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Finite-size effects on the behavior of the susceptibility in van der Waals films under $+,+$ boundary conditions

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 Added by Daniel M. Danchev
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study critical point finite-size effects in the case of the susceptibility of a film in which interactions are characterized by a van der Waals-type power law tail. The geometry is appropriate to a slab-like system with two bounding surfaces. Boundary conditions are consistent with surfaces that both prefer the same phase in the low temperature, or broken symmetry, state. We take into account both interactions within the system and interactions between the constituents of the system and the material surrounding it. Specific predictions are made with respect to the behavior of a $^3$He and $^4$He films in the vicinity of their respective liquid-vapor critical points.

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We study critical point finite-size effects on the behavior of susceptibility of a film placed in the Earths gravitational field. The fluid-fluid and substrate-fluid interactions are characterized by van der Waals-type power law tails, and the boundary conditions are consistent with bounding surfaces that strongly prefer the liquid phase of the system. Specific predictions are made with respect to the behavior of $^3$He and $^4$He films in the vicinity of their respective liquid-gas critical points. We find that for all film thicknesses of current experimental interest the combination of van der Waals interactions and gravity leads to substantial deviations from the behavior predicted by models in which all interatomic forces are very short ranged and gravity is absent. In the case of a completely short-ranged system exact mean-field analytical expressions are derived, within the continuum approach, for the behavior of both the local and the total susceptibilities.
194 - L. P. Pitaevskii 2009
A version of the Greens functions theory of the Van der Waals forces which can be conveniently used in the presence of spatial dispersion is presented. The theory is based on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and is valid for interacting bodies, separated by vacuum. Objections against theories acounting for the spatial dispersion are discussed.
The interlayer coupling, which has a strong influence on the properties of van der Waals heterostructures, strongly depends on the interlayer distance. Although considerable theoretical interest has been demonstrated, experiments exploiting a variable interlayer coupling on nanocircuits are scarce due to the experimental difficulties. Here, we demonstrate a novel method to tune the interlayer coupling using hydrostatic pressure by incorporating van der Waals heterostructure based nanocircuits in piston-cylinder hydrostatic pressure cells with a dedicated sample holder design. This technique opens the way to conduct transport measurements on nanodevices under pressure using up to 12 contacts without constraints on the sample at fabrication level. Using transport measurements, we demonstrate that hexagonal boron nitride capping layer provides a good protection of van der Waals heterostructures from the influence of the pressure medium, and we show experimental evidence of the influence of pressure on the interlayer coupling using weak localization measurements on a TMDC/graphene heterostructure.
We study the van der Waals interaction of a metallic or narrow-gap semiconducting nanowire with a surface, in the regime of intermediate wire-surface distances $(v_{F}/c)L ll d ll L $ or $L ll d ll (c/v_{F})L $, where $L$ is the nanowire length, $d$ is the distance to the surface, and $v_{F}$ is the characteristic velocity of nanowire electrons (for a metallic wire, it is the Fermi velocity). Our approach, based on the Luttinger liquid framework, allows one to analyze the dependence of the interaction on the interplay between the nanowire length, wire-surface distance, and characteristic length scales related to the spectral gap and temperature. We show that this interplay leads to nontrivial modifications of the power law that governs van der Waals forces, in particular to a non-monotonic dependence of the power law exponent on the wire-surface separation.
583 - H. Chamati 2008
A detailed analysis of the finite-size effects on the bulk critical behaviour of the $d$-dimensional mean spherical model confined to a film geometry with finite thickness $L$ is reported. Along the finite direction different kinds of boundary conditions are applied: periodic $(p)$, antiperiodic $(a)$ and free surfaces with Dirichlet $(D)$, Neumann $(N)$ and a combination of Neumann and Dirichlet $(ND)$ on both surfaces. A systematic method for the evaluation of the finite-size corrections to the free energy for the different types of boundary conditions is proposed. The free energy density and the equation for the spherical field are computed for arbitrary $d$. It is found, for $2<d<4$, that the singular part of the free energy has the required finite-size scaling form at the bulk critical temperature only for $(p)$ and $(a)$. For the remaining boundary conditions the standard finite-size scaling hypothesis is not valid. At $d=3$, the critical amplitude of the singular part of the free energy (related to the so called Casimir amplitude) is estimated. We obtain $Delta^{(p)}=-2zeta(3)/(5pi)=-0.153051...$, $Delta^{(a)}=0.274543...$ and $Delta^{(ND)}=0.01922...$, implying a fluctuation--induced attraction between the surfaces for $(p)$ and repulsion in the other two cases. For $(D)$ and $(N)$ we find a logarithmic dependence on $L$.
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