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Unbiased Elimination of Negative Weights in Monte Carlo Samples

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 Added by Andreas Maier
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We propose a novel method for the elimination of negative Monte Carlo event weights. The method is process-agnostic, independent of any analysis, and preserves all physical observables. We demonstrate the overall performance and systematic improvement with increasing event sample size, based on predictions for the production of a W boson with two jets calculated at next-to-leading order perturbation theory.

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We propose the Positive Resampler to solve the problem associated with event samples from state-of-the-art predictions for scattering processes at hadron colliders typically involving a sizeable number of events contributing with negative weight. The proposed method guarantees positive weights for all physical distributions, and a correct description of all observables. A desirable side product of the method is the possibility to reduce the size of event samples produced by General Purpose Event Generators, thus lowering the resource demands for subsequent computing-intensive event processing steps. We demonstrate the viability and efficiency of our approach by considering its application to a next-to-leading order + parton shower merged prediction for the production of a $W$ boson in association with multiple jets.
The algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of parton-level events based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) proposed in arXiv:1810.11509 is used to perform a simulation of $Hto 4ell$ decay. Improvements in the training algorithm have been implemented to avoid numerical instabilities. The integrated decay width evaluated by the ANN is within 0.7% of the true value and unweighting efficiency of 26% is reached. While the ANN is not automatically bijective between input and output spaces, which can lead to issues with simulation quality, we argue that the training procedure naturally prefers bijective maps, and demonstrate that the trained ANN is bijective to a very good approximation.
157 - H. Jung 2010
CASCADE is a full hadron level Monte Carlo event generator for ep, gamma p and pbar{p} and pp processes, which uses the CCFM evolution equation for the initial state cascade in a backward evolution approach supplemented with off - shell matrix elements for the hard scattering. A detailed program description is given, with emphasis on parameters the user wants to change and variables which completely specify the generated events.
We present a comprehensive new global QCD analysis of polarized inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, including the latest high-precision data on longitudinal and transverse polarization asymmetries from Jefferson Lab and elsewhere. The analysis is performed using a new iterative Monte Carlo fitting technique which generates stable fits to polarized parton distribution functions (PDFs) with statistically rigorous uncertainties. Inclusion of the Jefferson Lab data leads to a reduction in the PDF errors for the valence and sea quarks, as well as in the gluon polarization uncertainty at $x gtrsim 0.1$. The study also provides the first determination of the flavor-separated twist-3 PDFs and the $d_2$ moment of the nucleon within a global PDF analysis.
144 - Philip Ilten 2019
Monte Carlo generation of high energy particle collisions is a critical tool for both theoretical and experimental particle physics, connecting perturbative calculations to phenomenological models, and theory predictions to full detector simulation. The generation of minimum bias events can be particularly computationally expensive, where non-perturbative effects play an important role and specific processes and fiducial regions can no longer be well defined. In particular scenarios, particle guns can be used to quickly sample kinematics for single particles produced in minimum bias events. CIMBA (Cubic Interpolation for Minimum Bias Approximation) provides a comprehensive package to smoothly sample predefined kinematic grids, from any general purpose Monte Carlo generator, for all particles produced in minimum bias events. These grids are provided for a number of beam configurations including those of the Large Hadron Collider.
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