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Effective Vortex Pinning in MgB2 thin films

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 Added by Yury Bugoslavsky
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We discuss pinning properties of MgB2 thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) and by electron-beam (EB) evaporation. Two mechanisms are identified that contribute most effectively to the pinning of vortices in randomly oriented films. The EB process produces low defected crystallites with small grain size providing enhanced pinning at grain boundaries without degradation of Tc. The PLD process produces films with structural disorder on a scale less that the coherence length that further improves pinning, but also depresses Tc.

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110 - I. Kusevic , E. Babic , O. Husnjak 2003
The magnetoresistivity and critical current density of well characterized Si-nanoparticle doped and undoped Cu-sheathed MgB$_{2}$ tapes have been measured at temperatures $Tgeq 28$ K in magnetic fields $Bleq 0.9$ T. The irreversibility line $B_{irr}(T)$ for doped tape shows a stepwise variation with a kink around 0.3 T. Such $B_{irr}(T)$ variation is typical for high-temperature superconductors with columnar defects (a kink occurs near the matching field $% B_{phi}$) and is very different from a smooth $B_{irr}(T)$ variation in undoped MgB$_{2}$ samples. The microstructure studies of nanoparticle doped MgB$_{2}$ samples show uniformly dispersed nanoprecipitates, which probably act as a correlated disorder. The observed difference between the field variations of the critical current density and pinning force density of the doped and undoped tape supports the above findings.
We have studied structural and superconducting properties of MgB2 thin films doped with carbon during the hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition process. A carbon-containing metalorganic precursor bis(cyclopentadienyl)magnesium was added to the carrier gas to achieve carbon doping. As the amount of carbon in the films increases, the resistivity increases, Tc decreases, and the upper critical field increases dramatically as compared to the clean films. The self-field Jc in the carbon-doped films is lower than that in the clean films, but Jc remains relatively high to much higher magnetic fields, indicating stronger pinning. Structurally, the doped films are textured with nano-grains and highly resistive amorphous areas at the grain boundaries. The carbon doping approach can be used to produce MgB2 materials for high magnetic field applications.
We report the effect of annealing on the superconductivity of MgB2 thin films as functions of the postannealing temperature in the range from 700 C to 950 C and of the postannealing time in the range from 30 min to 120 min. On annealing at 900 C for 30 min, we obtained the best-quality MgB2 films with a transition temperature of 39 K and a critical current density of ~ 10^7 A/cm^2. Using the scanning electron microscopy, we also investigated the film growth mechanism. The samples annealed at higher temperatures showed the larger grain sizes, well-aligned crystal structures with preferential orientations along the c-axis, and smooth surface morphologies. However, a longer annealing time prevented the alignment of grains and reduced the superconductivity, indicating a strong interfacial reaction between the substrate and the MgB2 film.
In this paper, we analyze the upper critical field of four MgB2 thin films, with different resistivity (between 5 to 50 mWcm) and critical temperature (between 29.5 to 38.8 K), measured up to 28 Tesla. In the perpendicular direction the critical fields vary from 13 to 24 T and we can estimate 42-57 T range in other direction. We observe linear temperature dependence even at low temperatures without saturation, in contrast to BCS theory. Considering the multiband nature of the superconductivity in MgB2, we conclude that two different scattering mechanisms influence separately resistivity and critical field. In this framework, resistivity values have been calculated from Hc2(T) curves and compared with the measured ones.
200 - Huan Yang , Ying Jia , Lei Shan 2007
The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of various MgB2 films have been studied at different magnetic fields parallel to c-axis. At fields mu0H between 0 and 5T, vortex liquid-glass transitions were found in the I-V isotherms. Consistently, the I-V curves measured at different temperatures show a scaling behavior in the framework of quasi-two-dimension (quasi-2D) vortex glass theory. However, at mu0 H >= 5T, a finite dissipation was observed down to the lowest temperature here, T=1.7K, and the I-V isotherms did not scale in terms of any known scaling law, of any dimensionality. We suggest that this may be caused by a mixture of sigma band vortices and pi band quasiparticles. Interestingly, the I-V curves at zero magnetic field can still be scaled according to the quasi-2D vortex glass formalism, indicating an equivalent effect of self-field due to persistent current and applied magnetic field.
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