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Rest-Frame MIR Detection of an Extremely Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy with the Spitzer IRS

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 Added by Harry Teplitz
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors H. I. Teplitz

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We present the first rest-frame ~4 micron detection of a Lyman break galaxy. The data were obtained using the 16 micron imaging capability of the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. The target object, J134026.44+634433.2, is an extremely luminous Lyman break galaxy at z=2.79 first identified in Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra (Bentz, Osmer, & Weinberg 2004). The source is strongly detected with a flux of 0.94 +/- 0.02 mJy. Combining Spitzer and SDSS photometry with supporting ground-based J- and K-band data, we show that the spectral energy distribution is consistent with an actively star-forming galaxy. We also detect other objects in the Spitzer field of view, including a very red MIR source. We find no evidence of a strong lens amongst the MIR sources.

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We present the rest-frame ultraviolet through near infrared spectral energy distribution for an interacting Lyman break galaxy at a redshift z=4.42, the highest redshift merging system known with clearly resolved tidal features. The two objects in this system - HDF-G4 and its previously unidentified companion - are both B_{435} band dropouts, have similar V_{606}-i_{775} and i_{775}-z_{850} colors, and are separated by 1, which at z=4.42 corresponds to 7 kpc projected nuclear separation; all indicative of an interacting system. Fits to stellar population models indicate a stellar mass of M_star = 2.6times 10^{10} M_odot, age of tau_star = 720 My, and exponential star formation history with an e-folding time tau_0 = 440 My. Using these derived stellar populations as constraints, we model the HDF-G4 system using hydrodynamical simulations, and find that it will likely evolve into a quasar by zsim3.5, and a quiescent, compact spheroid by zsim 2.5 similar to those observed at z > 2. And, the existence of such an object supports galaxy formation models in which major mergers drive the high redshift buildup of spheroids and black holes.
127 - Masataka Ando 2004
We report initial results for spectroscopic observations of candidates of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at $zsim5$ in a region centered on the Hubble Deep Field-North by using the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph attached to the Subaru Telescope. Eight objects with $I_Cleq25.0$ mag, including one AGN, are confirmed to be at $4.5<z<5.2$. The rest-frame UV spectra of seven LBGs commonly show no or weak Lyalpha emission line (rest-frame equivalent width of 0-10AA) and relatively strong low-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines of SiII $lambda$1260, OI+SiII $lambda$1303, and CII $lambda$1334 (mean rest-frame equivalent widths of them are $-1.2 sim -5.1 $AA). These properties are significantly different from those of the mean rest-frame UV spectrum of LBGs at $zsim3$, but are quite similar to those of subgroups of LBGs at $zsim3$ with no or weak Lyalpha emission. The weakness of Lyalpha emission and strong low-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines may indicate that these LBGs at $zsim5$ are chemically evolved to some degree and have a dusty environment. Since the fraction of such LBGs at $zsim5$ in our sample is larger than that at $zsim3$, we may witness some sign of evolution of LBGs from $zsim5$ to $zsim3$, though the present sample size is very small. It is also possible, however, that the brighter LBGs tend to show no or weak Lyalpha emission, because our spectroscopic sample is bright (brighter than $L^{ast}$) among LBGs at $zsim5$. More observations are required to establish spectroscopic nature of LBGs at $zsim5$.
We present results of optical spectroscopic observations of candidates of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at $z sim 5$ in the region including the GOODS-N and the J0053+1234 region by using GMOS-N and GMOS-S, respectively. Among 25 candidates, five objects are identified to be at $z sim 5$ (two of them were already identified by an earlier study) and one object very close to the color-selection window turned out to be a foreground galaxy. With this spectroscopically identified sample and those from previous studies, we derived the lower limits on the number density of bright ($M_{UV}<-22.0$ mag) LBGs at $z sim 5$. These lower limits are comparable to or slightly smaller than the number densities of UV luminosity functions (UVLFs) that show the smaller number density among $z sim 5$ UVLFs in literature. However, by considering that there remain many LBG candidates without spectroscopic observations, the number density of bright LBGs is expected to increase by a factor of two or more. The evidence for the deficiency of UV luminous LBGs with large Ly$alpha$ equivalent widths was reinforced. We discuss possible causes for the deficiency and prefer the interpretation of dust absorption.
We present the results of spectroscopy of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z~5 in the J0053+1234 field with the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph on the Subaru telescope. Among 5 bright candidates with z < 25.0 mag, 2 objects are confirmed to be at z~5 from their Ly alpha emission and the continuum depression shortward of Ly alpha. The EWs of Ly alpha emission of the 2 LBGs are not so strong to be detected as Ly alpha emitters, and one of them shows strong low-ionized interstellar (LIS) metal absorption lines. Two faint objects with z geq 25.0 mag are also confirmed to be at z~5, and their spectra show strong Ly alpha emission in contrast to the bright ones. These results suggest a deficiency of strong Ly alpha emission in bright LBGs at z~5, which has been discussed in our previous paper. Combined with our previous spectra of LBGs at z~5 obtained around the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDF-N), we made a composite spectrum of UV luminous (M_1400 leq -21.5 mag) LBGs at z~5. The resultant spectrum shows a weak Ly alpha emission and strong LIS absorptions which suggests that the bright LBGs at z~5 have chemically evolved at least to ~0.1 solar metallicity. For a part of our sample in the HDF-N region, we obtained near-to-mid infrared data, which constraint stellar masses of these objects. With the stellar mass and the metallicity estimated from LIS absorptions, the metallicities of the LBGs at z~5 tend to be lower than those of the galaxies with the same stellar mass at z lesssim 2, although the uncertainty is very large.
144 - Brian Siana 2008
We present Spitzer infrared (IR) photometry and spectroscopy of the lensed Lyman break galaxy (LBG), MS1512-cB58 at z=2.73. The large (factor ~30) magnification allows for the most detailed infrared study of an L*_UV(z=3) LBG to date. Broadband photometry with IRAC (3-10 micron), IRS (16 micron), and MIPS (24, 70 & 160 micron) was obtained as well as IRS spectroscopy spanning 5.5-35 microns. A fit of stellar population models to the optical/near-IR/IRAC photometry gives a young age (~9 Myr), forming stars at ~98 M_sun/yr, with a total stellar mass of ~10^9 M_sun formed thus far. The existence of an old stellar population with twice the stellar mass can not be ruled out. IR spectral energy distribution fits to the 24 and 70 micron photometry, as well as previously obtained submm/mm, data give an intrinsic IR luminosity L_IR = 1-2 x10^11 L_sun and a star formation rate, SFR ~20-40 M_sun/yr. The UV derived star formation rate (SFR) is ~3-5 times higher than the SFR determined using L_IR or L_Halpha because the red UV spectral slope is significantly over predicting the level of dust extinction. This suggests that the assumed Calzetti starburst obscuration law may not be valid for young LBGs. We detect strong line emission from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 6.2, 7.7, and 8.6 microns. The line ratios are consistent with ratios observed in both local and high redshift starbursts. Both the PAH and rest-frame 8 micron luminosities predict the total L_IR based on previously measured relations in starbursts. Finally, we do not detect the 3.3 micron PAH feature. This is marginally inconsistent with some PAH emission models, but still consistent with PAH ratios measured in many local star-forming galaxies.
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