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Spectro-photometric and Weak Lensing Survey of a Supercluster and Typical Field Region -- I. Spectroscopic Redshift Measurements

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 Added by Robert Smith . D.
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors R. E. Smith

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We present results from a spectroscopic study of ~4000 galaxies in a 6.2 square degree field in the direction of the Aquarius supercluster and a smaller typical field region in Cetus, down to R<19.5. Galaxy redshifts were measured using the Two Degree Field system on the Anglo-Australian Telescope, and form part of our wider efforts to conduct a spectro-photometric and weak gravitational lensing study of these regions. At the magnitude limit of the survey, we are capable of probing L_* galaxies out to z~0.4. We construct median spectra as a function of various survey parameters as a diagnostic of the quality of the sample. We use the redshift data to identify galaxy clusters and groups within the survey volume. In the Aquarius region, we find a total of 48 clusters and groups, of which 26 are previously unknown systems, and in Cetus we find 14 clusters and groups, of which 12 are new. We estimate centroid redshifts and velocity dispersions for all these systems. In the Aquarius region, we see a superposition of two strong superclusters at z=0.08 and z=0.11, which both have estimated masses and overdensities similar to the Corona Borealis supercluster.

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105 - Satoshi Miyazaki 2007
We present the results of an ongoing weak lensing survey conducted with the Subaru telescope whose initial goal is to locate and study the distribution of shear-selected structures or halos. Using a Suprime-cam imaging survey spanning 21.82 square degree, we present a catalog of 100 candidate halos located from lensing convergence maps. Our sample is reliably drawn from that subset of our survey area, (totaling 16.72 square degree) uncontaminated by bright stars and edge effects and limited at a convergence signal to noise ratio of 3.69. To validate the sample detailed spectroscopic measures have been made for 26 candidates using the Subaru multi-object spectrograph, FOCAS. All are confirmed as clusters of galaxies but two arise as the superposition of multiple clusters viewed along the line of sight. Including data available in the literature and an ongoing Keck spectroscopic campaign, a total of 41 halos now have reliable redshifts. For one of our survey fields, the XMM LSS (Pierre et al. 2004) field, we compare our lensing-selected halo catalog with its X-ray equivalent. Of 15 halos detected in the XMM-LSS field, 10 match with published X-ray selected clusters and a further 2 are newly-detected and spectroscopically confirmed in this work. Although three halos have not yet been confirmed, the high success rate within the XMM-LSS field (12/15) confirms that weak lensing provides a reliable method for constructing cluster catalogs, irrespective of the nature of the constituent galaxies or the intracluster medium.
397 - N.Kaiser , G.Wilson , G.Luppino 1998
We perform a weak lensing and photometric study of the z=0.42 supercluster MS0302+17 using deep I and V band images taken with the UH8K CCD mosaic camera at the CFHT. We use archival ROSAT HRI data to estimate fluxes, gas masses and, in one case, the binding mass of the three major clusters. We then use our CCD data to determine the optical richness and luminosities of the clusters and to map out the spatial distribution of the early type galaxies in the supercluster and in other foreground and background structures. We measure the gravitational shear from a sample of simeq 30,000 faint background galaxies in the range 22 < m_I < 26 and find this correlates strongly with that predicted from the early type galaxies if they trace the mass with M/L_B simeq 250 h. We make 2-dimensional reconstructions of the mass surface density. These recover all of the major concentrations of galaxies and indicate that most of the supercluster mass, like the early type galaxies, is concentrated in the three X-ray clusters, and we obtain mean mass-to-light ratios for the clusters of M/L_B simeq 260 h. Cross-correlation of the measured mass surface density with that predicted from the early type galaxy distribution shows a strong peak at zero lag (significant at the simeq 9-sigma level), and that at separations gsim 200 h^{-1}$kpc the early galaxies trace the mass very accurately. This conclusion is supported by cross-correlation in Fourier space; we see little evidence for any variation of M/L or `bias with scale, and from the longest wavelength modes with lambda = 1.5-6 h^{-1}Mpc we find M/L simeq (280 pm 40)h, quite similar to that obtained for the cluster centers. We discuss the implication of these results for the cosmological density parameter.
The Shapley Supercluster Survey is a multi-wavelength survey covering an area of ~23 deg^2 (~260 Mpc^2 at z=0.048) around the supercluster core, including nine Abell and two poor clusters, having redshifts in the range 0.045-0.050. The survey aims to investigate the role of the cluster-scale mass assembly on the evolution of galaxies, mapping the effects of the environment from the cores of the clusters to their outskirts and along the filaments. The optical (ugri) imaging acquired with OmegaCAM on the VLT Survey Telescope is essential to achieve the project goals providing accurate multi-band photometry for the galaxy population down to m*+6. We describe the methodology adopted to construct the optical catalogues and to separate extended and point-like sources. The catalogues reach average 5sigma limiting magnitudes within a 3arcsec diameter aperture of ugri=[24.4,24.6,24.1,23.3] and are 93% complete down to ugri=[23.8,23.8,23.5,22.0] mag, corresponding to ~m*_r+8.5. The data are highly uniform in terms of observing conditions and all acquired with seeing less than 1.1 arcsec full width at half-maximum. The median seeing in r-band is 0.6 arcsec, corresponding to 0.56 kpc h^{-1}_{70} at z=0.048. While the observations in the u, g and r bands are still ongoing, the i-band observations have been completed, and we present the i-band catalogue over the whole survey area. The latter is released and it will be regularly updated, through the use of the Virtual Observatory tools. This includes 734,319 sources down to i=22.0 mag and it is the first optical homogeneous catalogue at such a depth, covering the central region of the Shapley supercluster.
Cosmological galaxy surveys aim at mapping the largest volumes to test models with techniques such as cluster abundance, cosmic shear correlations or baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), which are designed to be independent of galaxy bias. Here we explore an alternative route to constrain cosmology: sampling more moderate volumes with the cross-correlation of photometric and spectroscopic surveys. We consider the angular galaxy-galaxy autocorrelation in narrow redshift bins and its combination with different probes of weak gravitational lensing (WL) and redshift space distortions (RSD). Including the cross-correlation of these surveys improves by factors of a few the constraints on both the dark energy equation of state w(z) and the cosmic growth history, parametrized by gamma. The additional information comes from using many narrow redshift bins and from galaxy bias, which is measured both with WL probes and RSD, breaking degeneracies that are present when using each method separately. We show forecasts for a joint w(z) and gamma figure of merit using linear scales over a deep (i<24) photometric survey and a brighter (i<22.5) spectroscopic or very accurate (0.3%) photometric redshift survey. Magnification or shear in the photometric sample produce FoM that are of the same order of magnitude of those of RSD or BAO over the spectroscopic sample. However, the cross-correlation of these probes over the same area yields a FoM that is up to a factor 100 times larger. Magnification alone, without shape measurements, can also be used for these cross-correlations and can produce better results than using shear alone. For a spectroscopic follow-up survey strategy, measuring the spectra of the foreground lenses to perform this cross-correlation provides 5 times better FoM than targeting the higher redshift tail of the galaxy distribution to study BAO over a 2.5 times larger volume.
A wide field space-based imaging telescope is necessary to fully exploit the technique of observing dark matter via weak gravitational lensing. This first paper in a three part series outlines the survey strategies and relevant instrumental parameters for such a mission. As a concrete example of hardware design, we consider the proposed Supernova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP). Using SNAP engineering models, we quantify the major contributions to this telescopes Point Spread Function (PSF). These PSF contributions are relevant to any similar wide field space telescope. We further show that the PSF of SNAP or a similar telescope will be smaller than current ground-based PSFs, and more isotropic and stable over time than the PSF of the Hubble Space Telescope. We outline survey strategies for two different regimes - a ``wide 300 square degree survey and a ``deep 15 square degree survey that will accomplish various weak lensing goals including statistical studies and dark matter mapping.
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