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VIMOS main distinguishing characteristic is its very high multiplex capability: in MOS mode up to 800 spectra can be acquired simultaneously, while the Integral Field Unit produces 6400 spectra to obtain integral field spectroscopy of an area approximately 1x1 arcmin in size. To successfully exploit the capabilities of such an instrument it is necessary to expedite as much as possible the analysis of the very large volume of data that it will produce, automating almost completely the basic data reduction and the related bookkeeping process. The VIMOS Data Reduction Software (DRS) has been designed specifically to satisfy these two requirements. A complete automation is achieved using a series of auxiliary tables that store all the input information needed by the data reduction procedures, and all the output information that they produce. We expect to achieve a satisfactory data reduction for more than 90% of the input spectra, while some level of human intervention might be required for a small fraction of them to complete the data reduction. The DRS procedures can be used as a stand-alone package, but are also being incorporated within the VIMOS pipeline under development at the European Southern Observatory.
With the ever growing popularity of integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy, countless observations are being performed over multiple object systems such as blank fields and galaxy clusters. With this, an increasing amount of time is being spent extracting one dimensional object spectra from large three dimensional datacubes. However, a great deal of information available within these datacubes is overlooked in favor of photometrically based spatial information. Here we present a novel, yet simple approach of optimal source identification, utilizing the wealth of information available within an IFU datacube, rather than relying on ancillary imaging. Through the application of these techniques, we show that we are able to obtain object spectra comparable to deep photometry weighted extractions without the need for ancillary imaging. Further, implementing our custom designed algorithms can improve the signal-to-noise of extracted spectra and successfully deblend sources from nearby contaminants. This will be a critical tool for future IFU observations of blank and deep fields, especially over large areas where automation is necessary. We implement these techniques into the Python based spectral extraction software, AutoSpec which is available via GitHub at: and Zenodo at:
Drilling and Extraction Automated System (DREAMS) is a fully automated prototype-drilling rig that can drill, extract water and assess subsurface density profiles from simulated lunar and Martian subsurface ice. DREAMS system is developed by the Texas A&M drilling automation team and composed of four main components: 1- tensegrity rig structure, 2- drilling system, 3- water extracting and heating system, and 4- electronic hardware, controls, and machine algorithm. The vertical and rotational movements are controlled by using an Acme rod, stepper, and rotary motor. DREAMS is a unique system and different from other systems presented before in the NASA Rascal-Al competition because 1- It uses the tensegrity structure concept to decrease the system weight, improve mobility, and easier installation in space. 2- It cuts rock layers by using a short bit length connected to drill pipes. This drilling methodology is expected to drill hundreds and thousands of meters below the moon and Martian surfaces without any anticipated problems (not only 1 m.). 3- Drilling, heating, and extraction systems are integrated into one system that can work simultaneously or individually to save time and cost.
CHARIS is an IFS designed for imaging and spectroscopy of disks and sub-stellar companions. To improve ease of use and efficiency of science production, we present progress on a fully-automated backend for CHARIS. This Automated Data Extraction, Processing, and Tracking System (ADEPTS) will log data files from CHARIS in a searchable database and perform all calibration and data extraction, yielding science-grade data cubes. The extracted data will also be run through a preset array of post-processing routines. With significant parallelization of data processing, ADEPTS will dramatically reduce the time between data acquisition and the availability of science-grade data products.
We are developing X-ray microcalorimeters as a backup option for the baseline detectors in the X-IFU instrument on board the ATHENA space mission led by ESA and to be launched in the early 2030s.5$times$5 mixed arrays with TiAu transition-edge sensor (TES), which have different high aspect ratios and thus high resistances, have been designed and fabricated to meet the energy resolution requirement of the X-IFU instrument. Such arrays can also be used to optimise the performance of the Frequency Domain Multiplexing (FDM) readout and lead to the final steps for the fabrication of a large detector array. In this work we present the experimental results from tens of the devices with an aspect ratio (length-to-width) ranging from 1-to-1 up to 6-to-1, measured in a single-pixel mode with a FDM readout system developed at SRON/VTT. We observed a nominal energy resolution of about 2.5 eV at 5.9 keV at bias frequencies ranging from 1 to 5 MHz. These detectors are proving to be the best TES microcalorimeters ever reported in Europe, being able to meet not only the requirements of the X-IFU instrument, but also those of other future challenging X-ray space missions, fundamental physics experiments, plasma characterization and material analysis.
Creating datasets manually by human annotators is a laborious task that can lead to biased and inhomogeneous labels. We propose a flexible, semi-automatic framework for labeling data for relation extraction. Furthermore, we provide a dataset of preprocessed sentences from the requirements engineering domain, including a set of automatically created as well as hand-crafted labels. In our case study, we compare the human and automatic labels and show that there is a substantial overlap between both annotations.