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XEUS, the X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy mission, is at present an ESA-ISAS initiative for the study of the evolution of the hot Universe in the post-Chandra/XMM-Newton era. The key science objectives of XEUS are: Search for the origin, and subsequent study of growth, of the first massive black holes in the early Universe; assessment of the formation of the first gravitationally bound dark matter dominated systems and their evolution; study of the evolution of metal synthesis up till the present epoch; characterization of the true intergalactic medium. To reach these ambitious science goals the two salient characteristics of the XEUS observatory entail: (1) Its effective spectroscopic grasp, combining a sensitive area > 20 m^2 below 2 keV with a spectral resolution better than 2 eV. This allows significant detection of the most prominent X-ray emission lines (e.g. O-VII, Si-XIII and Fe-XXV) in cosmologically distant sources against the sky background; (2) Its angular resolving power, between 2 and 5 arc seconds, to minimize source confusion as well as noise due to the galactic X-ray foreground emission. To accommodate these instrument requirements a mission concept has been developed featuring an X-ray telescope of 50-m focal length, comprising two laser-locked (separate) mirror and detector spacecrafts. The telescope is injected in a low earth orbit with an inclination commensurate with the ISS. At present an on-orbit growth of the mirror spacecraft is foreseen with the aid of the ISS, raising the mirror diameter from 4.5 to 10 m. The detector spacecraft will be replaced at 5 year intervals after run-out of consumables with an associated upgrade of the focal plane package.
XEUS has been recently selected by ESA for an assessment study. XEUS is a large mission candidate for the Cosmic Vision program, aiming for a launch date as early as 2018. XEUS is a follow-on to ESAs Cornerstone X-Ray Spectroscopy Mission (XMM-Newton). It will be placed in a halo orbit at L2, by a single Ariane 5 ECA, and comprises two spacecrafts. The Silicon pore optics assembly of XEUS is contained in the mirror spacecraft while the focal plane instruments are contained in the detector spacecraft, which is maintained at the focus of the mirror by formation flying. The main requirements for XEUS are to provide a focused beam of X-rays with an effective aperture of 5 m^2 at 1 keV, 2 m^2 at 7 keV, a spatial resolution better than 5 arcsec, a spectral resolution ranging from 2 to 6 eV in the 0.1-8 keV energy band, a total energy bandpass of 0.1-40 keV, ultra-fast timing, and finally polarimetric capabilities. The High Time Resolution Spectrometer (HTRS) is one of the five focal plane instruments, which comprises also a wide field imager, a hard X-ray imager, a cryogenic spectrometer, and a polarimeter. The HTRS is unique in its ability to cope with extremely high count rates (up to 2 Mcts/s), while providing sub-millisecond time resolution and good (CCD like) energy resolution. In this paper, we focus on the specific scientific objectives to be pursued with the HTRS: they are all centered around the key theme Matter under extreme conditions of the Cosmic Vision science program. We demonstrate the potential of the HTRS observations to probe strong gravity and matter at supra-nuclear densities. We conclude this paper by describing the current implementation of the HTRS in the XEUS focal plane.
X-ray Polarimetry is almost as old as X-ray Astronomy. Since the first discovery of X-ray sources theoretical analysis suggested that a high degree of linear polarization could be expected due either to the, extremely non thermal, emission mechanism or to the transfer of radiation in highly asymmetric systems. The actual implementation of this subtopic was, conversely, relatively deceiving. This is mainly due to the limitation of the conventional techniques based on the Bragg diffraction at 45deg, or on Thomson scattering around 90deg. Acually no X-ray Polarimeter has been launched since 25 years. Nevertheless the expectations from such measurement on several astrophysical targets including High and Low Mass X-Ray Binaries, isolated neutron Stars, Galactic and Extragalactic Black Holes is extremely attractive. We developed a new technique to measure the linear polarization of X-ray sources. It is based on the visualization of photoelectron tracks in a, finely subdivided, gas filled detector (micropattern). The initial direction of the photoelectron is derived and from the angular distribution of the tracks the amount and angle of polarization is computed. This technique can find an optimal exploitation in the focus of XEUS-1. Even in a very conservative configuration (basically the already existing prototype) the photoelectric polarimeter could perform polarimetry at % level on many AGNs. Further significant improvements can be expected from a technological development on the detector and with the use of XEUS-2 telescope.
Fast X-ray timing can be used to probe strong gravity fields around collapsed objects and constrain the equation of state of dense matter in neutron stars. These studies require extremely good photon statistics. In view of the huge collecting area of its mirrors, XEUS could make a unique contribution to this field. For this reason, we propose to include a fast X-ray timing capability in the focal plane of the XEUS mirrors. We briefly outline the scientific motivation for such a capability. We compute some sensitivity estimates, which indicate that XEUS could provide better than an order of magnitude sensitivity improvement over the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. Finally, we present a possible detector implementation, which could be an array of small size silicon drift detectors operated out of focus.
The NeXT (New exploration X-ray Telescope), the new Japanese X-ray Astronomy Satellite following Suzaku, is an international X-ray mission which is currently planed for launch in 2013. NeXT is a combination of wide band X-ray spectroscopy (3 - 80 keV) provided by multi-layer coating, focusing hard X-ray mirrors and hard X-ray imaging detectors, and high energy-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy (0.3 - 10 keV) provided by thin-foil X-ray optics and a micro-calorimeter array. The mission will also carry an X-ray CCD camera as a focal plane detector for a soft X-ray telescope and a non-focusing soft gamma-ray detector. With these instruments, NeXT covers very wide energy range from 0.3 keV to 600 keV. The micro-calorimeter system will be developed by international collaboration lead by ISAS/JAXA and NASA. The simultaneous broad bandpass, coupled with high spectral resolution of Delta E ~ 7 eV by the micro-calorimeter will enable a wide variety of important science themes to be pursued.
Gaia is a very ambitious mission of the European Space Agency. At the heart of Gaia lie the measurements of the positions, distances, space motions, brightnesses and astrophysical parameters of stars, which represent fundamental pillars of modern astronomical knowledge. We provide a brief description of the Gaia mission with an emphasis on binary stars. In particular, we summarize results of simulations, which estimate the number of binary stars to be processed to several tens of millions. We also report on the catalogue release scenarios. In the current proposal, the first results for binary stars will be available in 2017 (for a launch in 2013).