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Optical Metamaterials at Near and Mid IR Range Fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography

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 Added by A Bratkovsky
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Two types of optical metamaterials operating at near-IR and mid-IR frequencies, respectively, have been designed, fabricated by nanoimprint lithography (NIL), and characterized by laser spectroscopic ellipsometry. The structure for the near-IR range was a metal/dielectric/metal stack fishnet structure that demonstrated negative permittivity and permeability in the same frequency region and hence exhibited a negative refractive index at a wavelength near 1.7 um. In the mid-IR range, the metamaterial was an ordered array of four-fold symmetric L-shaped resonators (LSRs) that showed both a dipole plasmon resonance resulting in negative permittivity and a magnetic resonance with negative permeability near wavelengths of 3.7 um and 5.25 um, respectively. The optical properties of both metamaterials are in agreement with theoretical predictions. This work demonstrates the feasibility of designing various optical negative-index metamaterials and fabricating them using the nanoimprint lithography as a low-cost, high-throughput fabrication approach.

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We report the largest broadband terahertz (THz) polarizer based on a flexible ultra-transparent cyclic olefin copolymer (COC). The COC polarizers were fabricated by nanoimprint soft lithography with the lowest reported pitch of 2 or 3 micrometers and depth of 3 micrometers and sub-wavelength Au bilayer wire grid. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy in a large range of 0.9 -20 THz shows transmittance of bulk materials such as doped and undoped Si and polymers. COC polarizers present more than doubled transmission intensity and larger transmitting band when compared to Si. COC polarizers present superior performance when compared to Si polarizers, with extinctions ratios of at least 4.4 dB higher and registered performance supported by numerical simulations. Fabricated Si and COC polarizers show larger operation gap when compared to a commercial polarizer. Fabrication of these polarizers can be easily up-scaled which certainly meets functional requirements for many THz devices and applications, such as high transparency, lower cost fabrication and flexible material.
Optical modulation of the effective refractive properties of a fishnet metamaterial with a Ag/Si/Ag heterostructure is demonstrated in the near-IR range and the associated fast dynamics of negative refractive index is studied by pump-probe method. Photo excitation of the amorphous Si layer at visible wavelength and corresponding modification of its optical parameters is found to be responsible for the observed modulation of negative refractive index in near-IR.
In this paper we show spin dependent transport experiments in nanoconstrictions ranging from 30 to 200nm. These nanoconstrictions were fabricated combining electron beam lithography and thin film deposition techniques. Two types of geometries have been fabricated and investigated. We compare the experimental results with the theoretical estimation of the electrical resistance. Finally we show that the magnetoresistance for the different geometries does not scale with the resistance of the structure and obtain drops in voltage of 20mV at 20Oe.
Arrays of gold split-rings with 50-nm minimum feature size and with an LC resonance at 200-THz frequency (1500-nm wavelength) are fabricated. For normal incidence conditions, they exhibit a pronounced fundamental magnetic mode, arising from a coupling via the electric component of the incident light. For oblique incidence, a coupling via the magnetic component is demonstrated as well. Moreover, we identify a novel higher-order magnetic resonance at around 370 THz (800-nm wavelength) that evolves out of the Mie resonance for oblique incidence. Comparison with theory delivers good agreement and also shows that the structures allow for a negative magnetic permeability.
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