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Chemical enrichment of the complex hot ISM of the Antennae galaxies: I. Spatial and spectral analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission

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 Added by Alessandro Baldi
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors A. Baldi

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We present an analysis of the properties of the hot interstellar medium (ISM) in the merging pair of galaxies known as The Antennae (NGC 4038/39), performed using the deep, coadded ~411 ks Chandra ACIS-S data set. These deep X-ray observations and Chandras high angular resolution allow us to investigate the properties of the hot ISM with unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution. Through a spatially resolved spectral analysis, we find a variety of temperatures (from 0.2 to 0.7 keV) and Nh (from Galactic to 2x10^21 cm^-2). Metal abundances for Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe vary dramatically throughout the ISM from sub-solar values (~0.2) up to several times solar.

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56 - A. Baldi 2005
We investigate the physical properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) in the merging pair of galaxies known as The Antennae (NGC 4038/39), using the deep coadded ~411 ks Chandra ACIS-S data set. The method of analysis and some of the main results from the spectral analysis, such as metal abundances and their variations from ~0.2 to ~20-30 times solar, are described in Paper I (Baldi et al. submitted). In the present paper we investigate in detail the physics of the hot emitting gas, deriving measures for the hot-gas mass (~10^ M_sun), cooling times (10^7-10^8 yr), and pressure (3.5x10^-11-2.8x10^-10 dyne cm^-2). At least in one of the two nuclei (NGC 4038) the hot-gas pressure is significantly higher than the CO pressure, implying that shock waves may be driven into the CO clouds. Comparison of the metal abundances with the average stellar yields predicted by theoretical models of SN explosions points to SNe of Type II as the main contributors of metals to the hot ISM. There is no evidence of any correlation between radio-optical star-formation indicators and the measured metal abundances. Although due to uncertainties in the average gas density we cannot exclude that mixing may have played an important role, the short time required to produce the observed metal masses (<=2 Myr) suggests that the correlations are unlikely to have been destroyed by efficient mixing. More likely, a significant fraction of SN II ejecta may be in a cool phase, in grains, or escaping in hot winds. In each case, any such fraction of the ejecta would remain undetectable with soft X-ray observations.
We present arcsecond resolution Chandra X-ray and ground-based optical H-alpha imaging of a sample of ten edge-on star-forming disk galaxies (seven starburst and three ``normal spiral galaxies), a sample which covers the full range of star-formation intensity found in disk galaxies. We use the unprecedented spatial resolution of the Chandra X-ray observatory to robustly remove point sources, and hence obtain the X-ray properties of the diffuse thermal emission alone. The X-ray observations are combined with comparable-resolution H-alpha and R-band imaging, and presented as a mini-atlas of images on a common spatial and surface brightness scale. The vertical distribution of the halo-region X-ray surface brightness is best described as an exponential, with the observed scale heights lying in the range H_eff = 2 -- 4 kpc. The ACIS X-ray spectra of extra-planar emission from all these galaxies can be fit with a common two-temperature spectral model with an enhanced alpha-to-iron element ratio. This is consistent with the origin of the X-ray emitting gas being either metal-enriched merged SN ejecta or shock-heated ambient halo or disk material with moderate levels of metal depletion onto dust. The thermal X-ray emission observed in the halos of the starburst galaxies is either this pre-existing halo medium, which has been swept-up and shock heated by the starburst-driven wind, or wind material compressed near the walls of the outflow by reverse shocks within the wind. In either case the X-ray emission provides us with a powerful probe of the properties of gaseous halos around star-forming disk galaxies.
The luminous unstable star (star system) eta Carinae is surrounded by an optically bright bipolar nebula, the Homunculus and a fainter but much larger nebula, the so-called outer ejecta. As images from the EINSTEIN and ROSAT satellites have shown, the outer ejecta is also visible in soft X-rays, while the central source is present in the harder X-ray bands. With our CHANDRA observations we show that the morphology and properties of the X-ray nebula are the result of shocks from fast clumps in the outer ejecta moving into a pre-existing denser circumstellar medium. An additional contribution to the soft X-ray flux results from mutual interactions of clumps within the ejecta. Spectra extracted from the CHANDRA data yield gas temperatures kT of 0.6-0.76 keV. The implied pre-shock velocities of 670-760 km/s are within the scatter of the velocities we measure for the majority of the clumps in the corresponding regions. Significant nitrogen enhancements over solar abundances are needed for acceptable fits in all parts of the outer ejecta, consistent with CNO processed material and non-uniform enhancement. The presence of a diffuse spot of hard X-ray emission at the S condensation shows some contribution of the highest velocity clumps and further underlines the multicomponent, non-equilibrium nature of the X-ray nebula. The detection of an X-ray ``bridge between the northern and southern part of the X-ray nebula and an X-ray shadow at the position of the NN bow can be attributed to a large expanding disk, which would appear as an extension of the equatorial disk. No soft emission is seen from the Homunculus, or from the NN bow or the ``strings.
182 - M. Steffen , C. Sandin , R. Jacob 2011
Based on time-dependent radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the evolution of Planetary Nebulae (PNe), we have carried out a systematic parameter study to address the non-trivial question of how the diffuse X-ray emission of PNe with closed central cavities is expected to depend on the evolutionary state of the nebula, the mass of the central star, and the metallicity of stellar wind and circumstellar matter. We have also investigated how the model predictions depend on the treatment of thermal conduction at the interface between the central `hot bubble and the `cool inner nebula, and compare the results with recent X-ray observations. Our study includes models whose properties resemble the extreme case of PNe with Wolf-Rayet type central stars. Indeed, such models are found to produce the highest X-ray luminosities.
We present the first sub-arcminute images of the Galactic Center above 10 keV, obtained with NuSTAR. NuSTAR resolves the hard X-ray source IGR J17456-2901 into non-thermal X-ray filaments, molecular clouds, point sources and a previously unknown central component of hard X-ray emission (CHXE). NuSTAR detects four non-thermal X-ray filaments, extending the detection of their power-law spectra with $Gammasim1.3$-$2.3$ up to ~50 keV. A morphological and spectral study of the filaments suggests that their origin may be heterogeneous, where previous studies suggested a common origin in young pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). NuSTAR detects non-thermal X-ray continuum emission spatially correlated with the 6.4 keV Fe K$alpha$ fluorescence line emission associated with two Sgr A molecular clouds: MC1 and the Bridge. Broad-band X-ray spectral analysis with a Monte-Carlo based X-ray reflection model self-consistently determined their intrinsic column density ($sim10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$), primary X-ray spectra (power-laws with $Gammasim2$) and set a lower limit of the X-ray luminosity of Sgr A* flare illuminating the Sgr A clouds to $L_X stackrel{>}{sim} 10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Above ~20 keV, hard X-ray emission in the central 10 pc region around Sgr A* consists of the candidate PWN G359.95-0.04 and the CHXE, possibly resulting from an unresolved population of massive CVs with white dwarf masses $M_{rm WD} sim 0.9 M_{odot}$. Spectral energy distribution analysis suggests that G359.95-0.04 is likely the hard X-ray counterpart of the ultra-high gamma-ray source HESS J1745-290, strongly favoring a leptonic origin of the GC TeV emission.
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