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The Keck Aperture Masking Experiment: Near-Infrared Sizes of Dusty Wolf-Rayet Stars

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 Added by John D. Monnier
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report the results of a high angular resolution near-infrared survey of dusty Wolf-Rayet stars using the Keck-1 Telescope, including new multi-wavelength images of the pinwheel nebulae WR 98a, WR 104, and WR 112. Angular sizes were measured for an additional 8 dusty WR stars using aperture masking interferometry, allowing us to probe characteristics sizes down to ~20 milliarcseconds (~40 AU for typical sources). With angular sizes and specific fluxes, we can directly measure the wavelength-dependent surface brightness and size relations for our sample. We discovered tight correlations of these properties within our sample which could not be explained by simple spherically-symmetric dust shells or even the more realistic ``pinwheel nebula (3-D) radiative transfer model, when using optical constants of Zubko. While the tightly-correlated surface brightness relations we uncovered offer compelling indirect evidence of a shared and distinctive dust shell geometry amongst our sample, long-baseline interferometers should target the marginally-resolved objects in our sample in order to conclusively establish the presence or absence of the putative underyling colliding wind binaries thought to produce the dust shells around WC Wolf-Rayets.

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374 - T. D. Blasius 2012
While the importance of dusty asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to galactic chemical enrichment is widely recognised, a sophisticated understanding of the dust formation and wind-driving mechanisms has proven elusive due in part to the difficulty in spatially-resolving the dust formation regions themselves. We have observed twenty dust-enshrouded AGB stars as part of the Keck Aperture Masking Experiment, resolving all of them in multiple near-infrared bands between 1.5 microns and 3.1 microns. We find 45% of the targets to show measurable elongations that, when correcting for the greater distances of the targets, would correspond to significantly asymmetric dust shells on par with the well-known cases of IRC+10216 or CIT6. Using radiative transfer models, we find the sublimation temperature of 1130 +- 90 K and 1170 +- 60 K for silicates and amorphous carbon respectively, both somewhat lower than expected from laboratory measurements and vastly below temperatures inferred from the inner edge of YSO disks. The fact that O-rich and C-rich dust types showed the same sublimation temperature was surprising as well. For the most optically-thick shells (tau > 2 at 2.2 microns), the temperature profile of the inner dust shell is observed to change substantially, an effect we suggest could arise when individual dust clumps become optically-thick at the highest mass-loss rates.
65 - N. Homeier 2002
Most of the Milky Ways evolved massive stellar population is hidden from view. We can attempt to remedy this situation with near-infrared observations, and in this paper we present our method for detecting Wolf-Rayet stars in highly extincted regions and apply it to the inner Galaxy. Using narrow band filters at K-band wavelengths, we demonstrate how WR stars can be detected in regions where they are optically obscured. Candidates are selected for spectroscopic follow-up from our relative line and continuum photometry. The final results of applying this method with a NIR survey in the Galactic plane will provide a more complete knowledge of the structure of the galactic disk, the role of metallicity in massive stellar evolution, and environments of massive star formation. In this paper we briefly describe the survey set-up and report on recent progress. We have discovered four emission-line objects in the inner Galaxy: two with nebular emission lines, and two new WR stars, both of late WC subtype.
109 - N. L. Homeier 2002
Initial results, techniques, and rationale for a near-infrared survey of evolved emission-line stars toward the Galactic Center are presented. We use images taken through narrow-band emission-line and continuum filters to select candidates for spectroscopic follow-up. The filters are optimized for the detection of Wolf-Rayet stars and other objects which exhibit emission-lines in the 2 micron region. Approximately three square degrees along the Galactic plane have been analyzed in seven narrow-filters (four emission-lines and three continuum). Four new Wolf-Rayet stars have been found which are the subject of a following paper.
The angular diameters of six oxygen rich Mira-type long-period variables have been measured at various near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths using the aperture masking technique in an extensive observing program from 1997 Jan to 2004 Sep. These data sets span many pulsation cycles of the observed objects and represent the largest study of multi-wavelength, multi-epoch interferometric angular diameter measurements on Mira stars to date. The calibrated visibility data of o Cet, R Leo, R Cas, W Hya, chi Cyg and R Hya are fitted using a uniform disk brightness distribution model to facilitate comparison between epochs, wavelengths and with existing data and theoretical models. The variation of angular diameter as a function of wavelength and time are studied, and cyclic diameter variations are detected for all objects in our sample. These variations are believed to stem from time-dependent changes of density and temperature (and hence varying molecular opacities) in different layers of these stars. The similarities and differences in behaviour between these objects are analyzed and discussed in the context of existing theoretical models. Furthermore, we present time-dependent 3.08 micron angular diameter measurements, probing for the first time these zones of probable dust formation, which show unforeseen sizes and are consistently out of phase with other NIR layers shown in this study. The S-type Mira chi Cyg exhibits significantly different behaviour compared to the M-type Miras in this study.
We present results from a spectro-interferometric study of the Miras o Cet, R Leo and W Hya obtained with the Keck Aperture Masking Experiment from 1998 Sep to 2002 Jul. The spectrally dispersed visibility data permit fitting with circularly symmetric brightness profiles such as a simple uniform disk. The stellar angular diameter obtained over up to ~ 450 spectral channels spaning the region 1.1-3.8 microns is presented. Use of a simple uniform disk brightness model facilitates comparison between epochs and with existing data and theoretical models. Strong size variations with wavelength were recorded for all stars, probing zones of H2O, CO, OH, and dust formation. Comparison with contemporaneous spectra extracted from our data show a strong anti-correlation between the observed angular diameter and flux. These variations consolidate the notion of a complex stellar atmosphere consisting of molecular shells with time-dependent densities and temperatures. Our findings are compared with existing data and pulsation models. The models were found to reproduce the functional form of the wavelength vs. angular diameter curve well, although some departures are noted in the 2.8-3.5 micron range.
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