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Phase gradient protection of stored spatially multimode perfect optical vortex beams in a diffused rubidium vapor

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 Added by Jinwen Wang
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We experimentally investigate the optical storage of perfect optical vortex (POV) and spatially multimode perfect optical vortex (MPOV) beams via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a hot vapor cell. In particular, we study the role that phase gradients and phase singularities play in reducing the blurring of the retrieved images due to atomic diffusion. Three kinds of manifestations are enumerated to demonstrate such effect. Firstly, the suppression of the ring width broadening is more prominent for POVs with larger orbital angular momentum (OAM). Secondly, the retrieved double-ring MPOV beams profiles present regular dark singularity distributions that are related to their vortex charge difference. Thirdly, the storage fidelities of the triple-ring MPOVs are substantially improved by designing line phase singularities between multi-ring MPOVs with the same OAM number but $pi$ offset phases between adjacent rings. Our experimental demonstration of MPOV storage opens new opportunities for increasing data capacity in quantum memories by spatial multiplexing, as well as the generation and manipulation of complex optical vortex arrays.

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Quantum correlations and entanglement shared among multiple quantum modes are important for both fundamental science and the future development of quantum technologies. This development will also require an efficient quantum interface between multimode quantum light sources and atomic ensembles, which makes it necessary to implement multimode quantum light sources that match the atomic transitions. Here we report on such a source that provides a method for generating quantum correlated beams that can be extended to a large number of modes by using multiple four-wave mixing (FWM) processes in hot rubidium vapor. Experimentally we show that two cascaded FWM processes produce strong quantum correlations between three bright beams but not between any two of them. In addition, the intensity-difference squeezing is enhanced with the cascaded system to -7.0 $pm$ 0.1 dB from the -5.5 $pm$ 0.1/-4.5 $pm$ 0.1 dB squeezing obtained with only one FWM process. One of the main advantages of our system is that as the number of quantum modes increases, so does the total degree of quantum correlations. The proposed method is also immune to phase instabilities due to its phase insensitive nature, can easily be extended to multiple modes, and has potential applications in the production of multiple quantum correlated images.
We present experimental and numerical studies of nonlinear magneto-optical rotation (NMOR) in rubidium vapor excited with resonant light tuned to the $5^2!S_{1/2}rightarrow 6^2!P_{1/2}$ absorption line (421~nm). Contrary to the experiments performed to date on the strong $D_1$ or $D_2$ lines, in this case, the spontaneous decay of the excited state $6^2!P_{1/2}$ may occur via multiple intermediate states, affecting the dynamics, magnitude and other characteristics of NMOR. Comparing the experimental results with the results of modelling based on Auzinsh et al., Phys. Rev. A 80, 1 (2009), we demonstrate that despite the complexity of the structure, NMOR can be adequately described with a model, where only a single excited-state relaxation rate is used.
Angular momentum plays a central role in a multitude of phenomena in quantum mechanics, recurring in every length scale from the microscopic interactions of light and matter to the macroscopic behavior of superfluids. Vortex beams, carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM), are now regularly generated with elementary particles such as photons and electrons, and harnessed for numerous applications including microscopy and communication. Untapped possibilities remain hidden in vortices of non-elementary particles, as their composite structure can lead to coupling of OAM with internal degrees of freedom. However, thus far, the creation of a vortex beam of a non-elementary particle has never been demonstrated experimentally. We present the first vortex beams of atoms and molecules, formed by diffracting supersonic beams of helium atoms and dimers, respectively, off binary masks made from transmission gratings. By achieving large particle coherence lengths and nanometric grating features, we observe a series of vortex rings corresponding to different OAM states in the accumulated images of particles impacting a detector. This method is general and can be applied to most atomic and molecular gases. Our results may open new frontiers in atomic physics, utilizing the additional degree of freedom of OAM to probe collisions and alter fundamental interactions.
Long-lived storage of arbitrary transverse multimodes is important for establishing a high-channel-capacity quantum network. Most of the pioneering works focused on atomic diffusion as the dominant impact on the retrieved pattern in an atom-based memory. In this work, we demonstrate that the unsynchronized Larmor precession of atoms in the inhomogeneous magnetic field dominates the distortion of the pattern stored in a cold-atom-based memory. We find that this distortion effect can be eliminated by applying a strong uniform polarization magnetic field. By preparing atoms in magnetically insensitive states, the destructive interference between different spin-wave components is diminished, and the stored localized patterns are synchronized further in a single spin-wave component; then, an obvious enhancement in preserving patterns for a long time is obtained. The reported results are very promising for studying transverse multimode decoherence in storage and high-dimensional quantum networks in the future.
138 - Ulrich Vogl , Ryan T. Glasser , 2012
We have built a compact light source for bright squeezed twin-beams at 795,nm based on four-wave-mixing in atomic $^{85}$Rb vapor. With a total optical power of 400,mW derived from a free running diode laser and a tapered amplifier to pump the four-wave-mixing process, we achieve 2.1,dB intensity difference squeezing of the twin beams below the standard quantum limit, without accounting for losses. Squeezed twin beams generated by the type of source presented here could be used as reference for the precise calibration of photodetectors. Transferring the quantum correlations from the light to atoms in order to generate correlated atom beams is another interesting prospect. In this work we investigate the dispersion that is generated by the employed four-wave-mixing process with respect to bandwidth and dependence on probe detuning. We are currently using this squeezed light source to test the transfer of spatial information and quantum correlations through media of anomalous dispersion.
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