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The Morphologically Divided Redshift Distribution of Faint Galaxies

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 Added by Myungshin Im
 Publication date 1999
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors M. Im

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We have constructed a morphologically divided redshift distribution of faint field galaxies using a statistically unbiased sample of 196 galaxies brighter than I = 21.5 for which detailed morphological information (from the Hubble Space Telescope) as well as ground-based spectroscopic redshifts are available. Galaxies are classified into 3 rough morphological types according to their visual appearance (E/S0s, Spirals, Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs), and redshift distributions are constructed for each type. The most striking feature is the abundance of low to moderate redshift Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs at I < 19.5. This confirms that the faint end slope of the luminosity function (LF) is steep (alpha < -1.4) for these objects. We also find that Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs are fairly abundant at moderate redshifts, and this can be explained by strong luminosity evolution. However, the normalization factor (or the number density) of the LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs is not much higher than that of the local LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pecs. Furthermore, as we go to fainter magnitudes, the abundance of moderate to high redshift Irr/Pecs increases considerably. This cannot be explained by strong luminosity evolution of the dwarf galaxy populations alone: these Irr/Pecs are probably the progenitors of present day ellipticals and spiral galaxies which are undergoing rapid star formation or merging with their neighbors. On the other hand, the redshift distributions of E/S0s and spirals are fairly consistent those expected from passive luminosity evolution, and are only in slight disagreement with the non-evolving model.

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We present an empirical method for estimating the underlying redshift distribution N(z) of galaxy photometric samples from photometric observables. The method does not rely on photometric redshift (photo-z) estimates for individual galaxies, which typically suffer from biases. Instead, it assigns weights to galaxies in a spectroscopic subsample such that the weighted distributions of photometric observables (e.g., multi-band magnitudes) match the corresponding distributions for the photometric sample. The weights are estimated using a nearest-neighbor technique that ensures stability in sparsely populated regions of color-magnitude space. The derived weights are then summed in redshift bins to create the redshift distribution. We apply this weighting technique to data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as well as to mock catalogs for the Dark Energy Survey, and compare the results to those from the estimation of photo-zs derived by a neural network algorithm. We find that the weighting method accurately recovers the underlying redshift distribution, typically better than the photo-z reconstruction, provided the spectroscopic subsample spans the range of photometric observables covered by the photometric sample.
284 - Luis C. Vargas 2013
The Milky Way ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) contain some of the oldest, most metal-poor stars in the Universe. We present [Mg/Fe], [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], [Ti/Fe], and mean [alpha/Fe], abundance ratios for 61 individual red giant branch stars across 8 UFDs. This is the largest sample of alpha abundances published to date in galaxies with absolute magnitudes M_V > -8, including the first measurements for Segue 1, Canes Venatici II, Ursa Major I, and Leo T. Abundances were determined via medium-resolution Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy and spectral synthesis. The sample spans the metallicity range -3.4 < [Fe/H] < -1.1. With the possible exception of Segue 1 and Ursa Major II, the individual UFDs show on average lower [alpha/Fe] at higher metallicities, consistent with enrichment from Type Ia supernovae. Thus even the faintest galaxies have undergone at least a limited level of chemical self-enrichment. Together with recent photometric studies, this suggests that star formation in the UFDs was not a single burst, but instead lasted at least as much as the minimum time delay of the onset of Type Ia supernovae (~100 Myr) and less than ~2 Gyr. We further show that the combined population of UFDs has an [alpha/Fe] abundance pattern that is inconsistent with a flat, Galactic halo-like alpha abundance trend, and is also qualitatively different from that of the more luminous CVn I dSph, which does show a hint of a plateau at very low [Fe/H].
We present the results of a study investigating the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV) spectral slopes of redshift z~5 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). By combining deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the CANDELS and HUDF fields with ground-based imaging from the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS), we have produced a large sample of z~5 LBGs spanning an unprecedented factor of >100 in UV luminosity. Based on this sample we find a clear colour-magnitude relation (CMR) at z~5, such that the rest-frame UV slopes (beta) of brighter galaxies are notably redder than their fainter counterparts. We determine that the z~5 CMR is well described by a linear relationship of the form: d beta = (-0.12 +/- 0.02) d Muv, with no clear evidence for a change in CMR slope at faint magnitudes (i.e. Muv > -18.9). Using the results of detailed simulations we are able, for the first time, to infer the intrinsic (i.e. free from noise) variation of galaxy colours around the CMR at z~5. We find significant (12 sigma) evidence for intrinsic colour variation in the sample as a whole. Our results also demonstrate that the width of the intrinsic UV slope distribution of z~5 galaxies increases from Delta(beta)=0.1 at Muv=-18 to Delta(beta)=0.4 at Muv=-21. We suggest that the increasing width of the intrinsic galaxy colour distribution and the CMR itself are both plausibly explained by a luminosity independent lower limit of beta=-2.1, combined with an increase in the fraction of red galaxies in brighter UV-luminosity bins.
We present redshifts for 2753 low-redshift galaxies between $0.03 lesssim z_{rm spec}lesssim0.5$ with 18 $leq$ $r$ $leq$ 22 obtained with Hectospec at the Multi-Mirror Telescope (MMT). The observations targeted the XMM-LSS, ELAIS-N1 and DEEP2-3 fields, each of which covers $sim$ 1 deg$^2$. These fields are also part of the recently completed CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS) and on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam deep fields surveys. The efficiency of our technique for selecting low-redshift galaxies is confirmed by the redshift distribution of our sources. In addition to redshifts, these high S/N spectra are used to measure ages, metallicities, and nuclear activity levels. In combination with the photometric catalogue in $u$, $g$, $r$, $i$, $z$, $y$ down to 27 AB mag, we are able to study the galaxy population down to stellar masses of $sim$ 10$^8 M_odot$ . This paper presents the observational strategy, the reduction procedure and properties of the galaxy sample.
358 - I. Aretxaga 2002
In this paper we apply our Monte-Carlo photometric-redshift technique, introduced in paper I (Hughes et al. 2002), to the multi-wavelength data available for 77 galaxies selected at 850um and 1.25mm. We calculate a probability distribution for the redshift of each galaxy, which includes a detailed treatment of the observational errors and uncertainties in the evolutionary model. The cumulative redshift distribution of the submillimetre galaxy population that we present in this paper, based on 50 galaxies found in wide-area SCUBA surveys, is asymmetric, and broader than those published elsewhere, with a significant high-z tail for some of the evolutionary models considered. Approximately 40 to 90 per cent of the sub-mm population is expected to have redshifts in the interval 2 < z < 4. Whilst this result is completely consistent with earlier estimates for the sub-mm galaxy population, we also show that the colours of many (< 50 per cent) individual sub-mm sources, detected only at 850um with non-detections at other wavelengths, are consistent with those of starburst galaxies that lie at extreme redshifts, z > 4. Spectroscopic confirmation of the redshifts, through the detection of rest-frame FIR--mm wavelength molecular transition-lines, will ultimately calibrate the accuracy of this technique. We use the redshift probability distribution of HDF850.1 to illustrate the ability of the method to guide the choice of possible frequency tunings on the broad-band spectroscopic receivers that equip the large aperture single-dish mm and cm-wavelength telescopes.
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