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The star formation history of intermediate redshift late-type galaxies

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 Added by Ignacio Ferreras
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors I. Ferreras

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We combine the latest observations of disk galaxy photometry and rotation curves at moderate redshift from the FORS Deep Field (FDF) with simple models of chemical enrichment. Our method describes the buildup of the stellar component through infall of gas and allows for gas and metal outflows. In this framework, we keep a minimum number of constraints and we search a large volume of parameter space, looking for the models which best reproduce the photometric observations in the observed redshift range (0.5<z<1). We find the star formation efficiency to correlate well with vMAX so that massive disks are more efficient in the formation of stars and have a smaller spread in stellar ages. This trend presents a break at around vMAX 140km/s. Galaxies on either side of this threshold have significantly different age distributions. This break has been already suggested by several authors in connection with the contribution from either gravitational instabilities or supernova-driven turbulence to star formation. No clear trend is seen between galaxy mass and infall timescale or gas outflows. The model presented in this paper suggests massive disks have formation histories resembling those of early-type galaxies, with highly efficient and short-lived bursts, in contrast with low-mass disks, which have a more extended star formation history. One option to explain the observed shallow slope of the Tully-Fisher relation at intermediate redshift could be small episodes of star formation in low-mass disks.

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The combination of huge databases of galaxy spectra and advances in evolutionary synthesis models in the past few years has renewed interest in an old question: How to estimate the star formation history of a galaxy out of its integrated spectrum? Fresh approaches to this classical problem are making it possible to extract the best of both worlds, producing exquisite pixel-by-pixel fits to galaxy spectra with state-of-the-art stellar population models while at the same time exploring the fabulous statistics of mega-surveys to derive the star-formation and chemical enrichment histories of different types of galaxies with an unprecedented level of detail. This review covers some of these recent advances, focusing on results for late-type, star-forming galaxies, and outlines some of the issues which will keep us busy in the coming years.
We develop a four-phase galaxy evolution model in order to study the effect of accretion of extra-galactic gas on the star formation rate (SFR) of a galaxy. Pure self-regulated star formation of isolated galaxies is replaced by an accretion-regulated star formation mode. The SFR settles into an equlibrium determined entirely by the gas accretion rate on a Gyr time scale.
70 - R. G. Abraham 1998
We analyse the spatially resolved colours of distant galaxies of known redshift in the Hubble Deep Field, using a new technique based on matching resolved four-band internal colour data to the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. We quantify the relative age, dispersion in age, ongoing star-formation rate, star-formation history, and dust content of these galaxies. To demonstrate the potential of the method, we study the near-complete sample of 32 I<21.9 mag galaxies with <z> ~ 0.5 studied by Bouwens et al (1997). The dispersion of the internal colours of a sample of 0.4<z<1 early-type field galaxies in the HDF indicates that ~40% [4/11] show evidence of star formation which must have occurred within the past third of their ages at the epoch of observation. For a sample of well-defined spirals, we similarly exploit the dispersion in colour to analyse the relative histories of bulge and disc stars, in order to resolve the current controversy regarding the ages of galactic bulges. Dust and metallicity gradients are ruled out as major contributors to the colour dispersions we observe in these systems. The median ages of bulge stars are found to be signicantly older than those in galactic discs, and exhibit markedly different star-formation histories. This result is inconsistent with a secular growth of bulges from disc instabilities, but consistent with gradual disc formation by accretion of gas onto bulges, as predicted by hierarchical theories. We extend our technique in order to discuss the star formation history of the entire Bouwens et al sample in the context of earlier studies concerned with global star formation histories.
If we are to develop a comprehensive and predictive theory of galaxy formation and evolution, it is essential that we obtain an accurate assessment of how and when galaxies assemble their stellar populations, and how this assembly varies with environment. There is strong observational support for the hierarchical assembly of galaxies, but our insight into this assembly comes from sifting through the resolved field populations of the surviving galaxies we see today, in order to reconstruct their star formation histories, chemical evolution, and kinematics. To obtain the detailed distribution of stellar ages and metallicities over the entire life of a galaxy, one needs multi-band photometry reaching solar-luminosity main sequence stars. The Hubble Space Telescope can obtain such data in the low-density regions of Local Group galaxies. To perform these essential studies for a fair sample of the Local Universe, we will require observational capabilities that allow us to extend the study of resolved stellar populations to much larger galaxy samples that span the full range of galaxy morphologies, while also enabling the study of the more crowded regions of relatively nearby galaxies. With such capabilities in hand, we will reveal the detailed history of star formation and chemical evolution in the universe.
We define a volume limited sample of over 14,000 early-type galaxies (ETGs) selected from data release six of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The density of environment of each galaxy is robustly measured. By comparing narrow band spectral line indices with recent models of simple stellar populations (SSPs) we investigate trends in the star formation history as a function of galaxy mass (velocity dispersion), density of environment and galactic radius. We find that age, metallicity and alpha-enhancement all increase with galaxy mass and that field ETGs are younger than their cluster counterparts by ~2 Gyr. We find negative radial metallicity gradients for all masses and environments, and positive radial age gradients for ETGs with velocity dispersion over 180 km/s. Our results are qualitatively consistent with a relatively simple picture for ETG evolution in which the low-mass halos accreted by a proto-ETG contained not only gas but also a stellar population. This fossil population is preferentially found at large radii in massive ETGs because the stellar accretions were dissipationless. We estimate that the typical, massive ETG should have been assembled at z < 3.5. The process is similar in the cluster and the field but occurred earlier in dense environments.
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