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Direct observation of irrotational flow and evidence of superfluidity in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate

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 Added by Onofrio Marago'
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We observed the expansion of vortex-free Bose-condensates after their sudden release from a slowly rotating anisotropic trap. Our results show clear experimental evidence of the irrotational flow expected for a superfluid. The expansion from a rotating trap has strong features associated with the superfluid nature of a Bose-condensate, namely that the condensate cannot at any point be cylindrically symmetric with respect to the axis of rotation since such a wavefunction cannot possess angular momentum. Consequently, an initially rotating condensate expands in a distinctively different way to one released from a static trap. We report measurements of this phenomenon in absorption images of the condensate taken along the direction of the rotation axis.

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A scissors mode of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The condensate is confined in an axi-symmetric harmonic trap, superimposed with a small rotating deformation. For angular velocities larger than $omega_perp/sqrt2 $, where $omega_perp$ is the radial trap frequency, the frequency of the scissors mode is predicted to vanish like the square root of the deformation, due to the tendency of the system to exhibit spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking. Measurements of the frequency confirm the predictions of theory. Accompanying characteristic oscillations of the internal shape of the condensate are also calculated and observed experimentally.
Zitterbewegung, a force-free trembling motion first predicted for relativistic fermions like electrons, was an unexpected consequence of the Dirac equations unification of quantum mechanics and special relativity. Though the oscillatory motions large frequency and small amplitude have precluded its measurement with electrons, zitterbewegung is observable via quantum simulation. We engineered an environment for 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates where the constituent atoms behaved like relativistic particles subject to the one-dimensional Dirac equation. With direct imaging, we observed the sub-micrometer trembling motion of these clouds, demonstrating the utility of neutral ultracold quantum gases for simulating Dirac particles.
We report the observation of harmonic generation and strong nonlinear coupling of two collective modes of a condensed gas of rubidium atoms. Using a modified TOP trap we changed the trap anisotropy to a value where the frequency of the m=0 high-lying mode corresponds to twice the frequency of the m=0 low-lying mode, thus leading to strong nonlinear coupling between these modes. By changing the anisotropy of the trap and exciting the low-lying mode we observed significant frequency shifts of this fundamental mode and also the generation of its second harmonic.
97 - Juhao Wu , A. Widom 1998
There is a long standing problem about how close a connection exists between superfluidity and Bose condensation. Employing recent technology, for the case of confined finite Bose condensed systems in TOP traps, these questions concerning superfluidity and Bose condensation can be partially resolved if the velocity profile of the trapped atoms can be directly measured.
137 - C. Ryu , M. F. Andersen , P. Clade 2007
We have observed the persistent flow of Bose-condensed atoms in a toroidal trap. The flow persists without decay for up to 10 s, limited only by experimental factors such as drift and trap lifetime. The quantized rotation was initiated by transferring one unit, $hbar$, of the orbital angular momentum from Laguerre-Gaussian photons to each atom. Stable flow was only possible when the trap was multiply-connected, and was observed with a BEC fraction as small as 15%. We also created flow with two units of angular momentum, and observed its splitting into two singly-charged vortices when the trap geometry was changed from multiply- to simply-connected.
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