extensive number of local constraints can also break EE, even in absence of phase transitions. Here we study for the first time ensemble nonequivalence in weighted networks with local constraints. Unlike their binary counterparts, these networks can undergo a form of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) producing a core-periphery structure where a finite fraction of the link weights concentrates in the core. This phenomenon creates a unique setting where local constraints coexist with a phase transition. We find surviving relative fluctuations only in the condensed phase, as in more traditional BEC settings. However, we also find a non-vanishing relative entropy density for all temperatures, signalling a breakdown of EE due to the presence of an extensive number of constraints, irrespective of BEC. Therefore, in presence of extensively many local constraints, vanishing relative fluctuations no longer guarantee EE.
A principle of hierarchical entropy maximization is proposed for generalized superstatistical systems, which are characterized by the existence of three levels of dynamics. If a generalized superstatistical system comprises a set of superstatistical subsystems, each made up of a set of cells, then the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy should be maximized first for each cell, second for each subsystem, and finally for the whole system. Hierarchical entropy maximization naturally reflects the sufficient time-scale separation between different dynamical levels and allows one to find the distribution of both the intensive parameter and the control parameter for the corresponding superstatistics. The hierarchical maximum entropy principle is applied to fluctuations of the photon Bose-Einstein condensate in a dye microcavity. This principle provides an alternative to the master equation approach recently applied to this problem. The possibility of constructing generalized superstatistics based on a statistics different from the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics is pointed out.