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Complementary one-, two-, and three-dimensional tests for detecting the presence of substructure in clusters of galaxies are applied to recently obtained data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. The sample of 25 clusters used in this study includes 16 clusters not previously investigated for substructure. Substructure is detected at or greater than the 99% CL level in at least one test for 21 of the 25 clusters studied here. From the results, it appears that low richness clusters commonly contain subclusters participating in mergers. About half of the clusters have two or more components within 0.5 h^{-1} Mpc of the cluster centroid, and at least three clusters (Abell 1139, Abell 1663, and Abell S333) exhibit velocity-position characteristics consistent with the presence of possible cluster rotation, shear, or infall dynamics. The geometry of certain features is consistent with influence by the host supercluster environments. In general, our results support the hypothesis that low richness clusters relax to structureless equilibrium states on very long dynamical time scales (if at all).
Clusters of galaxies form through major merger and/or absorption of smaller groups. In fact, some characteristic structures such as cold fronts, which are likely relevant to moving substructures, are found by {it Chandra}. It is expected that moving substructures generate turbulence in the intracluster medium (ICM). Such turbulence probably plays a crucial role in mixture and transport of gas energy and heavy elements, and particle acceleration. The {it Astro-E2} satellite, which is planned to be launched in 2005, will detect broadened lines due to turbulent motion. In order to explore the above-mentioned issues, it is important to investigate the generation processes and structure of ICM turbulence. We investigate the ICM dynamical evolution in and around a moving substructure with three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. Eddy-like structures develop near the boundary between the substructure and the ambient ICM through Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. Because of these structures, characteristic patterns appear in the line-of-sight velocity distribution of the ICM.
We present the weak lensing analysis of the Wide-Field Imager SZ Cluster of galaxy (WISCy) sample, a set of 12 clusters of galaxies selected for their Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. After developing new and improved methods for background selection and determination of geometric lensing scaling factors from absolute multi-band photometry in cluster fields, we compare the weak lensing mass estimate with public X-ray and SZ data. We find consistency with hydrostatic X-ray masses with no significant bias, no mass dependent bias and less than 20% intrinsic scatter and constrain fgas,500c=0.128+0.029-0.023. We independently calibrate the South Pole Telescope significance-mass relation and find consistency with previous results. The comparison of weak lensing mass and Planck Compton parameters, whether extracted self-consistently with a mass-observable relation (MOR) or using X-ray prior information on cluster size, shows significant discrepancies. The deviations from the MOR strongly correlate with cluster mass and redshift. This could be explained either by a significantly shallower than expected slope of Compton decrement versus mass and a corresponding problem in the previous X-ray based mass calibration, or a size or redshift dependent bias in SZ signal extraction.
We used optical imaging and spectroscopic data to derive substructure estimates for local Universe ($z < 0.11$) galaxy clusters from two different samples. The first was selected through the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect by the Planck satellite and the second is an X-ray selected sample. In agreement to X-ray substructure estimates we found that the SZ systems have a larger fraction of substructure than the X-ray clusters. We have also found evidence that the higher mass regime of the SZ clusters, compared to the X-ray sample, explains the larger fraction of disturbed objects in the Planck data. Although we detect a redshift evolution in the substructure fraction, it is not sufficient to explain the different results between the higher-z SZ sample and the X-ray one. We have also verified a good agreement ($sim$60$%$) between the optical and X-ray substructure estimates. However, the best level of agreement is given by the substructure classification given by measures based on the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), either the BCG$-$X-ray centroid offset, or the magnitude gap between the first and second BCGs. We advocate the use of those two parameters as the most reliable and cheap way to assess cluster dynamical state. We recommend an offset cut of $sim$0.01$times$R$_{500}$ to separate relaxed and disturbed clusters. Regarding the magnitude gap the separation can be done at $Delta m_{12} = 1.0$. The central galaxy paradigm (CGP) may not be valid for $sim$20$%$ of relaxed massive clusters. This fraction increases to $sim$60$%$ for disturbed systems.
We estimate the average group morphological and dynamical characteristics of the Percolation-Inferred Galaxy Group (2PIGG) catalogue within z~0.08, for which the group space density is roughly constant. We quantify the different biases that enter in the determination of these characteristics and we devise statistical correction procedures to recover their bias free values. We find that the only acceptable morphological model is that of prolate, or triaxial with pronounced prolatness, group shapes having a roughly Gaussian intrinsic axial ratio distribution with mean ~0.46 and dispersion of ~0.16. After correcting for various biases, the most important of which is a redshift dependant bias, the median values of the virial mass and virial radius of groups with 4 to 30 galaxy members, is: Mv ~6 x 10^12 h_{72}^{-1} M_solar, Rv~ 0.4 h^{-1}_{72} Mpc, which are significantly smaller than recent literature values that do not take into account the previously mentioned biases. The group mean crossing time is ~1.5 Gyrs, independent of the group galaxy membership. We also find that there is a correlation of the group size, velocity dispersion and virial mass with the number of group member galaxies, a manifestation of the hierarchy of cosmic structures.
Wide-field optical and near--IR ($JHK$) imaging is presented for two rich galaxy clusters: Abell~370 at $z=0.374$ and Abell~851 (Cl0939+47) at $z=0.407$. Galaxy catalogs selected from the near--IR images are 90% complete to approximately 1.5 mag below $K^ast$ resulting in samples with $sim$100 probable member galaxies per cluster in the central $sim$2 Mpc. Comparison with $HST$ WFPC images yields subsamples of $sim$70 galaxies in each cluster with morphological types. Analysis of the complete samples and the $HST$ subsamples shows that the $zsim 0.4$ E/S0s are bluer than those in the Bower et al. (1992) Coma sample in the optical$-K$ color by $0.13$~mag for Abell~370 and by $0.18$~mag for Abell~851. If real, the bluing of the E/S0 populations at moderate redshift is consistent with that calculated from the Bruzual and Charlot (1993) models of passive elliptical galaxy evolution. In both clusters the intrinsic scatter of the known E/S0s about their optical$-K$ color--mag relation is small ($sim 0.06$ mag) and not significantly different from that of Coma E/S0s as given by Bower et al. (1992), indicating that the galaxies within each cluster formed at the same time at an early epoch.