Using an approximation method for eigenvalue distribution functions, we study the temperature dependence of specific heat of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the asymmetric railroad-trestle lattice. This model contains both the sawtooth-lattice and Majumdar-Ghosh models as special cases. Making extrapolations to the thermodynamic limit using finite size data up to 28 spins, it is found that specific heat of the Majumdar-Ghosh model has a two-peak structure in its temperature dependence and those of systems near the sawtooth-lattice point have a three-peak structure.
Using the bosonization and level spectroscopy methods, we study the ground-state phase diagram of a XXZ antiferromagnet on a railroad-trestle lattice with asymmetric leg interactions. It is shown that the asymmetry does not change the dimer/Neel transition line significantly, which agrees with the expectation based on a naive bosonization procedure, but it does change the dimer/spin-fluid transition line. To understand this observation, we analyze eigenvectors of the ground state, dimer excitation, doublet excitation and Neel excitation, and find that only the doublet excitation is affected by the asymmetric interaction.
We study the properties of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet with spatially anisotropic nearest-neighbour exchange couplings on the kagome net, i.e. with coupling J in one lattice direction and couplings J along the other two directions. For J/J > 1, this model is believed to describe the magnetic properties of the mineral volborthite. In the classical limit, it exhibits two kinds of ground states: a ferrimagnetic state for J/J < 1/2 and a large manifold of canted spin states for J/J > 1/2. To include quantum effects self-consistently, we investigate the Sp(N) symmetric generalisation of the original SU(2) symmetric model in the large-N limit. In addition to the dependence on the anisotropy, the Sp(N) symmetric model depends on a parameter kappa that measures the importance of quantum effects. Our numerical calculations reveal that in the kappa-J/J plane, the system shows a rich phase diagram containing a ferrimagnetic phase, an incommensurate phase, and a decoupled chain phase, the latter two with short- and long-range order. We corroborate these results by showing that the boundaries between the various phases and several other features of the Sp(N) phase diagram can be determined by analytical calculations. Finally, the application of a block-spin perturbation expansion to the trimerised version of the original spin-1/2 model leads us to suggest that in the limit of strong anisotropy, J/J >> 1, the ground state of the original model is a collinearly ordered antiferromagnet, which is separated from the incommensurate state by a quantum phase transition.
We use the example of the cuboctahedron, a highly frustrated molecule with 12 sites, to study the approach to the classical limit. We compute magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and magnetic cooling rate at high magnetic fields and low temperatures for different spin quantum numbers s. Remarkably big deviations of these quantities from their classical counterparts are observed even for values of s which are usually considered to be almost classical.
The anomalous thermodynamic properties of the paradigmatic frustrated spin-1/2 triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLH) has remained an open topic of research over decades, both experimentally and theoretically. Here we further the theoretical understanding based on the recently developed, powerful exponential tensor renormalization group (XTRG) method on cylinders and stripes in a quasi one-dimensional (1D) setup, as well as a tensor product operator approach directly in 2D. The observed thermal properties of the TLH are in excellent agreement with two recent experimental measurements on the virtually ideal TLH material Ba$_8$CoNb$_6$O$_{24}$. Remarkably, our numerical simulations reveal two crossover temperature scales, at $T_l/J sim 0.20$ and $T_h/Jsim 0.55$, with $J$ the Heisenberg exchange coupling, which are also confirmed by a more careful inspection of the experimental data. We propose that in the intermediate regime between the low-temperature scale $T_l$ and the higher one $T_h$, the gapped roton-like excitations are activated with a strong chiral component and a large contribution to thermal entropies, which suppress the incipient 120$^circ$ order that emerges for temperatures below $T_l$.
Thermodynamic properties of the S=1/2 Heisenberg chain in transverse staggered magnetic field H^y_s and uniform magnetic field H^x perpendicular to the staggered field is studied by the finite-temperature density-matrix renormalization-group method. The uniform and staggered magnetization and specific heat are calculated from zero temperature to high temperatures up to T/J=4 under various strength of magnetic fields from H^y_s/J, H^x/J=0 to 2.4. The specific heat and magnetization of the effective Hamiltonian of the Yb_4As_3 are also presented, and field induced gap formation and diverging magnetic susceptibility at low temperature are shown.
Shunsuke Takemura
,Yoshiyuki Fukumoto
"Thermodynamic Properties of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Railroad-Trestle Lattice with Asymmetric Leg Interactions"
Yoshiyuki Fukumoto
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