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Diameters of Mira Stars Measured Simultenously in the J,H,K Near-Infrared Bands

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 Added by Rafael Millan-Gabet
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the first spatially resolved observations of a sample of 23 Mira stars simultaneously measured in the near-infrared J, H and K bands. The technique used was optical long baseline interferometry, and we present for each star visibility amplitude measurements as a function of wavelength. We also present characteristic sizes at each spectral band, obtained by fitting the measured visibilities to a simple uniform disk model. This approach reveals the general relation J diameter < H diameter < K diameter.

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Aims: We present J, H, K interferometry with a spectral resolution of 35 for the Mira variable S Orionis. We aim at measuring the diameter variation as a function of wavelength that is expected due to molecular layers lying above the continuum-forming photosphere. Methods: Visibility data of S Ori were obtained at phase 0.78 with the VLTI/AMBER instrument using the fringe tracker FINITO at 29 spectral channels between 1.29 and 2.32 mu. Apparent uniform disk (UD) diameters were computed for each spectral channel. In addition, the visibility data were directly compared to predictions by recent self-excited dynamic model atmospheres. Results: S Ori shows significant variations in the visibility values as a function of spectral channel that can only be described by a clear variation in the apparent angular size with wavelength. The closure phase values are close to zero at all spectral channels, indicating the absence of asymmetric intensity features. The apparent UD angular diameter is smallest at about 1.3 and 1.7 mu and increases by a factor of ~1.4 around 2.0 mu. The minimum UD angular diameter is 8.1 pm 0.5 mas, corresponding to ~420 R_sun. The S Ori visibility data and the apparent UD variations can be explained reasonably well by a dynamic atmosphere model that includes molecular layers. Conclusions: The measured visibility and UD diameter variations with wavelength resemble and generally confirm the predictions by recent dynamic model atmospheres. [abridged]
175 - Karen L. Masters 2014
The 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) Tully-Fisher Survey (2MTF) aims to measure Tully-Fisher (TF) distances to all bright inclined spirals in the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS). Essential to this project is a universal calibration of the TF relation in the 2MASS J (1.2 um), H (1.6 um) and K (2.2 um) bands. We present the first bias corrected or universal TF template in these bands. We find that the slope of the TF relation becomes steeper as the wavelength increases being close to L propto v^4 in K-band and L propto v^3.6 in J and H-bands. We also investigate the dependence on galaxy morphology showing that in all three bands the relation is steeper for later type spirals which also have a dimmer TF zeropoint than earlier type spirals. We correct the final relation to that for Sc galaxies. Finally we study the scatter from the TF relation fitting for a width dependent intrinsic scatter which is not found to vary significantly with wavelength.
190 - M. Simon , g.H. Schaefer 2011
We report angular diameters of HIP 560 and 21547, two F spectral type pre-main sequence members of the beta Pic Moving Group. We used the East-West 314-m long baseline of the CHARA Array. The measured limb-darkened angular diameters of HIP 560 and 21547 are 0.492+-0.032 and 0.518+-0.009 mas, respectively. The corresponding stellar radii are 2.1 and 1.6 Rsun for HIP 560 and HIP 21547 respectively. These values indicate that the stars are truly young. Analyses using the evolutionary tracks calculated by Siess, Dufour, and Forestini and the tracks of the Yonsei-Yale group yield consistent results. Analyzing the measurements on an angular diameter vs color diagram we find that the ages of the two stars are indistinguishable; their average value is 13+-2 MY. The masses of HIP 560 and 21547 are 1.65+-0.02 and 1.75+-0.05 Msun, respectively. However, analysis of the stellar parameters on a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram yields ages at least 5 MY older. Both stars are rapid rotators. The discrepancy between the two types of analyses has a natural explanation in gravitational darkening.
From near-infrared, narrow-band photometry of 256 oxygen-rich Mira variables we obtain evidence about the loops that these stars follow in colour-colour diagrams. We also find a phase lag between indices related to molecular band-strength of titanium oxide and vanadium oxide. We compute colours for normal M-giants and Miras using hydrostatic and hydrodynamic model atmospheres and very extensive up-to-date line lists. Normal M-giants colours are well reproduced, reaching a high quantitative agreement with observations for spectral types earlier than M7. The out-of-phase variations of the various spectral features of Miras are also acceptably reproduced, despite limitations in the modelling. This enables us to confirm that the phase lag phenomenon results from the propagation of perturbations in the extended atmosphere. It opens new perspectives in the spectral modelling of Miras.
60 - P. A. Whitelock 1997
Hipparcos trigonometrical parallaxes of Mira-type variables have been combined with ground-based angular diameter measurements to derive linear diameters. Of eight stars with ground-based data, six have diameters indicating overtone pulsation whilst two, both with periods over 400 day, are pulsating in the fundamental. Hipparcos parallaxes of 11 Miras have been combined with extensive infrared photometry to determine the zero-point of the Mira period-luminosity relation. Adopting the relation at K (2.2 micron), since this is less likely to be subject to abundance effects than that at Mbol, leads to a distance modulus for the LMC of 18.6 mag with a uncertainty of slightly less than 0.2 mag. A brief discussion is given of the preliminary analysis of the parallaxes of a much larger sample of Miras. Some consideration is given to possible problems in interpreting the Hipparcos data which arise because of the physical characteristics of the Mira variables. Finally the apparent low-luminosity of the carbon Mira, R Lep, implied by the Hipparcos results leads to an interesting problem in AGB evolution.
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