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Frequency-dependent local interactions and low-energy effective models from electronic structure calculations

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 Added by Silke Biermann
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a systematic procedure for constructing effective models of strongly correlated materials. The parameters, in particular the on-site screened Coulomb interaction U, are calculated from first principles, using the GW approximation. We derive an expression for the frequency-dependent U and show that its high frequency part has significant influence on the spectral functions. We propose a scheme for taking into account the energy dependence of U, so that a model with an energy-independent local interaction can still be used for low-energy properties.

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A cardinal obstacle to understanding and predicting quantitatively the properties of solids and large molecules is that, for these systems, it is very challenging to describe beyond the mean-field level the quantum-mechanical interactions between electrons belonging to different atoms. Here we show that there exists an exact dual equivalence relationship between the seemingly-distinct physical problems of describing local and non-local interactions in many-electron systems. This is accomplished using a theoretical construction analogue to the quantum link approach in lattice gauge theories, featuring the non-local electron-electron interactions as if they were mediated by auxiliary high-energy fermionic particles interacting in a purely-local fashion. Besides providing an alternative theoretical direction of interpretation, this result may allow us to study both local and non-local interactions on the same footing, utilizing the powerful state-of-the-art theoretical and computational frameworks already available.
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We used fully correlated ab initio calculations to determine the effective parameters of Hubbard and t - J models for the thermoelectric misfit compound $rm Ca_3Co_4O_9$. As for the $rm Na_xCoO_2$ family the Fermi level orbitals are the $a_{1g}$ orbitals of the cobalt atoms ; the $e_g$ being always lower in energy by more than 240,meV. The electron correlation is found very large $U/tsim 26$ as well as the parameters fluctuations as a function of the structural modulation. The main consequences are a partial $a_{1g}$ electrons localization and a fluctuation of the in-plane magnetic exchange from AFM to FM. The behavior of the Seebeck coefficient as a function of temperature is discussed in view of the ab initio results, as well as the 496,K phase transition.
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182 - L. Petit , A. Svane , Z. Szotek 2009
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202 - Eva Pavarini 2014
The LDA+DMFT method is a very powerful tool for gaining insight into the physics of strongly correlated materials. It combines traditional ab-initio density-functional techniques with the dynamical mean-field theory. The core aspects of the method are (i) building material-specific Hubbard-like many-body models and (ii) solving them in the dynamical mean-field approximation. Step (i) requires the construction of a localized one-electron basis, typically a set of Wannier functions. It also involves a number of approximations, such as the choice of the degrees of freedom for which many-body effects are explicitly taken into account, the scheme to account for screening effects, or the form of the double-counting correction. Step (ii) requires the dynamical mean-field solution of multi-orbital generalized Hubbard models. Here central is the quantum-impurity solver, which is also the computationally most demanding part of the full LDA+DMFT approach. In this chapter I will introduce the core aspects of the LDA+DMFT method and present a prototypical application.
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